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UK European Social Forum Newswire Archive

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Remaking Internationalism (7pm, Friday 5th March)

03-03-2004 14:45

Social Forums and the Politics of Global Solidarity

7pm, Friday 5th March, Hong Kong Lecture Theatre, London School of Economics, Houghton Street, WC2. Nearest Tube: Holborn

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Sign-on statement to democratise the ESF!

27-02-2004 00:26

A sign-on statement calling for changes to the ESF process to make it more democratic, open and transparent.

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Following the Bulldozer that is to the London 2004 ESF Bid

26-02-2004 23:34

Comments on the ESF bid process.

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Balanced and Objective ESF 2004 Report :-)

24-02-2004 10:46

If there is anyone out there in the UK who is (still?) paying attention to the possible UK ESF this year, here's my balanced and objective (nudge nudge, wink wink) quick update of events that've occurred these last few weeks. [written February 16]

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Good report back from WSF to ESF UK

24-02-2004 01:25

Dear all,

i write from India, where, as some of you might know, i spent the last few months (from October last year) working in the WSF office in the organisation of the WSF 2004.

It has been an incredible experience! I thought i would be back in London soon to take active part in the organisation of the next ESF, but my plans have changed. My only chance to be with you is therefore virtual. The first few reflections are attached below. They will be in the Newsletter of The Friends of Le Monde Diplomatique. They are rather long notes (around 4 pages), but the most interesting paragraphs (for this list) are the last ones.

Hope this considerations could be of interest, I look forward to read your comments

See you soon

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ESF Organising Committee, comments on official minutes

19-02-2004 09:04

THese are some comments on the Organising committee meeting held on the 13th February. They reveal the extent of the manipulation by the GLA, SWP and certain Unions.

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Minutes from ESF - UKOC (12 Feb) and Program Group (13 Feb)

17-02-2004 17:52

Minutes posted to various ESF UK lists.

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ESF democratic deficit!

14-02-2004 14:25

ESF democratic deficit

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Minutes from ESF - organising committee (5 feb) and program group (8 feb)

12-02-2004 13:17

Minutes that have been sent to various ESF lists.

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Independents Quit Globalise Resistance Steering Committee

12-02-2004 01:05

According to a mysteriously leaked resignation letter, four leading members of Globalise Resistance's Steering Committee have resigned with immediate effect, citing the undemocratic takeover of the organisation by the SWP to further its own interests in the organising the European Social Forum in London in late 2004. It is not clear who leaked the letter, but as a journalist, I felt duty-bound to put this information in the public interest. The text follows below.

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Muerte del Planeta Tierra-Diez horas con la globalización(google)

04-02-2004 09:31

Oscar Sánchez Fernández de la Vega (google). Autor del libro " Diez Horas con la Globalización"(google, amazon, foro-los retos de la globalización,,, netbiblo, yahoo.....)

Globalización y productividad versus ecología –“Diez horas con la globalización

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Scottish Moblisation for the European Social Forum 2004

30-01-2004 15:17

Scottish Moblisation for the European Social Forum 2004

The first meeting of the Scottish Mobilisation for ESF 2004 will be held on
Thursday 19th February, 7.30pm - 9pm
STUC offices which is on the corner of Woodlands Road and Park Road, Glasgow

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reportback from first organisng committee meeting for the ESF UK

30-01-2004 14:08

reportback from the first organising meeting of the ESF UK

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The Uk ESF is dead

29-01-2004 23:52

Meeting of the 'Organising Committee' for the uk esf 2004 report back.

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The ESF Decision Making Process

29-01-2004 20:15

An analysis of open, transparent consensus decision making and a proposal for the 2004 ESF decision making process. This is a constructive proposal to try and make the ESF truly open, but also to make it work in practice.