UK Indymedia Newswire Archive
Sheffield Indymedia Press Release
20-10-2004 10:35
Press release from Sheffield Indymedia regarding the stolen servers on October 14th 2004.Anti-Racist Groups Accuse Lee Jasper of Playing 'Race Card' re ESF
19-10-2004 23:50
Letter to BLINK:Why Bush Might Win - Americans Secretly Love Facism
19-10-2004 22:44
The most important election of our lifetime is coming down to who can best pacify the electorate's inner baby.Photos of Indymedia "block" and ESF demo - London 17 Oct
19-10-2004 22:33
COBAS Union condemns UK ESF organising committee (swp/sa/gla)
19-10-2004 21:54
COBAS condemns uk esf committee domination of the ESF closing demonstration and treatment of young people from 'autonomous spaces'.Tuesday 19th October 2004 :
From Italian union COBAS regarding the ESF rally
Protest FBI Crackdown on Indymedia!
19-10-2004 20:45
Government Seizes Servers: Protest FBI Crackdown on Indymedia!radio rampART call for listeners and audio content
19-10-2004 20:34
we are currently streaming radio rampART and will be happy to broadcast content... send to us in tha usual waysrespect to all
fish boy ai
The Trots will destroy ESF
19-10-2004 19:38
In the West, whenever an industrial dispute or popular protest erupts, one thing can be counted on – Trotskyist groups will descend to ‘organize’ the struggle. Then, when all is done, the comrades pack up their papers, posters and pamphlets and move on to the next picket line or rally. Disillusioned workers are left behind as groups like Britain’s Socialist Workers Party (SWP), Resistance in Australia and others breeze in on the latest ‘Protest of the Month’.Photos from the anti-war march at the end of the ESF.
19-10-2004 11:11
indy paris an indy brasil newswires are out
19-10-2004 11:02
it's impossible to publish on the paris indymedia site as on the cmi brasil, the newswire column on the right doesn't workESF Actions Video
19-10-2004 09:25
This video shows some of the street theatre that was being performed on Oxford Street in London during the ESF.IMC Solidarity Missing From ESF Assembly of Social Movements Declaration!
19-10-2004 01:52
The official ESF website: now has a copy of the call of the assembly of the social movements up on it - you can see this below. However, it has not included the important addition which was added at the final assembly on Sunday 18th October about the support for Indymedia.The US and Russia: Democracy in Check
18-10-2004 22:20
At the end of September, 115 politicians and foreign policy experts signed a letter that was delivered to the heads of NATO and European Union States. The letter criticized Russian President, Vladimir Putin's recent moves to end Democratic process in Russia. One of the recipients of the letter was George Bush, jr. As a man who has moved to end Democratic process in his own country, it would have been very hypocritical of Bush to condemn Putin for his actions. Consequently the only rebuke was Bush stating that he hopes Putin does not abandon Democracy upheld by checks and balances within the Russian government, but even this was ironic.Indymedia Seizure question in Parliament by Birmingham MP Lynne Jones
18-10-2004 19:38
A parliamentary question has just been asked by Lynne Jones MP for Selly Oak, Birmingham. I'm not sure who suggested that she ask the question or if she may have asked it spontaneously. (She's not my MP, and I don't actually vote - I'm not eligible to vote.)Report of anti-war march and rally in London October 17th 2004.
18-10-2004 17:57
ESF Coverage - Mainstream & Indymedia
18-10-2004 15:32
The coverage of the ESF and Beyond ESF has been piss poor both mainstream and here on IndymediaSecret police link to web shutdown
18-10-2004 00:30
Indymedia takes to the streets.
17-10-2004 17:10
Indymedia Reporter Violently Arrested
17-10-2004 15:57
One Indymedia volunteer was arrested from behind the stage at the rally in Trafalgar Square.Ministry of Defence gags soldier's grieving mother
17-10-2004 11:55
She is the mother of soldier Gordon Gentle who was killed in Iraq. She is currently suing the Ministry of Defence over her son's death.On 3 September, the Ministry of Defence issued a D notice about her case.
D notices are government orders which are issued to media outlets. They warning the media off reporting certain things.