UK European Social Forum Newswire Archive
Another World is Possible! - Oxford ESF Meeting 3rd June
25-05-2004 16:34

Time and date: Thurday 3rd June 7pm-9pm
Place: Oxford Town Hall Council Chamber
Report of Latest ESF Organising Committee, May 16th@LSE
19-05-2004 23:15
Dear IndyfolksSunday May 16th saw the latest Organising Committee meeting of the ESF2004UK process. It was eventful to say the least.
Chomsky on Social Forum
19-05-2004 21:32
Noam Chomsky, author, linguist, university professor and politicalactivist joined the Another World is Possible! Network in Budapest,
for an afternoon of discussion ranging from the war in Iraq, social
movements, the media and the corporate agenda, to consumerism as a tool of
social control. The video of the debate can be downloaded in english from
Last Shout for Height Gate Social Forum Gathering
14-05-2004 18:45
see belowOxford Social Forum Meeting - 12th May
11-05-2004 14:48
Oxford Planning Meeting for the European Social Forum - Wednesday May 12th - 6pmTAZ Noborder rivesaltes2004
10-05-2004 09:12
A call in relation to the organization of the NO BORDER TAZ at Rivesaltes, near Perpignan in French Catalonia 2004from august 20th to the 29th
Colchester Forum report
09-05-2004 20:58
A report of what went on at the Colchester social forum and what was decided.Call for volunteer Interpreters and translators at ESF 2004 London
09-05-2004 14:48
Appeal for volunteer Interpreters and translators:Software Freedom Day, TheOpenCD version 1.4. and BLAG
07-05-2004 12:03
The first annual Software Freedom Day will be held on August 28, 2004.The Software Freedom Day initiative intends to make the world aware of the existence, availability, and high quality of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), and to encourage its use by as many people as possible. It is a global grassroots marketing campaign in which we are inviting volunteers from around the world to participate. Teams currently under development can be seen here.
Cannabis March + Festie Postponed / Alternative Event on Sat
06-05-2004 10:48
Bloody british weather - events postponed til sat 5th june - which annoyingly now clashes with the Cambridge Strawberry Fair:
This saturday then why not go to the European Creative Forum day long event... and party in the evening (12 noon - 1am):

European Creative Forum - Visions of Another World - Sat May 8th
03-05-2004 23:38

This is an ESF awareness and benefit event with an array of stimulating, awakening and creative activities from music and mime; painting and poetry; dance and debate; theatre, talk and cinema; seminars and workshops.
ID-cards and Databases
30-04-2004 13:59
Privacy International invites for a public meeting on ID cards in London, 19th May, while the economist warns that the real threat to privacy comes from government databases.Telephone and internet privacy to be abolished?
30-04-2004 10:23
An initiative for Culture, Media and Communications is planning a series of events paralell to the ESF 2004, as a follow-up from the world forum on communication rights. The following is one of the many issues that are at stake.Call For a Women's Day at the European Social Forum 2004
27-04-2004 11:12
Call For a Women's Day at the European Social Forum 2004, LondonThe problem of consensuses and use of video as an outreach tool in the ESF
08-04-2004 11:30

Info on European Economic Forum in Warsaw (protests and alternative events)
05-04-2004 13:36

Video of Birmingham ESF meeting
31-03-2004 16:13
“The World Social Forum will always be a forum open to pluralism and to the diversity of activities and ways of engaging of the organisations and movements that decide to participate in it”Prepration meeting on the Caravan towards World Economic Forum in Warsaw
31-03-2004 13:15
Our globalisation masters, so good in ripping off the people, havedecided this time to have their meeting in Warsaw. They have an
invitation from the polish president and with a weakly prepared
alter-global movement there, they expect to have nice & relatively calm
Another world is possible - GM victory
31-03-2004 11:36

The announcement today of the complete victory of the anti-GM campaign highlights that "another world is possible". And that an open, non-hierarchical and broad-natured support base is key to the organising of such successful campaigns.
ESF rejects democracy for TU cash
29-03-2004 13:27
In mid November, my partner Loppy and I were approached by Oli of Manchester Social Forum as we passed through the Metropolitan Police and Special Branch welcoming committee at Waterloo Station which greeted our return from the Paris ESF. Over a cup of coffee in the station concourse we became willing recruits to the efforts to democratise the ESF, and to broaden its focus to include a proper recognition of Green issues.