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UK European Social Forum Newswire Archive

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Updated Indymedia ESF Newsblast 2

26-10-2004 12:32


This is an updated listing of some of the reports posted around the European Social Forum and the Autonomous Spaces in London, October 2004.

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ESF: A Tale of Two Plenary Disruptions - What's Going On with the SWP?

25-10-2004 18:05

So this is ok?
An evening plenary at the ESF gets closed down completely amid violent scenes and the SWP slightly criticise those responsible while blaming someone else. The next day an evening plenary get peacefully disrupted for 30 minutes and the SWP go mad on the recriminations.

Confused? Read on.....

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ESF Arrest Pictures from Backstage at Rally (17th oct)

25-10-2004 11:23

Pictures of the arrest of one of the people from the esf organising committee backstage at the rally in Traf Sq at the end of the ESF demonstration.

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BEYOND ESF - quick report

25-10-2004 11:13

BEYOND ESF was a success in my opinion, organised by a small group in relied on self-organisation and particiaption to make it happen.

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Storming the Palace

23-10-2004 22:17

About 200 people storm the European Social Forum on Saturday October 16th 2004...

There's two versions of the same video - if you have the connection the MP4 is much better...

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Is it cause I’m cool?

23-10-2004 11:48

towards a discussion on London ESF and on the N/European challenge among autonomous networks

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French networks statement about the ESF events

22-10-2004 23:51

A statement from French organisationsabout the ESF condeming the police interference and the GLA/SWP.

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ESF: Encounter or Representation

22-10-2004 19:15

Social Forums are spaces of encounter, or at least they should be. As the Zapatistas noted, encounters offer a mirror and a lens, a means to reflect movements and to focus energies. To find our own struggles refracted through others experiences and in the same process to find these struggles changed, opened and multiplied. Spaces of encounter are fundamentally different to spaces of representation and this difference is at the heart of the organised left failing to understand the concept of a social forum. Whilst a few of them have learned the lyrics, so far the tune evades them.

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FSB (ex-KGB) present at ESF; tried to assassinate Chechen refugee

22-10-2004 18:06

The Russian government funded travel of several delegates to the London ESF.
The FSB (ex-KGB) were present in London and tried to assassinate a Chechen
refugee - Ahmed Zakaev - with a Molotov cocktail. Autonomous Russian
delegates hope to provide more info later.

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Indymedia ESF Newsblast 1

22-10-2004 17:25


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Arrests at King's Cross - Different ESF is possible!

22-10-2004 15:06

The statement of slovenian movement Dost je! and video streaming showing arrests at King's Cross at 17th October.

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Autonomous Spaces-where are the reports

22-10-2004 12:33

I've seen numerous postings on the scuffels with police and reports on demos
BUT what happened to all the reports photos etc. of all the talks dissusions workshops that were run over last weekend ????
not to mention the partys that happened.

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Critique and Analysis of The European Social Forum (on openDemocracy)

22-10-2004 09:38

Good article on the ESF published on - an online global magazine of politics and culture. See the link to the full article below with internal links and more links to further writings on the social forums.

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Tony Blair gives British Troops "Equal Opportunity" to stuff themselves in Body Bags

22-10-2004 03:18

Tony Blair gives British Troops "Equal Opportunity" to stuff themselves in Body Bags as U.S.Soldiers do!

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What I SHOULD have said!

22-10-2004 00:28

Familiar to all of us, you know the situation...

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The European Social Forum: time to get serious

21-10-2004 19:48

Will political and commercial dogma crush the liberating energies of the world’s social justice movements? The European Social Forum in London leaves Paul Kingsnorth with mixed feelings.
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A discussion for the autonomous movement networks about the ESF and the N/europa

21-10-2004 14:02

What follows is a rethinking, a balance (also if we are more interested in desires than calculations), an open letter for the European movement networks on the contradictory days of London. It is a partial contribution, a taking up of words searching for discussion. Hopefully a single phrase in a wider compositional discussion, to share with all groups, singularities, and the collective "bodies" with whom we passed through the ESF last weekend.