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ALERTA #ANTIFA: BIFFERS IN MANCHESTER @misscheeky666 @jlrfb @siegfails @ant1fane

20-03-2016 16:42

Ever wondered what happened to the dinosaurs??? Those that didn't dramatically perish after being struck with comets or frozen dead as dodos in a severe ice age, evolved into alligators, lizards and birds. When the dinosaurs of the BNP popped their electoral clogs, a small herd of braindead sheep got religion and left to form Shitain First, a political party cum pseudo-religious cult devoted to viewing all Muslims as extremists while paying homage to Christian extremism. Hallelujah! The god botherers who have never been to church, will turn up in anti-fascist Manchester on Saturday 9th of April 2016, to scream and shout abuse at non-white people, gays and lesbians in the cause of their "crusade".

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#ANTIFA ALERT SMASH ODINISM @slatukip @misscheeky666 @siegfails @jlrfb @ant1fane

16-03-2016 17:49

Hitler's (little) Prick Army! Micropenises galore!
It says a lot when British Nationalism has to rely on European fascist movements to teach racist Little Englanders how to be racist in England. Gone are the days of homegrown fascist filth such as Oswald Mosley and John Tyndall slobbering over the union flag. Pan-continental fascist groups are now all the rage. Yes, fascism has always been Italian in origin, and yes, the nazis originated in Germany, led by non other than an Austrian. But what about Rule Britannia and God Save The Queen? and what about that absolute guff about preserving Christianity???

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#ANTIFA ALERT SMASH ODINISM @slatukip @siegfails @misscheeky666 @jlrfb @ant1fane

16-03-2016 17:40

Walts For Hitler
It says a lot when British Nationalism has to rely on European fascist movements to teach racist Little Englanders how to be racist in England. Gone are the days of homegrown fascist filth such as Oswald Mosley and John Tyndall slobbering over the union flag. Pan-continental fascist groups are now all the rage. Yes, fascism has always been Italian in origin, and yes, the nazis originated in Germany, led by an Austrian. But what about Rule Britannia and God Save The Queen? and what about that absolute guff about preserving Christianity???

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ALERTA #ANTIFA: #NAZI SCUM ALERT @slatukip @misscheeky666 @JLRFB @siegfails #edl

10-03-2016 17:07

UKIP Go White Supreme
Scandinavia's version of the KKK, the so-called "Soldiers Of Odin", have linked up with British far right activists to bring the violent biker-influenced neo-Nazi Odinist-worshipping cult to the streets of the United Kingdom, and fascist activists of several far right groups including National Action are reportedly getting involved with this quasi-terrorist group, their aims, to foment rioting between white people and non-Aryans including Muslims. Their white supremacist "Norse God" ideology of Wodinism / Odinism, an extreme religious philosophy worshipped by ex-oddballs of the BNP - racist space monkey Lee Barnes, police grass Eddie Stampton and senior members of the National Front, provides another dogmatic reason to hate people different to themselves. Even Kippers are getting in on the act, Twitter's foremost UKIP publicist David Jones, lending his support to violent racial assaults carried out by hardcore white supremacists. Nigel Farage continues to refuse to remove Jones's membership card, despite his alarmingly extreme views.

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ALERTA #ANTIFA: #NAZI SCUM ALERT @slatukip @misscheeky666 @siegfails @JLRFB #EDL

10-03-2016 16:56

Ukip Supporting White Supremacists
Scandinavia's version of the KKK, the so-called "Soldiers Of Odin", have linked up with British far right activists to bring the violent biker-influenced neo-Nazi Odinist-worshipping cult to the streets of the United Kingdom, and fascist activists of several far right groups including National Action are reportedly getting involved with this quasi-terrorist group, their aims, to foment rioting between white people and non-Aryans including Muslims. Their white supremacist "Norse God" ideology of Wodinism / Odinism, an extreme religious philosophy worshipped by ex-oddballs of the BNP - racist space monkey Lee Barnes, police grass Eddie Stampton and senior members of the National Front, provides another dogmatic reason to hate people different to themselves. Even Kippers are getting in on the act, Twitter's foremost UKIP publicist David Jones, lending his support to violent racial assaults carried out by hardcore white supremacists. Nigel Farage continues to refuse to remove Jones's membership card, despite his alarmingly extreme views.

