UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
Reimagine the University - 24/11-26/11 - Leeds
12-11-2010 09:51

We invite you to be a part of exploring and demonstrating an alternative educational system over three days. Be it a workshop, a lecture a discussion a film an event, we are calling... on students, lecturers and staff and others to come together and show another university is possible.
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Reflections on the invasion of Millbank Tower
11-11-2010 22:08
During yesterday’s protest against cuts to education crowds stormed Tory headquarters. Windows where smashed and offices destroyed. As a result we can witness the capitalist system bend and buckle in its attempts to dismiss these acts of anger as illegitimate.Amongst the 1,000s that played some role in the invasion of Millbank Tower, were workers and students from all areas of society. We condemn both the media claim that a small group of anarchist antagonists where responsible (juxtaposed by their own images showing thousands rallying around the building) as well as the notion that the students involved are part of a privileged class. The idea that working class youth are some how exempt from the desire for education is both naive and patronising.
Lib Dem education policy & the agenda of Lib Dem sugardaddy Paul Marshall
11-11-2010 19:28
The Lib Dem's went into the last election on a ticket that they opposed any increase in student fees, which, as is now widely known, they have done a u-turn on in the new Con-Dem coalition.That's what they say. So, why was their main thinktank - funded and chaired by hedge fund speculator and founder of the ARK academy network Paul Marshall - arguing for an increase in student fees as far back as March 2006? Marshall is a special advisor to Lib Dem leader Nick Clegg. The chameleon-like nature of the Lib-Dems and what they supposedly stand for not only rings even more hollow but is further exposed as being as slippery as the lizard skin of their wealthy benefactors.
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Manchester Uni Occupation
11-11-2010 14:01
Occupation of Manchester Uni's Finance office to expose planned cuts within the institutionFirst hand reports from the storming of the Tory Scum HQ
11-11-2010 13:58
The following is a first hand report from Leeds Student Class War documented on Ian Bone's blog.Students march against cuts, occupy Conservative Party HQ
11-11-2010 09:19
A march of more than 50,000 students and academics in London yesterday against the Conservative-Liberal Democratic coalition government’s education cuts ended in the occupation of the Tory Party’s headquarters and confrontations with riot police.Full article | 1 addition | 9 comments
Pictures From Student Demo
11-11-2010 04:45

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Nick Clegg cancels visit to Oxford
11-11-2010 00:56
LibDem slimebag Nick Clegg has cancelled his visit to Oxford next week, after several inspiring and militant mass actions, citing 'a scheduling problem'.It was about much more than university fees...
10-11-2010 21:01
52,000 people took to the streets in London today, but it was about much more than university fees. 10/11/2010.French police infiltrated protests against Sarkozy austerity program
10-11-2010 14:01
During the recent strike wave in France against the Nicolas Sarkozy government’s austerity measures and pension “reform”, demonstrators observed police infiltrating several contingents and carrying out a variety of provocative actions. The police have very conspicuously decided not to deny that they infiltrated the demonstrations.The Stew of Corruption
10-11-2010 13:34
British democracy has lost its meaning. The political and economic system has come to serve the interests of a tiny elite, vastly wealthier than the run of the population, operating through corporate control. The state itself exists to serve the interests of these corporations, guided by a political class largely devoid of ideological belief and preoccupied with building their own careers and securing their own finances.More smashing radion from Dissident Island - 5 Nov show ready to download...
09-11-2010 21:57
Check out the latest Dissident Island Radio show...IDS’ Same Old Deal on Benefit Reform Will Punish The Sick
07-11-2010 19:44
Baldyman must have had to think extra hard about his new ‘radical’ proposals for people on Jobseekers Allowance, aka the dole. It seems that he thought all the way back to 1997 when new Labour launched the New Deal (1), which including mandatory 30 hour a week activity for the long term unemployed.KCC-private health at taxpayer expense
07-11-2010 14:12
Kent County Council bosses 'enjoy' private healthcare at the expense of taxpayers. Meanwhile social care for the elderly gets cuts
(Just how 'sick' can you get? Oh, now the jobless must be made serfs doing manual 'work' for free and taking jobs from street cleaners/gardeners/ etc etc...)
Arrests at Cambridge Vodafone Shutdown
06-11-2010 18:15

Anti-cuts action against vodafone - Brighton
05-11-2010 22:37
Demo against Vodafone's 6 billion tax dodge.12:00pm
Clock Tower, Queens Road, Brighton
Cambridge Students Against Fees Demo
05-11-2010 20:16

25,000 students march in Ireland
05-11-2010 17:00