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UK Indymedia Newswire Archive

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Changes to the website (publishing form)

24-02-2006 20:45

We've worked over the last month to make some changes to the website to make it easier and more accessible for people to publish news on the Notts Indymedia website.

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Novel about travellers launched as blog site

23-02-2006 22:23

I have decided to give the world the opportunity to say what they think of my novel!

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Only doing our job!

23-02-2006 18:36

RELATIONS between journalists and the police will be the subject of the London Freelance Branch debate at the House of Commons on Monday 13 March - with the Met's Deputy Assistant Commissioner Brian Paddick and NUJ General Secretary Jeremy Dear kicking off, so to speak.
(from the freelance site )

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Google is evil but copyright more evil still.

23-02-2006 14:51

A judge in the USA has ruled that Google’s search services breaches copyright by displaying thumbnail photographs, in a case brought by porn magazine.

"Google’s display of thumbnails in image search results pages would not be likely to fall within a “fair use” exception to copyright law,", Judge Howard Matz ruled.

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rampART Chechnya film night - tonight

23-02-2006 13:00

Sixty two years ago, on 23 February 1944, Stalin ordered the forcible deportation of the Chechen, Ingush and other nations of the North Caucasus to Central Asia. The people who were were transported with little or no provision in cattle trucks and more than half died in transit or in massacres committed by Soviet troops. Those who survived the journey were left facing starvation and disease in the harsh winters of Siberia and Central Asia. In 2004 the European Parliament passed a motion formally recognising this tragedy as a genocide.

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East London Advertiser plugs Crossrail lies and fakery by John Biggs

23-02-2006 09:26

The 'local' East London Advertiser which circulates mainly in Tower Hamlets has shown that it is as prejudiced and as ignorant of the facts in the community's life in February 2006 as it was a hundred years ago when the cause of democracy and transparency became the hottest local topics. In the almost three years since late 2003 that local people have camapaigned against Crossrail, the East London Advertiser has not been able to publish one report without tainting the facts with ignorance and misinformation. Today's weekly print edition of the paper continues the anti-social record by giving Greater London Assembly member and arch Blarite John Biggs a wholly unwarranted space to peddle more myths to make the perniociuous Crossrail plan acceptable

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Undercurrents death film wins in Japan

23-02-2006 08:54

Undercurrents - big in Japan

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UK police arrest stars of award-winning film "The Road to Guantanomo" under the

18-02-2006 10:55

Citing the "Prevention of Terrorism" act, British Police have arrested and interrogated three of the stars of the award-winning film "The Road to Guantanamo", together with the three ex-Guantanomo detainees on whose story the film is based.

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Indymedia Radio London - 15th Feb 06 - Show Audio

17-02-2006 08:49

Indymedia Radio London: 15th Feb 06 Show
76mins - mp3 - mono

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News round up

15-02-2006 15:12

The following news summaries where prepared for the weekly Indymedia London Radio show on Resonance FM but not used due to lack of time...

You can hear the show repeated on Resonance 104.4FM next monday at 11am, or look on for the archived copy soon.

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Bolivian Solidarity interview edited for Resonance FM show wednesday

14-02-2006 22:43

This is a 17min audio piece put together as the outro for the wednesday Indymedia London Newswire Show that goes out on Resonance FM every week. The first 11 minutes include an edited version of an interview made with one of the delegates from the Bolivian Solidarity Campaign who was at last weekends benefit gig. The first section also includes one track recorded live during the gig. The final six minutes are throw away filler design to coincide with the end of the hour long show.

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Foreign Office seeks to ban book exposing complicity in torture

12-02-2006 20:07

The UK Foreign Office is threatening legal action against Craig Murray over his book "Murder in Samarkand", which exposes British complicity in torture.

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Audio and review of Boliva Solidarity gig

12-02-2006 15:27

A bunch of audio files including traditional bolivian music, an interview with a member of the Bolivia Solidarity Campaign, plus a little bit of Attila The Stockbroker...

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Video - hacklab, open source and free radio

11-02-2006 06:10

Here are two videos which we don't think ever got uploaded and we are doing so now for the sake of ensuring that we document and archive as much of our collective history as possible.

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08-02-2006 13:30

An important film examining Britain's commitment to freedom and diversity has just become available on

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2006 Starts with hack attack’s at Nepali websites

05-02-2006 22:18

In what seems to become some kind of serial hacker saga, now the website of United we Blog (UWB) has had the same kind of treatment to endure since last Saturday.

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G8 Genoa Diaz Trial: British Testimonies and a Personal Report

02-02-2006 18:19


Last week the final British witnesses gave their evidence in the Italian court case against 29 police officers accused of crimes relating to the horrific raid on the GSF Diaz school in Genoa, when Italian police stormed their way into the school and savagely beat scores of people. In the building opposite the police immobilised the grassroots media, smashed equipment and phones, stole video tapes and took the hard drives of the volunteer legal team's computers.

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Indymedia Radio London - Weekly News Roundup + Audio

01-02-2006 15:57

Here's some of the stories from Indymedia London Radio's weekly broadcast on Resonance FM - taken from UK and Global Indymedia, and this week a few stories culled from the excellant Schnews.

Only half these stories were used on the radio show, as there was also an interview about the ongoing 2001 Diaz school raid court case in Italy, and a 20 min piece about the High Court challenge of the use of Section 44 of the terrorism act against protestors.

Also featured was the protest after the sad death of Bereket Yohannes who hung himself at Harmondsworth Detention Centre (

Listen to the show every week at 1pm every Wednesday in London on 104.4FM or on the web at:

...or check out other imc audio at

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Bluetooth bytes into popcorn with free films at rampART this thursday

25-01-2006 17:30

Media activists are playing with new technology hoping to expand the ways that radical media is made available...

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indymedia video: Clearer Channel

25-01-2006 10:27