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ALERTA #ANTIFA: ODINIST #NAZI ALERT @slatukip @misscheeky666 @siegfails @JLRFB

10-03-2016 12:34

David Jones of UKIP Admires White Supremacist Gangs
Scandinavia's version of the KKK, the so-called "Soldiers Of Odin", have linked up with British far right activists to bring the violent biker-influenced neo-Nazi Odinist-worshipping cult to the streets of the United Kingdom, and fascist activists of several far right groups including National Action are reportedly getting involved with this quasi-terrorist group, their aims, to foment rioting between white people and non-Aryans including Muslims. Their white supremacist "Norse God" ideology of Wodinism / Odinism, an extreme religious philosophy worshipped by ex-oddballs of the BNP - racist space monkey Lee Barnes, police grass Eddie Stampton and senior members of the National Front, provides another dogmatic reason to hate people different to themselves. Even Kippers are getting in on the act, Twitter's foremost UKIP publicist David Jones, lending his support to violent racial assaults carried out by hardcore white supremacists. Nigel Farage continues to refuse to remove Jones's membership card, despite his alarmingly extreme views.

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ALERTA #ANTIFA: ODINIST #NAZI ALERT @slatukip @misscheeky666 @dubdanu @JLRFB

10-03-2016 12:23

Scandinavia's version of the KKK, the so-called "Soldiers Of Odin", have linked up with British far right activists to bring the violent biker-influenced neo-Nazi Odinist-worshipping cult to the streets of the United Kingdom, and fascist activists of several far right groups including National Action are reportedly getting involved with this quasi-terrorist group, their aims, to foment rioting between white people and non-Aryans including Muslims. Their white supremacist "Norse God" ideology of Wodinism / Odinism, an extreme religious philosophy worshipped by ex-oddballs of the BNP - racist space monkey Lee Barnes, police grass Eddie Stampton and senior members of the National Front, provides another dogmatic reason to hate people different to themselves. Even Kippers are getting in on the act, Twitter's foremost UKIP publicist David Jones, lending his support to violent racial assaults carried out by hardcore white supremacists. Nigel Farage continues to refuse to remove Jones's membership card, despite his alarmingly extreme views.

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SHANIA TWAIN LAW @slatukip #ANTIFA @exposingbf @siegfails @JLRFB @misscheeky666

19-02-2016 13:31

Just as you think the stupidest of racists cannot get any thicker, along pops a racist and homophobic Christian member of psychotic neo-Nazi internet cult #bluehand, who cannot even spell the word Christian, ranting about his fear of something he calls "Shania Law", which is run by "Islams". His profile is not a spoof, but sadly is for real. Yes, we have serious idiots living among us, bozos who support Britain First, of all people. What a surprise.

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SHANIA TWAIN LAW @slatukip #ANTIFA @siegfails @exposingbf @jlrfb @misscheeky666

19-02-2016 13:25

Just as you think stupid racists cannot get any thicker, along pops a racist and homophobic Christian member of psychotic neo-Nazi internet cult #bluehand, who cannot even spell the word Christian, ranting about his fear of something he calls "Shania Law", which is run by "Islams". His profile is not a spoof, but sadly is for real. Yes, we have serious idiots living among us, bozos who support Britain First, of all people. What a surprise.

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FALL OF THE EDL FOOTSOLDIERS @slatukip‏ #ANTIFA @misscheeky666 @siegfails @JLRFB

18-02-2016 12:03

"They've Got Muslamic Rayguns....."
Once "coming down the street", now cumming in their pants, all that remains of the once-famous EDL is a small gang of drug-abusing loners who have spent the winter months idly jerking off, waiting for their first march to begin. Once a mighty fascist fighting-force, now diminished to the point of extinction, the English Defence League are down to their last few footsoldiers, most having defected to Tommy's Silent Car Park Army. Having started off with a bang, jackboots on the street have dwindled with the passing of years to such an extent, nobody fears the EDL any more, like they did, back in the day. The first thing Tommy Robinson did when he awoke from his coma, was took the piss out of the pillocks of the EDL, whom he and friend Eddowes had helped put out of existence, hundreds of members grassed up and jailed, their once ferocious Facebook page flogged off for click bait. Someone close to the forlorn hangers-on in the EDL (not that many have partners), should break the news gently...... The EDL are yesterday's losers. EXIT STAGE... EDL!!!

