Software Freedom Day, TheOpenCD version 1.4. and BLAG
blagger | 07.05.2004 12:03 | European Social Forum | Social Struggles
The first annual Software Freedom Day will be held on August 28, 2004.
The Software Freedom Day initiative intends to make the world aware of the existence, availability, and high quality of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), and to encourage its use by as many people as possible. It is a global grassroots marketing campaign in which we are inviting volunteers from around the world to participate. Teams currently under development can be seen here.
The Software Freedom Day initiative intends to make the world aware of the existence, availability, and high quality of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), and to encourage its use by as many people as possible. It is a global grassroots marketing campaign in which we are inviting volunteers from around the world to participate. Teams currently under development can be seen here.
On SFD we will set up stations in public places to give away informational fliers and CDs with selected FOSS, including TheOpenCD and a special all-free version of Knoppix. It will be up to the individual teams to chose how they wish to organize their local PR efforts, but we will assist as we are able to with bulk production of posters, T-shirts, CDs and whatever else will be required.
Teams will be responsible to raise at least some of the money to cover the materials they will distribute, and we will be asking for Sponsors to donate money and material goods and services (such as t-shirts, CD-burning, printing fliers, etc.) to our effort.
We invite FOSS advocacy groups around the world to become our partners in this event.
We hope you will join us too! Click here to read how you can get involved, and sign up for an account on this site to get future updates.
more on this at
TheOpenCD version 1.4.
TheOpenCD is a collection of high quality Free and Open Source Software. The programs run in Windows and cover the most common tasks such as word processing, presentations, e-mail, web browsing, web design, and image manipulation. We include only the highest quality programs, which have been carefully tested for stability and which we consider appropriate for a wide audience.
We are pleased to announce the release of TheOpenCD version 1.4. The programs have been updated to new versions, including OpenOffice 1.1.1, AbiWord 2.0.6, and Mozilla 1.6. Four new programs have also been added: Neverball, PDFCreator, Miranda IM and Tux Paint. And as always there is supporting materials such as tutorials and books including 'The Cathedral and the Bazaar' and 'Free as in Freedom'.
more on this here
oh and if you want a full operating system specially built for activists check out BLAG (brixton linux action group) at
its on one cd only
with lots of backup forums, a wiki, and help to get you started
also face to face meetings from time to time
to find out more about these join the mailing list by sending a mail to
Teams will be responsible to raise at least some of the money to cover the materials they will distribute, and we will be asking for Sponsors to donate money and material goods and services (such as t-shirts, CD-burning, printing fliers, etc.) to our effort.
We invite FOSS advocacy groups around the world to become our partners in this event.
We hope you will join us too! Click here to read how you can get involved, and sign up for an account on this site to get future updates.

TheOpenCD version 1.4.
TheOpenCD is a collection of high quality Free and Open Source Software. The programs run in Windows and cover the most common tasks such as word processing, presentations, e-mail, web browsing, web design, and image manipulation. We include only the highest quality programs, which have been carefully tested for stability and which we consider appropriate for a wide audience.
We are pleased to announce the release of TheOpenCD version 1.4. The programs have been updated to new versions, including OpenOffice 1.1.1, AbiWord 2.0.6, and Mozilla 1.6. Four new programs have also been added: Neverball, PDFCreator, Miranda IM and Tux Paint. And as always there is supporting materials such as tutorials and books including 'The Cathedral and the Bazaar' and 'Free as in Freedom'.

oh and if you want a full operating system specially built for activists check out BLAG (brixton linux action group) at

its on one cd only
with lots of backup forums, a wiki, and help to get you started
also face to face meetings from time to time
to find out more about these join the mailing list by sending a mail to
