UK Public sector cuts Newswire Archive
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29-06-2011 20:53

Building in Central Brighton Occupied in Solidarity with June 30 Strikes
29-06-2011 15:32
An abandoned shop front in Churchill Square, Brighton’s biggest shopping centre, has been occupied in solidarity with striking public sector workers.Glasgow Activist arrested ahead of J30
29-06-2011 13:27
Young Glasgow Activist was pulled from his bed this morning, arrested and taken to Carlisle police station and charged with violent disorder in relation to March 26th.Government attacks access to justice
28-06-2011 23:19
Second reading of the Legal aid, Sentencing and Punishment of Offenders Bill - MPs urged to fight government plans to cut free legal advicePostcard From Nottingham
28-06-2011 15:17

J30 Black Bloc London website?
28-06-2011 12:10
After the large black bloc on the March 26th anti-cuts demo in London, it seems likely that a repeat BB would be out on the streets for any subsequent demo. A website / blog called Black Bloc London has appeared announcing a meet-up place for J30.Strathclyde University students go into occupation against savage course cuts
27-06-2011 10:37
Strathclyde students have just gone into occupation of their university. They are occupying against the cutting of four departments which were ruthlessly voted through by the senate last week. They need the support of every Glasgow anti-cuts activist to make this a success. Come down to the Graham Hills building and show them support.#J30 Actions Across the UK
26-06-2011 21:35
Following is a list of actions sent out from

Benefit Claimants in Solidarity With The PCS: J30 Strike
26-06-2011 14:06

Bristol builder Simon Lewis savaged by police dogs at Easter riots
25-06-2011 11:55

At five: discussing the big stories in Bristol, Britain and around the world
After six: straight talking and investigative reports with Martin Summers and Marina Morris
For all the shows back to Easter 2009 visit the Friday Drivetime archive page

June 30 Strike Rally Wolverhampton
24-06-2011 21:54

Somer Housing proposing to sell off our homes to the private sector
22-06-2011 14:34
22-06-2011 02:20
"The scale of the cuts is so big, on such a broad front,that it's actually easier to think of bringing down the government than pursuing individual campaigns." - UNISON delegateOn Tuesday 21st June, Manchester Coalition Against The Cuts brought together 80 people at a public meeting to discuss organising for the strike on 30th June.
Save Garsington Buses Campaign
21-06-2011 17:37
Thousands of villagers outside Oxford are set lose all their evening buses from 6 June.Oxford City Council - Chipping away at Democracy with a Sledgehammer
21-06-2011 12:35
Wed 22 June at 4:50pm Oxford Town Hall, St Aldates, Oxford.Labour councillors have again tried to shut down public views/democracy by preventing public speaking at City Executive Board meetings. At 5pm (prompt)on Wednesday 22 June at the Town Hall, 128 public questions which have been submitted, will be asked!
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J30 Protests Across UK
18-06-2011 14:38
Info taken from PCS website:
Cambridge Jobcentre 'Redecorated'!
17-06-2011 21:42

Persons unknown had sprayed "Fuck work B4 it fucks U" right across the front of the building"!
Ruling Class On The Attack Ahead Of 30th June Strikes
17-06-2011 16:14
s the Public and Commercial Services (PCS) union released the result of its 30th June strike ballot on Wednesday, the vulpine Cabinet Office Minister Francis Maude was all over the TV schedules, in what was clearly a pre-planned counter-offensive. Maude - whose personal wealth is estimated at £3 million - told teatime news presenters that he was concerned about "vulnerable" service users, who would be affected by the strike action. He also argued that the low turnout meant the PCS had no mandate for strike action. Though his hypocrisy is easy to see, the figures do appear to show a general dissatisfaction with the PCS leadership. And PCS is not the only union with a thin strike mandate for the 30th. The turnout was well below half in both the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) ballots. What does this mean, and how does the ruling class intend to make political capital out of these circumstances?PCS joins J30 strike
17-06-2011 09:34
The Public & Commercial Services Union has voted to join the J30 strike, bringing the total number of striking workers up to 750,000. This union is for civil servants including court staff and immigration officers.Crippling anti-austerity strike action in the Czech Republic today
16-06-2011 18:46
Today in the Czech Republic a national transport strike has shut down almost all public transport in Prague and most across the rest of the country. For the first time in history the Prague Metro was shut down. The strike was called to mount pressure on an unpopular coalition government forcing through an austerity programme that, for the transport workers, would have meant a rise in the retirement age, taxation and welfare limitations.