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FALL OF THE EDL FOOTSOLDIERS @slatukip‏ #ANTIFA @siegfails @misscheeky666 @JLRFB

18-02-2016 11:53

"They've Got Muslamic Rayguns....."
Once "coming down the street", now coming in their pants, all that remains of the once-famous EDL is a small gang of drug-abusing loners who have spent the winter months idly jerking off, waiting for their first march to begin. Once a mighty fascist fighting-force, now diminished to the point of extinction, the English Defence League are down to their last few footsoldiers, most having defected to Tommy's Silent Car Park Army. Having started off with a bang, jackboots on the street have dwindled with the passing of years to such an extent, nobody fears the EDL any more, like they did, back in the day. The first thing Tommy Robinson did when he awoke from his coma, was took the piss out of the pillocks of the EDL, whom he and friend Eddowes had helped put out of existence, hundreds of members grassed up and jailed, their once ferocious Facebook page flogged off for click bait. Someone close to the forlorn hangers-on in the EDL (not that many have partners), should break the news gently...... The EDL are yesterday's losers. EXIT STAGE... EDL!!!

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#PEGIDA #PUPPIES @slatukip #ANTIFA @JLRFB @bikeyjezmo @dubdanu @misscheeky666

08-02-2016 17:33

EDL members and their self-styled "Infidel" splinters remain oblivious to their emasculation. Whether Tommy "The Tit" Robinson was nobbled in jail, or exchanged a funny handshake with a well-spoken man in an Aston Martin, someone somewhere slipped the "cash whore" a good few quid to lead British nationalism down an evolutionary dead end, which is such a welcome achievement. Once a ferocious fighting machine drilled to instil terror into the ranks of the UAF, thanks to Tommy Tit, far right British bulldogs have been decommissioned into puppy dogs with wagging tails. It was so hilarious to witness gangs of hard cases with football banning orders, marching quietly to a deserted industrial estate, whilst made to think they were putting one over mainstream society. The Emperor's New Clothes indeed. Milked ruthlessly for their pennies, the EDL's former football hooligans have been pacified into obedient little dummies incapable of saying boo to a goose. Not even allowed to holler and cheer, their "exciting away day" in Birmingham consisted of standing around in utter boredom, applauding only when instructed.

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#PEGIDA #PUPPIES @slatukip #ANTIFA @bikeyjezmo @JLRFB @siegfails @misscheeky666

08-02-2016 14:25

EDL members and self-styled "Infidels" remain oblivious to their emasculation. Whether Tommy "The Tit" Robinson was nobbled in jail, or exchanged a funny handshake with a well-spoken man in an Aston Martin, someone somewhere slipped the "cash whore" a good few quid to lead British nationalism down an evolutionary dead end, which is such a welcome achievement. Once a ferocious fighting machine drilled to instil terror into the ranks of the UAF, thanks to Tommy Tit, far right British bulldogs have been decommissioned into puppy dogs with wagging tails. It was so hilarious to witness gangs of hard cases with football banning orders, marching quietly to a deserted industrial estate, whilst made to think they were putting one over mainstream society. The Emperor's New Clothes indeed. Milked ruthlessly for their pennies, the EDL's former football hooligans have been pacified into obedient little dummies incapable of saying boo to a goose. Not even allowed to holler and cheer, their "exciting away day" in Birmingham consisted of standing around in utter boredom, applauding only when instructed.

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#PEGIDA #PUPPIES @slatukip #ANTIFA @bikeyjezmo @JLRFB @dubdanu @misscheeky666

08-02-2016 14:16

EDL members and self-styled "Infidels" remain oblivious to their emasculation. Whether Tommy "The Tit" Robinson was nobbled in jail, or exchanged a funny handshake with a well-spoken man in an Austin Martin, someone somewhere slipped the "cash whore" a good few quid to lead British nationalism down an evolutionary dead end, which is such a welcome achievement. Once a ferocious fighting machine drilled to instil terror into the ranks of the UAF, thanks to Tommy Tit, far right British bulldogs have been decommissioned into puppy dogs with wagging tails. It was so hilarious to witness gangs of hard cases with football banning orders, marching quietly to a deserted industrial estate, whilst made to think they were putting one over mainstream society. The Emperor's New Clothes indeed. Milked ruthlessly for their pennies, the EDL's former football hooligans have been pacified into obedient little dummies incapable of saying boo to a goose. Not even allowed to holler and cheer, their "exciting away day" in Birmingham consisted of standing around in utter boredom, applauding only when instructed.

