Grafics for the ESF
An_ordanery_person | 04.10.2004 19:21 | European Social Forum | London
An_ordanery_person | 04.10.2004 19:21 | European Social Forum | London
Hide the following 23 comments
04.10.2004 20:58
good one
04.10.2004 21:23
another ordinary person
g8 dinosuar
04.10.2004 21:51
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04.10.2004 22:06
(1) SWP is, quite clearly, not ESF backwards
(2) It is not news that the SWP are wank, this was, quite frankly, revealed decades ago
This report does adhere to the editorial guidelines and should be retrospectively hidden.
room 101?
04.10.2004 22:10
the section for hidden posts must be almost big enough to fill the underground chambers of the pentagon by now !!!!!!!
... Correction
04.10.2004 22:17
"This report does not adhere to the editorial guidelines ...."
In the above
The 'real' enemy
04.10.2004 22:38
What is the difference between state owned industry and industry owned state? Either way, the power elite will do very nicely thank you and the remainder will either struggle to eek an existence or kiss arse for preferential treatment.
Ask your friendly neighbourhood SWP representative why they do not support the Marks and Spencer picket. It has nothing to do with the fact that it is supported by the Revolutionary Communist Party, has it? Surely not! And where does this directive come from? Was it a democratic or consensus decision by the SWP membership? Was it fuck! It was issued from the top in a deliberate act of vandalism. And whilst the SWP play big boys' hide and seek around the council estates of East Lancashire with the BNP - the real fascism is being shuffled in using the 'democratic' process which is supposedly so precious to us!
Judging by the ESF agenda I suspect that much of the 'progressive' left is playing matador with its sheep, presenting the cape as the threat whilst he slowly wears them out (repressive desublimation) until he finally plunges his sword.
Don't believe this? Then ask yourself why the 'progressive' left are so obsessed with G8 when as any fule no that the real decisions are made and the real power resides within the Bilderberg Group. And IndyMedia players like spacebunny will do their utmost to persuade you otherwise.
Why? Well you had better ask him who is pulling his strings.
and while we are on that subject
04.10.2004 22:51
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04.10.2004 23:06
This report is inaccurate, non-news, and just comment because
(1) SWP is, quite clearly, not ESF backwards
(2) It is not news that the SWP are wank, this was, quite frankly, revealed decades ago
This report does adhere to the editorial guidelines and should be retrospectively hidden."
Well h maybe s/hes a bit dyslectic its nearly the same letters and in reality I do beleive they are the same SWP = WEF
opps i ment esf :0
since they've fairly railroaded the whole thing
back to the subject I recon this should be on the front page it really is very funny
ta An_ordanery_person
red(& black)
04.10.2004 23:01
For another time though, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
more of the same
04.10.2004 23:15
Hold My Last But One Comment! "Correction"
04.10.2004 23:20
Is it the SWP that's on in London for 3 days? And have the ESF taken it over? Or what?
a cock clutched in a fist labelled wank
04.10.2004 23:57
Get your hands off your willies, boys
There's a whole world reduction going on out here
pws spelt backwards is - what???
04.10.2004 23:58
yeah! slam those fuckin Saddam-loving SWP wankers
05.10.2004 09:41
Right Is Right
Any one wanna take direct action against these 'wankers'?
05.10.2004 09:59
Anyone up of it
The time HAS come
Save the Social Forum Not the Socialists!
05.10.2004 10:22
We are all the forum if we wish...
green and black
they are everywhere!
05.10.2004 11:05
manc man
Burn them paper sellers down!
05.10.2004 11:31
Take direct action against the authoritarians that have attempted to claim the forum for themselves. Kick the stalls legs away from underneath them! Take their placards and subvert them. Rip the socialist wanker branding off and rebrand. Give the fuckers ulcers and induce some much needed paranoia!
Revenge is sweet
I don't believe it!
05.10.2004 13:07
Anyone wanna help liberate and redisribute all the paper sellers money?
05.10.2004 16:02
Intervene directly
Liberate and Re-Distribute - Marx would be proud
Y-fronts? Just be yourself!
so it's okay for you lot to rip people off then?
06.10.2004 10:10
I can just imagine how self-righteously furious you'd all be if some Trot nicked money off you...
you bunch of hypocrites
You are all a disgrace to anarchism
06.10.2004 12:08
It is NOT about inflicting your doctrines on others and it is NOT about fucking up the efforts of those who ought to be your allies, no matter how annoying individual Trots might be.
If people don't want to play your game then that's their decision. You are not doing our cause any good by behaving like a bunch of naughty schoolkids nicking people's dinner money.
Anarchist is not (shouldn not?) be a synonym for "selfish tosser".
Fuck you all.
A real anarchist who understands what the word fuckin means
right on Red
22.10.2004 00:34
in the war of circulation they jus' keep on sellin newspapers!
yer radical alternative
Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein