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UK European Social Forum Newswire Archive

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QUESTIONS for UK Home Office + UK Government over Server Seizures

10-10-2004 11:53

The seizure of the Indymedia Servers in London raises serious constitutional questions as well as serious questions over the ability of domestic and foreign powers to shut down media outlets while shrouding the operation in a veil of secrecy.

The situation is akin to some legal and informational Guantanamo. Twenty Media Outlets from around the world were shut down with the seizure of two webservers in this country, and there is still several days later no information about who has the servers, where they are, why they were seized, who in fact authorised it, when or if they will be returned, and importantly why this action was taken.

This is bigger than Indymedia, it is a concern for all. Below are some relevant questions that need answering. There are probably many more as well.

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Demonstrations and direct action at the ESF

10-10-2004 11:28

1)A number of demonstrations have been announced for the time that thousands of activists will gather in London. Yet, accurate information is difficult to obtain. 2)The final Sunday demonstration has been called against the war and Bush. Many groups and individuals might be dissatisfied with the choice of this subject which seems to aim at assembling a large diverse crowd but fails to demand radical alternatives.

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Quick motivational video for filming the ESF

09-10-2004 20:19

A video we made in one hour during the video making workshop at ECF event in Rampart Street Social centre.

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Unity for the ESF, ESF and Beyond to the G8 will Shake the State

09-10-2004 20:09

Seizure of the IndyMedia server should not distract from work for the ESF, ESF and Beyond to the G8! If this was an attempted political gagging then that surely was the target. In defiance we should stop pretending to be disunited: it's just elitism gone mad. And taking this as a reminder, never become too dependent on the Internet and WWW, and be prepared in the likely eventuality, someday, to work without it.

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Statewatch Statement on Seizure of Indymedia's Servers in London

09-10-2004 12:56

UK-USA: Was the seizure of Indymedia's servers in London unlawful or did the UK government collude?

Tony Bunyan, Statewatch editor, comments:

"Rackspace may be a US company but Rackspace in London is subject to UK law not US law. If they took down and handed over Indymedia's servers simply on the basis of a US subpoena communicated to them this would not be lawful in the UK.

However it seems more likely that the US subpoena was the subject of a request for mutual legal assistance from the US Attorney General to the UK Home Secretary under the MLA Treaty. It would for the Metropolitan Police, probably accompanied by the FBI, to enforce the request and take possession of the servers.

This begs the questions: Why did the Home Office agree? What grounds did the USA give for the seizure of the servers? Were these grounds of a "political" nature? Has the Home Office requested that the servers be returned? What does this action say about freedom of expression and freedom of the press?

A trail that started in Switzerland and Italy has now ended fairly and squarely in the lap of the UK Home Secretary to justify."

Full text with links here:

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Canary Wharf Group Trying to Ban Demo During ESF

09-10-2004 00:54

PA news via Scotsman reports that Canary Wharf Group have gone to Hight Court to stop the cleaners solidarity demo next friday during the european social forum:

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Swiss and Italian Authorities Requested US Assistance to Seize IMC Servers in UK

09-10-2004 00:11

News first noticed in Italy and put out by AFP and AP after an FBI spokesman finaly commented:

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Haiti - union struggles in the free trade zones - speaker tour

08-10-2004 17:20

Yannick Etienne is a union organiser with Batay Ouvriye, working in the garment factories in Haiti's free trade zones.
She is in the UK for 10 days around the ESF. Come and hear about her comrades' struggles - taking on the might of the sweatshop bosses, TNCs like Levis, the state and the World Bank.

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‘More Intimidation Than Crime-Busting’ Says IFJ re IMC Server Seizure

08-10-2004 15:51

International Federation of Jounalists Release on Indymedia Server Seizures

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Beyond ESF - Programme & Timetable

08-10-2004 15:20

BEYOND ESF – It starts here
5 Days & Nights of Anti-Authoritarian Ideas & Actions
Wednesday 13th - Sunday 17th October

Beyond ESF will be held at Middlesex University, Tottenham Campus, White Hart Lane (close to white hart lane train station - 2 stops from seven sisters), and on the W3 bus route from Alexandra Palace.

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Re Server Seizures: See Support Indymedia Petition / Letter from 2002

08-10-2004 13:39

Copy of a letter / petition supporting Indymedia after the Genoa raids on Indymedia - June 2002. In the light of yesterdays seizure of Indymedia servers in the UK this if of particular relevance.

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after ISF (irish social forum)- develop the network - (alt) ESF live feed

08-10-2004 12:20

local social fora will continue to happen but can we develop a global network with todays continoully growing technology more of the planets people can participate in the global social fora

the ESF happens the week after the ISF and for various reasons* an alternative ESF festival has been created at the same time.
we here in dublin might be participating in these processes without having to travel to london
irish media activists will participate in the (alt) ESF and attempts have been made for those unable to get to london from dublin, or wherever in the world, who still want to be filled in or even participate in the social forum process, to be able to do so
heres whats going on

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Tasty,cheap food at the ESF/Autonomous Spaces!

08-10-2004 10:17

The Anarchist Teapot mobile kitchen will be based at the Beyond ESF space for the duration of the European Social Forum, where we'll be providing tasty food by donation (vegan, Gm free, about 50% organic).

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Nestlé to be exposed by international gathering of human rights campaigners

08-10-2004 10:13

This workshop at the ESF on 16 October, repeated in Edinburgh on 23 October, will not only provide an update on the baby milk campaign and Nestlé boycott, but also about other Nestlé abuses of human rights.

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An Open Letter to the National Union of Students

08-10-2004 09:23

The NUS-NEC have demanded the withdrawal of Muslim academic Tariq Ramadan from the forthcoming European Social Forum. There are around 90,000 Muslim students in the UK but the decision was made without consulting any Muslim organisation.

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Radical Theory Forum (Thur 14 Oct @ 491 Gallery, Leytonstone, London)

08-10-2004 08:06

As an autonomous space with-in/out the London ESF, the Radical Theory Forum will host a series of daytime workshops/discussions on the theme of 'Radical theory: How can theory inform action?' followed by a party with film screenings, art installations, spoken word and damn good music.

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For Free Radicals, Activists and Healers - The new space is waiting for actions

08-10-2004 03:07

New space for social purposes is to be open.
Anyone who wants to join the projects mentioned below and be responsible with their actions is welcome...

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STOP PRESS: Millennium Dome to be used for ESF Accomodation!

08-10-2004 00:37

Quite how the Guardian gets this scoop before the information is made public through the ESF organising email lists and committees is beyond me (ah no hold on, they're a "media partner").

Anyway this is truly quite astounding! Looks like £10 for three nights. This should sort out all of the ESF accomodation crisis on one fell sweep, amazing!

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IMC + Camden Centre 4 Day Media Programme for ESF

07-10-2004 15:15

Four day programme at Camden Centre + IMC info and other spaces

More workshops yet to be added - will repost when finalised this weekend.