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UK European Social Forum Newswire Archive

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ESF Outcomes: We should go deeper, to find more links between movements

20-10-2004 07:47

Four years after the initial World Social Forum (WSF) in Porto Alegre, a frame has been built to facilitate discussion, debate and exchanges, on how to build a better world. A series of meetings were held in order to explore what we can expect from this experience. The first event, titled “Future and perspectives for the ESF - WSF”, was held on Friday 14th of October 2004 in the Alexandra Palace of the English capital.

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Letters Unwelcome anarchy at the European Social Forum

19-10-2004 23:11

We agree with your appreciation of the success of the European Social Forum (Leaders, October 18). However, the storming of the stage of the anti-racist and anti- fascist session on Saturday had nothing to do with how the event was organised. It was the attempt of a tiny minority who oppose the ESF and have had no involvement in it to undemocratically impose their views on the majority and suppress other views by using physical violence.

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This is all desparately sad. We can not let it end like this.

19-10-2004 23:09

We are finally building a genuinely new, creative, non-hierarchical social movement, so-far largely without the same sectarian rubbish of previous failed attempts of change. The post- discussion and the hideous way out-dated parties with no relevance to real change have tried to hijak this movement undermining what ESF was supposed to be about is desparately sad.

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Kings Cross Detention of anti-capitalist block

19-10-2004 22:52

Pictures from the detention of the radical anti-capitalist block on Sunday, 17th of October, Kings Cross St.Pancras station.

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Photos of Indymedia "block" and ESF demo - London 17 Oct

19-10-2004 22:33

FBI wanted for data theft - Server seizure sucks!
Indymedia had a strong presence at the ESF demonstration to denounce the seizure in London of its servers by the FBI just over a week ago. IMC activists and supporters marched between the samba band and the anticapitalist block, and eventually were joined by a no-border crew carrying their "freedom of movement" banner. Pitty that the day ended with the forces of darkness imposing their usual intolerance once more.

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pictures of noborder demo on Thursday at Victoria station

19-10-2004 22:07

some more pictures in addition to already seen previous ones about the Noborder demonstration in Victoria station.

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COBAS Union condemns UK ESF organising committee (swp/sa/gla)

19-10-2004 21:54

COBAS condemns uk esf committee domination of the ESF closing demonstration and treatment of young people from 'autonomous spaces'.

Tuesday 19th October 2004 :
From Italian union COBAS regarding the ESF rally

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Sunday march, ECF Carnival bus video

19-10-2004 21:05

lots of interviews, some clowns fighting pro-capitalists in Leicester Square while waiting for the film premier of new jonny depp film...and the European creative forum trafalgar square...

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The Trots will destroy ESF

19-10-2004 19:38

In the West, whenever an industrial dispute or popular protest erupts, one thing can be counted on – Trotskyist groups will descend to ‘organize’ the struggle. Then, when all is done, the comrades pack up their papers, posters and pamphlets and move on to the next picket line or rally. Disillusioned workers are left behind as groups like Britain’s Socialist Workers Party (SWP), Resistance in Australia and others breeze in on the latest ‘Protest of the Month’.

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Open Letter to the European Anti-Social Forum

19-10-2004 18:41

Open Letter to the European Anti-Social Forum and in particular to the attention of the apparently severely misguided statements made in a letter by Lee Jasper, Secretary, National Assembly Against Racism; Ashok Viswanatha, Deputy coordinator, Operation Black Vote; Pav Akhtar, NUS black students officer in The Guardian Tuesday October 19 (Footnote: 1)

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Rhine Capitalism, Anglo-Saxon Capitalism and Redistribution

19-10-2004 17:07

Anglo-Saxon capitalism is an unbridled capitalism whose profit logic overrules all social and environmental interests. Rhine capitalism still has a social quality and social nets so workers are not reduced to cost factors. "The Cold War against the social state leaves behind another republic." (Ruth Fuchs)

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Photos from the anti-war march at the end of the ESF.

19-10-2004 11:11

Crowd gathering in Russell Square
Here are five photos from the anti-war rally at the end of the ESF and one of long time campaigner in Parliament square, Brian Haw. The photo of Brian and his display was taken on Saturday 16th October which was day 1,229 of his 24/7 vigil in the square.

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ESF Actions Video

19-10-2004 09:25

This video shows some of the street theatre that was being performed on Oxford Street in London during the ESF.

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All arrested in connection with ESF free again

19-10-2004 08:20

According to Indymedia Germany, posted by International Legal Support Team, all arrested in connection with the European Social Forum should be free again now.

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"Unwelcome anarchy at the ESF"

19-10-2004 07:39

A letter appears in the Guardian today, written by Ken's race man Lee Jasper, Ashok Viswanathan of Operation Black Vote and Pav Akhtar "NUS black students officer ".
It accuses an "exclusively white group of anarchists" of storming a "platform of black and Jewish speakers" and punching a black man and stealing his mobile phone.......

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Ken Livingstone's Special Advisor Accuses White Anarchists of Racial Violence!

19-10-2004 03:43

Ken Livingstone's GLA Special Advisor on equality and policing, Lee Jasper, has accused the people who occupied the stage where the Mayor was due to speak at the ESF on Saturday, of being... 'white anarchists' who used violence to stop black people discussing how to fight racism and fascism!! He also claims that the intervention, or 'storming of the palace', had nothing to do with how the event was organised, despite problems in the organising process being a key point of many of the speakers who participated.

Below is the letter which has appeared in the Guardian Letters Page (19th October) and a few comments:

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IMC Solidarity Missing From ESF Assembly of Social Movements Declaration!

19-10-2004 01:52

The official ESF website: now has a copy of the call of the assembly of the social movements up on it - you can see this below. However, it has not included the important addition which was added at the final assembly on Sunday 18th October about the support for Indymedia.

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ESF demonstration and actions wrap-up

18-10-2004 23:46

A quick wrap-up of the Sunday ESF events, demonstrations and actions.

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18-10-2004 23:25

Guess who said this? That's right, our friend Plod.