UK European Social Forum Newswire Archive
Latest News from the ESF
28-03-2004 18:04
for info for those who are not on the list. clearly a bad day.Sheffield Social Forum Launch
27-03-2004 11:40

Indymedia Lab at the SSF Launch
25-03-2004 21:49

Sheffield IMC (

Sheffield Social Forum Launch
25-03-2004 20:38
As part of the worldwide Social Forum movement the Sheffield SocialForum was set up to help tackle issues local to Sheffield by bringing
together many groups and individuals and help in skills sharing and
campaigning. The day will be introduced by opening speakers including
Hillary Wainwright. There will also be food, music, and poetry.
Campaign workshops will focus on local issues such as Poverty in
Sheffield, Environmental Regeneration and Community Involvement and the
Struggle for Equal Rights. Skills workshops will include Non-Violent
Direct Action, Consensus Decision Making and Creative Action for Social
and Political Change.
10am - 5pm, Royal Institute for the Blind, Mappin St. Free but
donations welcome!
See more at

(Click here (

Plenary speaker, Hilary Wainwright, will give feedback from the recent World Social Forum held in Mumbai (India) and from the process to create the next European Social Forum in London.
ESF: deporting the poor from cities
20-03-2004 12:47
After Rotterdam, Amsterdam also plans a ban on low-income inhabitants: London and other cities are moving towards a similar strategy. The London ESF is a showplace for creative social entrepreneurs - the kind of people who should replace the poor, according to this philosophy.ESF Video Clips from Euro Assembly 6-7 March
17-03-2004 14:03
The videos are in realmedia format at modem quality if you need a good media play for windows download media player classic - do a googol search with the correct spelling (:The ESF soap opera continues
16-03-2004 14:37
The London organising process has been a battle ground of different world views and organising techniques. The ESF process was brought to the UK by a small un-representative group, who then finding that they couldn’t, contradictable, keep control of the ESF in line with the principals that underline it closed the process to all but this small group by traditional authoritarian hard left strategies. In doing this they nearly destroyed the London ESF, it was only saved at the Europe wide meeting when they completely backed down and let lose all the techniques of exclusion that they had built up on paper. Though this paper change has not yet grown into an open cultural change.ESF in London: a celebration for all and an invitation from few horizontals
13-03-2004 08:24
This is a letter written by a few people who have been involved in the 'horizontals' movement for a more democratic and open European Social Forum. We are individuals from socialist, autonomist, anarchist, communist, environmentalist, spiritualist traditions sharing the principles of non-hierarchical, open, democratic organising. We wanted to make a few important points to the movement at large:1. Following the decision of the European Assembly last weekend, the ESF will now take place in London, October 15-17, 2004.
2. After the organised intervention of UK and other European social forces, there IS space in the European Social Forum for all networks and individuals who want to see a better world.
3. This space needs people to exploit it. Without the involvement of grassroots networks of all types, of course the ESF will be bureaucratic, stale and uninspiring. We urge people to get involved to make the ESF positive and constructive.
4. We call for respect between all involved in the movement. For a brief moment at the European Assembly on March 6th/7th it seemed that this was possible - we want to try to keep open that possibility.
5. Specifically, there is an URGENT need for people trained in facilitation of large meetings using consensus. There is no point in us calling for fair and transparent facilitation if the people who are able to pass on such skills are not involved in the process. The ESF process is our chance to prove that a large-scale event can be organised using a process that moves towards 'another world' - we appeal for all to become involved.
Remaking Internationalism Tariq Ali
12-03-2004 20:34

Social Forums and the Politics of Global Solidarity
MP3 of talk by Tariq Ali, recorded at the recent "Remaking Internationalism" event organised by the Radical Activist Network.
Call to Initiate a Social Forum Process for the East Anglia / Regions
12-03-2004 05:23
This proposal was originated and endorsed at the recent AGM of Colchester Peace Campaign, attended by around 40 people. Activists from local movements resisting war, racism, GM crops, the commodification of education and privatisation, plus others, wish to initiate / join / expand the social forum process amongst movements in the east Anglian / Essex region.UK ESF - concrete outcomes and suggestions...
10-03-2004 17:54
i have some ideas for some of the concrete changes the 'horizontals' need to fight for now, but as my other submission seemed massively long i decided to put them in this seperate one.The Mouse That Roared... (ESF European Assembly comments)
10-03-2004 17:45
This was posted to
What I feel to be the massive success of this weekend has given me some ideas...
ESF-UK efforts -- breakthrough!
10-03-2004 17:34
there was a very significant breakthough in the esf-uk organising process over the weekend at the european assembly. as part of the 'horizontals' i was part of this negotiation and it was fascinating. here i want to give my account of what went down, recognising that this is just my perspective, and to start the more detailed discussion about where we go from here.What went wrong at the London ESF preparatory meeting? (March 6/7, 2004)
10-03-2004 12:06
I attended the one and a half day meeting which took place in thebasement of the London City Hall, March 6 and 7, 2004. This was, I suppose,
the kick off for the London Economic and Social Forum that will be
organised in October.
Democracy and Funding - the 2 crucial topics at ESF meeting, March 6
08-03-2004 16:10

London ESF 2004 - what is it for?
08-03-2004 13:13
Social enterprise such as the London ESF can contribute to London’s role as a global financial centre.ESF meeting 29 feb - personal minutes
08-03-2004 10:51
hi, an individual posted her own minutes of the ESF meeting on sun feb 29 on the esf2004 website. Looks like in future, minutes of "official" esf meetings will only be posted to those who subscribed to it. Would be nice if someone would fwd future minutes of official meetings to imc, or the esf 2004 website ;-)ESF London October 2004
07-03-2004 19:20
The assembly agreed at the end of the Saturday session the ESF in 2004 will be held in London. The main venue will be Alexandra Palace.The water rats report! ESF EXCLUSIVE
07-03-2004 00:45