UK European Social Forum Newswire Archive
ESF: big push needed to make London forum a success
23-07-2004 12:07
Report from Workers Power on the ESF process so far.Israel Splitting Families Apart
19-07-2004 08:19
Israel plans to renew its controversial Citizenship and Family Unification Law this weekdenying the right of residents of Gaza and the West Bank to obtain Israeli citizenship through marriage.
The **EUROPEAN SOCIAL FORUM** comes to London!
18-07-2004 20:46
Hello, this is the text of a leaflet which I recently picked up and I have typed it up and emailed it in order to promote the ESF.Please forward this email to anyone - groups or individuals - who may be interested.
Comments and Questions on Terms and Conditions of ESF Registration
18-07-2004 08:51
Comments and Questions on Official Terms and Conditions of ESF RegistrationINVITE: Autonomous During ESF - Organising meeting Sunday 18th July
14-07-2004 13:00
INVITE: Autonomous During ESF - Organising meeting Sunday 18th JulyThe next organising/networking meeting will be held at:
2pm, July 18th
Occupied Social Centre "Ex-Grand Banks"
158 Fortess Road
London Nw5
Political camps and events this summer
07-07-2004 11:04
Every year political activists come together in the summer - locally, country-wide and internationally. Here is a quick round- up of forthcoming events listed according to time, issues and location.European Creative Forum this saturday
07-07-2004 01:35
Come and create your Vision of Another World!ESF Berlin report
28-06-2004 12:39
A super-mini report on autonomous space at the ESF for the moment. See
Livingstone = SCAB!
25-06-2004 07:08
Ken Livingstone has just said "if I was a member of the RMT I would cross the picket line next Tuesday."Should we still tolerate this scab as part of the ESF?
Global Justice Consultation
18-06-2004 13:39
Debate and vote on 10 proposals presented by different organizations during the World Social Forum to restrain the current neoliberal economic globalisation!Urgent call re Women's Day at the European Social Forum
17-06-2004 19:42
At a women’s briefing meeting this week, we heard from UK organisers that giving women independent space was not seen as a priority. Yet the Women’s Day at the Paris ESF last November was decisive in making women’s campaigns visible, including grassroots organising against immigration and asylum laws, and against war and occupation. After 30 years of the modern women’s movement and feminism, nobody in the present ESF process seems to know why women must be able to meet independently. What do you think can be done to stop this backward step?Peace Campaign and Social Forum Events in the North Essex / Suffolk area
15-06-2004 21:11
Peace Campaign and Social Forum Events in the North Essex / Suffolk area. By Colchester Peace Campaign, Lakenheath Action Group and others.
East Anglia Social Forum - Next Gathering: Sat 3rd July. Ipswich.
14-06-2004 23:46
This will be between 1pm - 6pm, at the Friends Meeting House, 39 Fonnereau Rd, in the centre of Ipswich. Activist groups from across East Anglia - including Environmentalists, Trades Unionists, Peace Campaigners, Anti-racists and many more have begun to gather together to start a regional social forum process. The meeting in Ipswich will be an opportunity for more groups and individuals to get involved. For more info on East Anglia Social Forum:
Autonomous Space at ESF: Berlin planning meeting
09-06-2004 11:33
A call out for a meeting in Berlin on June 18th, to plan an autonomous space during the London ESFAnti-G8 protests across East Anglia!
07-06-2004 02:22
Next week will see Anti-G8 protests and actions accross East Anglia, in Norwich, Cambridge, Ipswich and elsewhere. Check out European groups call for meeting in September
05-06-2004 11:28
Migration related groups from Europe are calling for a meeting in September to discuss and coordinate for migration related events at the ESF in London. To find out more, contact
Basic Introduction to the ESF (london oct 04) And Autonomous Projects
05-06-2004 09:28
An Basic Introduction to the ESF in London - October 200412th June - Autonomous Alt Tech / Media Assembly re ESF
03-06-2004 08:52
Join us on Sat 12th June to map out possible projects and strategies around the european social forum planned for October this year... from supporting existing projects like the NOMAD DIY open source translation infrastructure, to supporting autonomous spaces and using wi-fi to link spaces inside the ESF, outside the ESF and on the streets, radio and video streaming, alternative media centres and reporting, experimental media labs etc etc
Some initiatives are underway already, others are yet to be imagined...
The European Creative Forum
02-06-2004 20:12
The European Creative Forum Presents Visions of Another World - a series of monthly events every 2nd Saturday...East Anglia activists go online.
26-05-2004 08:41
Trades Unionists, environmentalists, peace campaigners, anti-racists and many more recently gathered to begin a Social Forum Process in East Anglia. They have produced a website to facilitate this networking.