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Brad Will's murderers freed for lack of evidence- Reporter San Frontiers

06-12-2006 13:01

Two suspects in cameraman Brad Will's murder freed for lack of evidence.

Reporters Without Borders voiced outrage today on learning of the release of Abel Santiago Zárate, the official in charge of public security in Santa Lucia del Camino (in Oaxaca state), and his bodyguard, Orlando Manuel Aguilar Coello, who had been arrested on suspicion of firing the shots that killed Indymedia cameraman Brad Will during a protest against Oaxaca's governor on 27 October.

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Indymedia Photography Skill Share Workshop

02-12-2006 14:01

It's been suggested, and seems like a good idea, that some training is given on croping and resizing photos for uploading on the web. There has also been an idea knocking around in some peoples heads for a while to do a skill sharing session of some kind on digital photography in general.

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Indymedia it is dead - long live indymedia

01-12-2006 16:21

Indymedia Italy Closes to Start Over Again.

"Through it all, Indymedia has always maintained its nature of a local/global network that now returns to the streets and to the piazzas to close the circle." -

The following is an english translation of a statement from the IMC Italy collective...

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People fighting back in Tonga - IMC activists reports and photos

01-12-2006 03:08

Riots broke out in Tonga's capital Nuku'alofa after a pro-democracy demonstration on Thursday, 16th November, in the Kingdom. About 3000 people marched onto parliament with banners calling for immediate reform, others attacked public figures, while another labeled the current structure a "deadly virus". In the afternoon, after parliament was cancelled, protesters started smashing government buildings and set fire to businesses owned by the Prime Minister and the King in the city centre and turned cars over. Windows were smashed in the Prime Minister's Office, Parliament House, the Magistrates Court,the Public Service Commission Office, the Ministry of Finance and three vehicles overturned and government cars smashed in government parking lots. One company targeted was power company Shoreline, owned by the King. The aristocratic class control the economic and political aspects of life against which the people have been resisting for years. The protests and riots are part of the struggle against the feudal system which is oppressing the Tongan people for years.

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Sucessful opening for Poitical Video Festival

28-11-2006 12:52

Sucessful opening for Poitical Video Festival

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No More Westcountry IMC – Use Bristol Indymedia Instead!

26-11-2006 19:29


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Collective statement of solidarity with the social struggle in Oaxaca, Mexico

24-11-2006 10:53

Social struggle in Oaxaca
Nottingham anarchists and Indymedia activists send their message of support for the struggle of the Mexican people against corruption, poverty, suppression of free speech, for their autonomy and wish to live in peace.

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Reclaim The Screens!

21-11-2006 11:26

Reclaim The Screens feminist film season at Renoir Curzon Cinema: 25th November, 2nd & 3rd December

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Newspaper editor collaborates with BNP

20-11-2006 19:08

Local newpaper editor Danny Lockwood is being sued by Dewsbury Labour MP
Shahid Malik.
Lockwood has decided this matter is all about freedom of speech and has decided to start a fighting fund to pay his legal team.
However he has enlisted the help of resident BNP "folk" band "Red Claire"

Red Claire consists of BNP councillors Colin Auty and Paul Cromie along with BNP candidate Frank Atack.
Red Claire played at this years BNP Red,White and Blue festival.
They are playing at the Park Public House in Batley,a pub that regularly holds BNP meetings and has even had Nick Griffin speak there.

This isn't the first time Lockwood and the Press have shown support for the BNP.
But this has been the most open and blatant.

Please register your polite protests with the Dewsbury Press.

Alternatively telephone them at 01924 439498

Please keep it polite please.

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Demo outside Mexican embassy TOMORROW (Monday) and solidarity meeting

19-11-2006 13:49


Picket the Mexican embassy (16 St George St W1, nearest tube: Oxford Circus) from 5pm to 6.30pm this Monday 20th November!

Then come to a public meeting from 7.30pm at the National Union of Journalists (308 Grays Inn Rd WC1, nearest tube: Kings Cross) with Jeremy Corbyn MP.

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This Weeks SchNEWS - Goin' Under - A Drop Of Strewth In An Ocean Of Bullshit

14-11-2006 18:13

NEXT 100 YEARS - Mass Extinction, Bush Fires, Severe Drought
A look at climate change and the protests against it in Australia and beyond.

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Not free as in beer! The autistici/inventati auto-funding campaign

13-11-2006 10:47

Autistici/Inventati are a server collective based in Italy. They provide mailboxes, lists, hosting, blogs and much more. These services are not free as in beer -- the collective needs 800 Euro per months. Here is the mail-out for their auto-funding campaign:

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Indymedia-film about Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon

13-11-2006 00:12

These days a new indymedia-film concerning the situation of palestinian refugees in Lebanon was released.

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09-11-2006 18:36

Mass protests against fraud in the wake of the Mexican
presidential elections this summer and a
six-months-old standoff in Oaxaca between the
authorities and protesters have converted Mexico into
a hotbed of insurrection. The target is a long-ruling
oligarchy of hacienda owners and industrialists who
may have underestimated populist power buoyant today
on mass communication techniques and encouraged by the
swing to the left on the Latin American continent.

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Berlin Humboldt University Bans 9/11 Film

07-11-2006 16:08
The film "Loose Change" has been downloaded over 70 million on Google Video and is thus the first international blockbuster.A free presentation of this film for the general public was planned for November 3, 2006 in the Film Theater of the Humboldt University;

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Cinema Libre

04-11-2006 13:13

Cinema Libre is a free cinema in an occupied venue.
We show short political films to encourage discussion.

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Reporters San Frontieres organises 24-hour online demo against Internet censors

04-11-2006 12:10

example poster jpg
Help to combat online censorship by taking part

Everyone is invited to connect to the Reporters Without Borders website ( between 11 a.m. on 7 November and 11 a.m. on 8 November.

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Coronet Five Not Guilty after Anarchist Bookfair Trial - report

03-11-2006 15:58

The Crown Court case against five people arrested after last year's Anarchist bookfair concluded yesterday with the last of the defendants being found not guilty.

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Press Release: Reporters San Frontiers investigates Brads death.

03-11-2006 15:01


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United Kingdom:Failure in immigration policy?

03-11-2006 12:30

Democracy and Human Rights