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30-07-2015 10:26
The violent fascist thugs of the EDL are linking up with their Hitler-loving chums in the National Front this Saturday to intimidate attendees of the refugee solidarity event happening this Saturday in Folkestone. Despite continued denials that the EDL have become a full-blown neo-nazi organisation, they have agreed to participate in a joint protest with the 14 words Southern branch of the National Front, their aim to violently confront Folkestone United campaigners. Antifascists, turn up to defend them from fascist thugs!
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30-07-2015 10:16
The violent fascist thugs of the EDL are linking up with their Hitler-loving nazis in the National Front this Saturday to intimidate attendees of the refugee solidarity event happening this Saturday in Folkestone. Despite continued denials that the EDL have become a full-blown neo-nazi organisation, they have agreed to participate in a joint protest with Southern branch of the fourteen words National Front to confront Folkestone United campaigners. Antifascists need turn up in numbers to defend Folkestone from violent fascist thugs!
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29-07-2015 11:46
The horrific murder and sexual abuse of Paige Chivers sends a chill down the spine of the nation. Rest in peace, Paige.
The horrific details of the Blackpool abuse case, and the belief amongst social workers that Charlene Downes had been visited by sixteen middle aged white men known to her father, mean the BNP should be duly investigated by the authorities. One thing is for sure, the BNP were renowned for years amongst antifascists for their cliquishness and rumoured sexual improprieties.
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28-07-2015 17:28
Horrific young fascist, and budding nightclub DJ, EDL supporter Ryann Bateman, a from North Wales, has had a racist hissy fit since learning their are hardworking British Asian staff keeping hospitals, health clinics, emergency ambulances and other sectors of the NHS staffed 24/7, blaming David Cameron for employing them. He links lifesaving health workers with brown skins to the murderers of ISIS.
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27-07-2015 12:00
We knew it all along, but finally it has happened. The EDL have finally given way to an openly neo-nazi resurgence they themselves helped propagate through their violent, racist street protests. National Action, the National Front and the NWI are the main beneficiaries, the nazi SDL sweeping up the NE EDL. Members of minorities who participated in the EDL have let their communities down, selling out safety for the sake of a few racist piss-ups.
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06-07-2015 02:29
Twitter's most annoying racist troll @ublocks, follows the shamed tradition of far right. Whereas Adolf Hitler was a failed artist, poor Les is renowned in the run-down hostelries of Huyton as a piss-artist, relegated to touting his services via Star Now as a tupenny-hapenny ballad singer who can sing rock and roll and country and western music for a bag full of peanuts and a half of watered-down shandy. So much for the kudos of online hatemongers #bluehand, when their leading light a failed pub singer.
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04-07-2015 19:27
Whatever the result of their shitty this and that pole the only that has changed is what the bosses want. They now want to ignore the will of the people and enforce their shit on ordinary working class Greeks.
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04-07-2015 17:06
The regurgitated dregs of Britain's far right "foot soldiers" slithered embarrassingly into Sheffield leaving a trail of slime, used beer cans everywhere, misspelt banners of hate and sweat-encrusted t-shirts announcing their unwelcome presence. Wasting their train fares for a mindless piss-up, the flotsam and jetsam of middle-age angst meandered aimlessly from pillar to post, chanting moronic racial epithets against people with darker skins.
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01-07-2015 10:48
Tower Hamlets Council is not in the news at present.
Could it be that the Commissioners sent in by former Local Govt Minister (Secretary of State, Department for Communities and Local Government) Eric Pickles have sorted out the “rotten borough”?
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23-06-2015 02:52
Taking their inspiration from the lynch mobs of the Mississippi Delta, the rednecked lager swilling former football hooligans of the "South Yorkshire Casuals" emerged as Yorkshire's answer to the KKK, marching against a rape suspect just because he was reported as having a brown skin and a "big nose"....... The pre-march event post claimed "immigrants were out to destroy Barnsley".
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22-06-2015 15:25
News today has emerged of a potentially devastating terrorist plot hatched by two Tyneside schoolboys (15 at the time), who were planning a series of deadly bomb attacks, having purchased bomb-making equipment on the internet. Inspired by Raoul Moat and Taliban murder videos, the two were noted to have chanted the far-right nationalistic chant "no surrender", and hated Jews and black people. No mention of Islam as a motivation - not deemed terrorism by the media.
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21-06-2015 07:59
Frightening evidence has emerged that EDL parents are dressing up their children in far right merchandise. Little girls as young as three are being kitted out in clothing complete with fascist political messages designed to groom little kiddies into full-blown neo-nazi hatred which will be with them for life. Bringing up kids with the immorality of racism is totally and utterly unforgiveable. EDL parents are immoral to the extreme.
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20-06-2015 17:40
The NorthEast Division of the EDL (AKA Alan Spence), has openly come out in support of racist hate crimes on Twitter. Once upon a time, divisional Twitter accounts would have kept their mouths shut as a PR exercise, but now, Tommy Robinson long gone, they openly laud violent Islamophobic hate crimes, proud of supporting criminal hate. This is vile beyond words....
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13-06-2015 19:22
A Bradford-based mass murderer who was jailed for 23 years for killing his parents, and broke his parole last year and was jailed for a further six months for operating a cannabis factory, has come out of jai to set up and extremely racist Twitter account @teed_paul David the James Bond fanatic has welcomed him to Bluehand.
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13-06-2015 15:16
The usual crowd of EDLers and associated far right nutjobs gathered in a car park in Dudley to march un-noticed to a deserted park to give speeches to fellow fascists, chanting the usual range of racist and Islamophobic chants including "if you hate p*kis, clap your hands". Not only did the police fail to take action. They also turned a blind eye to blatant Adolf Hitler salutes.
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08-06-2015 09:31
Thursday's scheduled re-election of the 2014 Tower Hamlets Exec Mayor Poll is already hitting the
news in predictable manner. Already 16 allegations are under reported investigation by the Police.
But will any of these alleged offences lead to any root and branch change? Will Tower Hamlets
ever become a decently run democratic Borough? Signs today are that we may have to wait for years before that happens
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07-06-2015 00:39
From the simmering embers of the BNP and EDL, the online-only far right pressure group who never hold real life goosestomps, Bluehand, have risen from nothing to nothing, and are such a pitiful group, posting repeated homophobia, racism and sexism online, using Twitter as a hate tool, the brainy boffins of Internetz Land have felt sorry for these fascist idiots.
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28-05-2015 23:24
Gary Davis has been exposed as UKIP's worst ever hypocrite. A loather of Muslims and immigration, and a follower of bluehand, he decides to leave Britain and immigrate to a Muslim country - Indonesia, whilst bleating on all day and all night about stopping Muslims from immigrating to the UK.
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