Education Group Charter European Social Forum ESF Florence, 2002.
Education is not for sale! | 22.11.2002 13:40 | European Social Forum
Education Group Charter European Social Forum ESF Florence, 2002. Principles, which must guide our actions and which must guide our the construction of the Europe of Education.
Planned is a international day of action on March 13, 2003 and activities during the EU education ministers conference in Berlin (September 2003)
Planned is a international day of action on March 13, 2003 and activities during the EU education ministers conference in Berlin (September 2003)
1. Education is a right, not a commodity. Education must be a public service, free and secular. Its financing must be public.
2. The mission of education is to educate, form and qualify workers, citizens and humans. Economic profits must not guide its objectives. Education also has a role of fostering social change.
3. Research and knowledge must develop in all fields in freedom and must respond to the needs of societies.
4. Education must also allow the success of a greater number of people. The democratisation of Education systems is necessary all over Europe. The raising of the general level of education must be an objective.
5. Against the logic of deregulation and "competencies" for "employability". It is necessary to promote qualifications determined by social needs and recognised by all in Europe.
6. Lifelong Learning is a right for all workers and citizens.
These principles force us to place education at the heart of the construction of Europe for an other globalisation. The next ESF must give a more important place to education. We will participate in campaigns for an other Europe in the world. We will support and carry out joint campaigns on the European level to defend our vision of the Europe of Education.
The main principles of these campaigns are:
Education for all
Democratisation of the education systems
The rejection of the integration of education into the fields of trade liberalisation- No to GATS!
We therefore call upon the education community for a day of action in Europe on March 13th 2003 against GATS and for public education under the motto "Education not profit". We also want to prepare the next meeting of education ministers in Berlin in 2003 about the process of European educational integration.
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2. The mission of education is to educate, form and qualify workers, citizens and humans. Economic profits must not guide its objectives. Education also has a role of fostering social change.
3. Research and knowledge must develop in all fields in freedom and must respond to the needs of societies.
4. Education must also allow the success of a greater number of people. The democratisation of Education systems is necessary all over Europe. The raising of the general level of education must be an objective.
5. Against the logic of deregulation and "competencies" for "employability". It is necessary to promote qualifications determined by social needs and recognised by all in Europe.
6. Lifelong Learning is a right for all workers and citizens.
These principles force us to place education at the heart of the construction of Europe for an other globalisation. The next ESF must give a more important place to education. We will participate in campaigns for an other Europe in the world. We will support and carry out joint campaigns on the European level to defend our vision of the Europe of Education.
The main principles of these campaigns are:
Education for all
Democratisation of the education systems
The rejection of the integration of education into the fields of trade liberalisation- No to GATS!
We therefore call upon the education community for a day of action in Europe on March 13th 2003 against GATS and for public education under the motto "Education not profit". We also want to prepare the next meeting of education ministers in Berlin in 2003 about the process of European educational integration.
regular up-dates about the campaign at our mailinglist.
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Education is not for sale!
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