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Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration

alien8 | 09.11.2002 18:53 | European Social Forum

Up to 1 Million people participated in today's demonstration in Florence against the war and in support of the European Social Forum. (article 1)

Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration
Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration

Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration
Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration

Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration
Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration

Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration
Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration

Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration
Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration

Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration
Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration

Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration
Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration

Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration
Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration

Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration
Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration

Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration
Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration

Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration
Florence Impressions: ESF Demonstration

When the beginning of the demonstration reached the final destination after a 13 kilometre march, the groups at the end had not even started to walk.
A colourful and loud demonstration became a huge party when people living in buildings along the route showed their solidarity. On some balconies people were dancing and enjoying the day.
Police was hopelessly outnumbered from the very beginning, and despite announcements from high-ranking police officers that some disturbance or violence would definitely happen, there are of yet no reports of police violence.
Many of the people of the Euraction Hub, including many Indymediaistas, spent the day with the anti-prohibitionist campaign MDMA, which played some great drum'n'bass....

