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UK European Social Forum Newswire Archive

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NUS-NEC Motion to ban Tariq Ramadan from ESF

07-10-2004 13:40

FOSIS Condemns Uninformed and Baseless NUS-NEC Motion

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Pre-ESF event in Leytonstone on 14th Oct

07-10-2004 13:29

Event in Leytonstone, east London with seminars and ... a late night party. Should be fun! 14th Oct 11am - stupid o'clock

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Full ESF programme now online

07-10-2004 13:15

Full programme of meetings at the ESF in Alexandra Palace and Bloomsbury is now online at:

This is a searchable database of the many hundreds of events.

There is also a PDFfile of cultural events - films, bands, poets, art, etc

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Home Education space at Beyond ESF

07-10-2004 11:30

The school system was set up to control and train us and insert us into the work machine. As a result, may children find school to be an alienating, upsetting and dangerous experience. Home education is one way of overcoming these problems. Come and find out more at the Beyond ESF!

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Acomodation in ESF

07-10-2004 11:07

I was asking few days ago about acomodattion and i didnt get an answer. We are a group around 200 people from Spain and we are really exceptic about this problem. How you can start to sell acreditations and give a promisse of free acomodation and stay on kaos?. What are you gonna do with the thousands of people that will go to London for the ESF? Will you take part with the police on squat eviction cases?

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Breaking News - US North West Social Forum Collapses!!!!!!!!!!!

07-10-2004 01:30

The US NorthWest Social Forum planned for the same time as the ESF in London has collapsed as several groups pulled out of the process citing problems over the organising process including accountability, failure to adhere to charters and values, and margianalisation of grassroots groups.

Here are the statements from

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Samarra then (2001) and now.

06-10-2004 22:30

Map of Iraq showing Samarra.
This is a short account with photos of Samarra during my visit in 2001 and how it appears to be now under US bombardment.

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Anti-GM - Guide to ESF meetings

06-10-2004 19:06

Here are 22 meetings out of the hundreds that will be of interest to Anti-GM campaigners at the ESF.

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Calais actions for the refugees

06-10-2004 08:18

Calais, 14, 15, October 16, 17, actions for the freedom of circulation and installation.

With the occasion of the FSE of London, the humane and different militants, organize actions during these days, in Calais.

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Precarity Ping Pong Forum/ Launch 15 October 2004

05-10-2004 19:22

PRECARITY Ping Pong: Friday 15 October : 3:00 - 5:00pm, Middlesex University
three action-packed rounds, one multiple and federated fight !
- ROUND ONE: (n)european labour conflict and strategies of self-representation
- ROUND TWO: migrant work/informal economies/affective labour
- ROUND THREE: from flexibility to flexicurity

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Out now: Autonomous Spaces Free Paper

05-10-2004 18:01

20,000 copies of the Autonomous Spaces free newspaper are available now from autonomous info-points around London. Get your copy now and help to distribute...

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Welcome the The Autonomous Spaces Around the ESF!

05-10-2004 12:21

"We want to create open spaces for networking, exchanges, celebration, thinking, and action. We believe our ways of organising and acting should reflect our political visions, and are united in standing for grassroots self-organisation, horizontality, for diversity and inclusion, for direct democracy, collective decision making based upon consensus, and against the false consensus in which power is used to silence others."

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Calais Demonstr'action 14 October, on the way to ESF

05-10-2004 11:27

Delegates on their way to the London ESF via Calais/Dover are invited to join 300 refugees stranded in Calais in a solidarity demonstration. This action continues the tradition of cross-channel demonstrations.

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ESF Breakfast Radio Show on Resonance 104.4 FM (fri 15 - sun 17)

05-10-2004 11:11

Live and Direct On The Airwaves...

Each morning during the ESF tune into Resonance FM 104.4 to get one hour of the latest news and views from the Indymedia ESF Breakfast Show...

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Grafics for the ESF

04-10-2004 19:21

some of the proposed grafics for badges and t shirts for the ESF
to make you smile

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radio rampART streaming now

03-10-2004 22:02

After a coupld of days of installing a new operating system, networking and other techy type activity, radio rampART is now streaming on

(also see

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Response to Babels statement

03-10-2004 20:32

The UK ESF Organising Committee fully guarantees that all Babels volunteers and
coordinators will be given the guarantees specificied in the Babels statement.

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Babels Interpreter CoordinatorsThreaten to Pull Out of ESF

03-10-2004 16:17

Urgent statement by Babels ESF ‘O4 European coordinators to the UK ESF Organising and Coordinating Committees, the Directors and Treasurer of the ESF UK Company, affiliated bodies, and all other organisations, groups, networks, delegates and activists participating in and organising the ESF 2004 in London.

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What is happening with accomodation for no UK activist in ESF?

03-10-2004 14:41

We are a group of 200 activist from Spain and we are totally esceptic about ESF organitation. Since a mounth time, we already bouhgt the acreditations, and sort out in Spain all relative to travelling to ESF, difussion of event and everything. But still today, we are trying to agree or especting for news about accomodation in London. Is there a sport gym or whatever where we can sleep? Alternatives?.........etc.