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Grafics for the ESF

An_ordanery_person | 04.10.2004 19:21 | European Social Forum | London

some of the proposed grafics for badges and t shirts for the ESF
to make you smile



hey if anyone wants there can be better file size designs posted as comments
so you can make your own wonderful ESF regalia



Display the following 23 comments

  1. ? — Red
  2. good one — another ordinary person
  3. g8 dinosuar — oiyoiy
  4. Censor/Hide These Images — h
  5. room 101? — me
  6. ... Correction — h
  7. The 'real' enemy — Zinfandel
  8. and while we are on that subject — red(& black)
  9. Mmmmmmmmmm — h
  10. more of the same — An_ordanery_person
  11. Hold My Last But One Comment! "Correction" — h
  12. a cock clutched in a fist labelled wank — dh
  13. pws spelt backwards is - what??? — spellcheck
  14. yeah! slam those fuckin Saddam-loving SWP wankers — Right Is Right
  15. Any one wanna take direct action against these 'wankers'? — The time HAS come
  16. Save the Social Forum Not the Socialists! — green and black
  17. they are everywhere! — manc man
  18. Burn them paper sellers down! — Revenge is sweet
  19. I don't believe it! — Red
  20. Anyone wanna help liberate and redisribute all the paper sellers money? — Y-fronts? Just be yourself!
  21. so it's okay for you lot to rip people off then? — you bunch of hypocrites
  22. You are all a disgrace to anarchism — A real anarchist who understands what the word fuckin means
  23. right on Red — Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein