UK European Social Forum Newswire Archive
Police Filmed Returning ESF Visitors at Waterloo
18-11-2003 11:14
surveillance society...ESF: Another Venue is Possible: Negri vs Callinicos
16-11-2003 22:57
It’s certainly possible to level a critique of the social forum process as elevating certain individuals to movement stars, something the radical edge of the movement has always rejected for a variety of reasons. The Negri/Calliniocs debate was billed as exactly that however, a battle between two movement stars perhaps broadly representing the two major ideological tendencies within the anti-capitalist movement currently in contestation. The title of the debate was “Multitude or Working Class”.ESF - Open Source or ownership of information
16-11-2003 15:44
Stopping the ownership of ideas, Open Source, a new mode of production, not just for computer software? Under threat? Report from a session at the ESF.ESF Demonstration Photos
16-11-2003 12:05

ESF demo in Paris
15-11-2003 23:47

ESF Demonstration
15-11-2003 21:31

ESF, PARIS. Occupation for Social Centre
14-11-2003 19:13

what's hot and what's not in the ESF 2003
14-11-2003 11:21
reclqim the streetcredDiary from ESF: Radio from Italy - WSIS preparations
13-11-2003 20:23

ESF Paris day 3
13-11-2003 00:39
This is the third report from the ESF in Paris. For the next few days, daily reports are going to be difficult due to the sheer size and intensity of the ESF, but one theme is now dominant - the organisation began too late and the ESF will not be ready in many aspects for when the debates and discussions begin properly.ESF 2004 to be in London!
11-11-2003 00:56
Here is a first-hand account of the meeting today in Paris to decide on the next venue for the European Social Forum 2004. I will try and send a daily report which you guys might make a feature if you have time xxxxxESF programme in full
07-11-2003 02:19
European Social Forum Programme.Follow these links for details of what's going on in Paris!
12 - 16 November 2003
Urgent: ESF in the UK? Sign the statement
29-10-2003 18:47
Please take time to read the statement below and if you can, please email your organisational or individual support. The correct email address is
esf 2004 London?
20-10-2003 14:53
There is a proposition to hold the next European Social Forum in London in 2004. But who's behind this?Deciet and Manipulation in left ESF mobilisation
09-10-2003 10:42
This article, from the Weekly Worker, provides a fascinating insight into the shadowy world of Lefty politics and highlights the deceit and manipulation going on behind the scenes in the process to build a massive European Social Forum event in the UK in 2004.!!URGENT!! HOW DO I REGISTER INDEPENTANTLY & INDIVIDUALY FOR THE ESF?
04-10-2003 13:05
I am having trouble registering for the esf. Can somebody help! ASAPBrief overview of preparatory assembly for the ESF, Paris (November) that
25-07-2003 10:09
The French organising committee for the Paris ESF, reaches out to all dimensions of the Global Social Movement, at the preparitory assembly that took place in Genova over the weekend of the second aniversary of the death of Carlo Guiliano ( July 17 - 20th).Leeds ESF organising meeting July 29th
08-07-2003 14:23
Leeds Mobilising Committee for the European Social Forumfirst organising meeting
July 29th 8pm, 8pm, Adelphi Pub, Hunslett Rd
movement of the imagination at the esf
03-01-2003 20:41