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UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive

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Are top Lib Dems too yellow to come to Oxford, say chicken protesters

17-11-2010 20:31

Protest outside Lib Dem constituency offices
Two Oxford campaign groups did a 'chicken flashmob' at the Liberal Democrat Constitiuency Offices todayat 1pm. They protested against cuts to universities and other public services. The 50 protesters dressed as chickens, claiming that both Nick Clegg and Vince Cable, the country's top two Liberal Democrats, pulled out of visits to Oxford because they do not want to face protests.

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Universities Get Ready For Protests

17-11-2010 18:10

The following text has been sent to all staff within a London University as general guidance in preparation for possible protests.

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Launch meeting of Sheffield Anti-Cuts Alliance: 24th November

17-11-2010 13:33

Launch meeting of Sheffield Anti-Cuts Alliance, 6pm Wednesday 24th November, at the Novotel Sheffield.

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Protest at Michael Gove’s (Education Secretary) Visit to Birmingham

17-11-2010 12:08

Fri 19 Nov 6pm Coppice School Trinity Road Sutton Coldfield B75 6TJ

Protest at Michael Gove’s (Education Secretary) Visit to Birmingham

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Last Fitwatch post before the site was suspended

16-11-2010 03:23

Whilst we strongly suspect it was our advice to student protesters which led to the Met police contacting our host to suspend our site, this was the last article posted on the site.

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Portsmouth Coalition Against the Cuts - Launch meeting

15-11-2010 23:46

Portsmouth Trades Council has announced that they will be holding a meeting to launch Portsmouth Coalition Against the Cuts.

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Christians declare solidarity with students who occupied Millbank

15-11-2010 16:05

A group of Christians has written a statement to show support for the people at Millbank currently being victimised. Please email details to millbankchristiansolidarity _at_ if you wish to sign. Together we can overturn the media vilification of an action that should have inspired hope, and their victimisation of students who had the courage to put people above property!

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Direct action against coaltion and wars-Central London |Sat 20th NOv

15-11-2010 13:23

Everyone to the streets-London24th November. The fightback continues.
March from Hyde Park corner to Trafalger Square and be ready for action.

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Protest Vince Cable in Birmingham: Tuesday 16th November 1pm

15-11-2010 09:16

The Con-Dems are launching an onslaught of cuts and privatisation and a vicious ideological attack on our welfare state.

It is vital that wherever the Tories and their Lib-Dem lapdogs go, they are hounded and forced to face up to the widespread rage at their blanket attack on the working class and students.

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Welcome to ghetto Sheffield

14-11-2010 17:54

Planned changes to the housing benefit system could permanently alter the economic landscape of Sheffield.

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Manchester Anti-Cuts meeting, Wednesday, Central Hall 7:30.

14-11-2010 16:38

There will be a meeting next Wednesday at Central hall, Oldham Street, Manchester city centre to begin discussing and planning how we resist the cuts here in Manchester.

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Students Show the Way – Honours All Round for the Millbank Protesters

14-11-2010 11:26

The University lecturers who described Wednesday’s Student Protest as magnificent were fucking spot on. Thousands of students were involved in the trashing of the Tory Party HQ and despite the media’s howls of outrage it seems most of the country agree (1).

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Anti-cuts protest at tax-dodging Boots

13-11-2010 15:28

ANTI-CUTS protesters caused a kerfuffle at the Worthing branch of Boots at Saturday lunchtime, November 13, as they drew attention to the firm’s tax-dodging antics.

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Education in the UK, Lib Dems & the dictatorship of hedge-fund gangsters

13-11-2010 11:33

Re-post/re-write (with additional information)

The Lib Dem's went into the last election on a ticket that they opposed any increase in student fees, which, as is now widely known, they have done a u-turn on in the new Con-Dem coalition. Now today, the Guardian newspaper reports on documents showing Clegg's public claim was at odds with secret decision before the election.

Back in March 2006, main Lib Dem thinktank - Centre Forum - funded and chaired by hedge fund speculator and founder of the Ark academy network Paul Marshall were then calling for an increase in student fees. Marshall is a special advisor to Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg. The chameleon-like nature of the Lib-Dems and what they supposedly stand for not only rings even more hollow but is further exposed as being as slippery as the lizard skin of their wealthy benefactors.