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#PEGIDA MURDERERS @ant1fane #ANTIFA @dubdanu @seigfails @JLRFB @uaf @tellmamauk

07-02-2016 16:46

Tommy Robinson hypocritically talked to the media about banning nazis and racists from his neo-nazi gathering, however, enlisting his team of former EDL and BNP heavies to do the security, meant racist murderers participated in the march. EDL security thug Andrew Currien from Lanesfield near Wolverhampton and Daryl Rickhuss were part of a gang convicted in 2009 for the cowardly racist murder of a black 59 year old man Stainton Barrett, who was crushed to death by a car following a violent brawl, the EDL nazi thugs having racially abused the man in the street after he asked them for a cigarette. Andrew Currien along with EDL supporter Daryl Rickhuss, also from the Wolverhampton area, were both jailed for 18 months by Wolverhampton Crown Court. Both were present at the Pegida rally, staying close to Tommy Robinson at all times.

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#PEGIDA #MURDERERS @dubdanu #ANTIFA @slatukip @siegfails @JLRFB @misscheeky666

07-02-2016 16:25

Tommy Robinson hypocritically talked to the media about banning nazis and racists from his neo-nazi gathering, however, enlisting his team of former EDL and BNP heavies to do the security, meant racist murderers participated in the march. EDL security thug Andrew Currien from Lanesfield near Wolverhampton and Daryl Rickhuss were part of a gang convicted in 2009 for the cowardly racist murder of a black 59 year old man Stainton Barrett, who was crushed to death by a car following a violent brawl, the EDL nazi thugs having racially abused the man in the street after he asked them for a cigarette. Andrew Currien along with EDL supporter Daryl Rickhuss, also from the Wolverhampton area, were both jailed for 18 months by Wolverhampton Crown Court. Both were present at the Pegida rally, staying close to Tommy Robinson at all times.

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#PEGIDA DAMP SQUIB @slatukip #ANTIFA @JLRFB @misscheeky666 @tellmamauk #edl

06-02-2016 15:40

Kipper Bucket Fannies bleeding PegEDLers dry.
The "not-so-great" and the "not-so-good" turned out to march from Birmingham Airport's station to a carpark in the middle of nowhere for their spectacular opening fascist event. EDLers turned up in their dozens hoping for some action, having snorted nostils-full of regular marching powder, however in the damp Midlands drizzle, their fascist get-together was nothing more than a damp squib. Most of those who marched against Muslims were hardcore extreme rightwing football hooligans, however the quiet event was so uneventful that several fell asleep mid walk, shuffling along like clueless zombies wishing they were elsewhere. Even standing on a cold, blustery train platform, trainspotting, is far more exciting than Pegida UK. A damp squib, pure and simple.

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#PEGIDA DAMP SQUIB @slatukip #ANTIFA @siegfails @misscheeky666 @hopenothate #edl

06-02-2016 15:35

UKIP's Bucket Fannies
The "not-so-great" and the "not-so-good" turned out to march from Birmingham Airport's station to a carpark in the middle of nowhere for their spectacular opening fascist event. EDLers turned up in their dozens hoping for some action, having snorted nostils-full of regular marching powder, however in the damp Midlands drizzle, their fascist get-together was nothing more than a damp squib. Most of those who marched against Muslims were hardcore extreme rightwing football hooligans, however the quiet event was so uneventful that several fell asleep mid walk, shuffling along like clueless zombies wishing they were elsewhere. Even standing on a cold, blustery train platform, trainspotting, is far more exciting than Pegida UK. A damp squib, pure and simple.

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#PEGIDA BUCKET FANNIES @siegfails #ANTIFA @slatukip @misscheeky666 @JLRFB

06-02-2016 14:16

Tommy Tit found a use for the posh Tory-Boy Kippers attending his demos......

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#ANTIFA CALL OUT DESTROY #PEGIDA @ant1fane @iamhaggisuk @JLRFB @protestwatch

05-02-2016 17:52

The hour is almost upon us, your opportunity to destroy Tommy Robinson's Pegida UK movement on a chilly, rainy February afternoon. The neo-Nazi scumbags are not marching in Birmingham City Centre because they are shit scared of ANTIFA, especially as a handful of bourgeois UKIP racists in expensive suits are expected to join the action, cowards who talk big about persecuting Muslims and destroying Islam, but in the cold light of day, will shit themselves once they catch sight of an angry antifascist ready to chase them off the streets. Dover was big, however stopping Pegida in their tracks will be momentous. Antifascists were too slow off the mark to stop the EDL in the early days, part of the reason, there was only the UAF mobilising at most if not all counterprotests. Now ANTIFA and the Anti-fascist network are taking the lead, there is much more resources for direct action, Dover and before it, Liverpool, landmarks in the physical struggle against street fascists.