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Greyhound Banner in the Sky

04-08-2014 22:27

The CAGED NorthWest Banner in the Sky
We did it, the greyhound banner in the sky attracted so much attention.

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BBC Vigil for Gaza

25-07-2014 14:51

“Don’t be deceived by those fancy talkers because action speaks louder than words –Jimmy Cliff. On the Friday the 25th of July members of the Solidarity Collective held a vigil outside the offices of the BBC in London. The aim was to highlight the continuing bias in the coverage of the occupation of Palestine and onslaught in the Gaza strip that has seen the death toll of mostly women and children pass the 800 mark.

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This is What Democracy Looks Like! : The Fight For The Can Vies Social Centre

22-07-2014 17:51

n May Barcelona was shook by four days of rioting and protest against the eviction of an established social centre, Can Vies.

Juana Belén Gutiérrez de Mendoza looks at the history of the building, and interviews the organisers currently fighting its eviction.

Self organised social centre (Centre social autogestionat) Can Vies has been a space for radical politics and community organising for 17 years. It’s been a place where different generations of activists can meet and learn from each other, where hundreds of people have learnt to be a part of a community, participating in the assembly with consensus decision making and collective responsibility.

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Disgusting Tories try to extend 'Universal Credit' on the sly

20-06-2014 18:40

Pie this and pie it hard!
Those disgusting Tories try to extend 'Universal Credit' on the sly...

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exiles in Calais - hunger strike has begun

11-06-2014 14:59

Refugees have been occupying the food distribution centre in Calais, France, for the past two weeks since the evictions of the three camps where they had been living. They have tried to negotiate with the city to be able to live in decent conditions and free from police harassment. However for over a week they have heard nothing from the authorities. Today at 10am a group of people have begun a hunger strike and released a list of their demands and motivations. Please support and spread to networks and media contacts.

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London Boris Johnson PR front Evening Standard has been blocking comments

10-06-2014 15:42

Today's the day when Sarah Sands, the unofficial Boris Johnson Special Adviser and sometime Editor of Two-Beards' Evening Standard is sharing the global Civilisation platform thanks top Angelina Jolie. The ES has got Jolie all over the paper's prints today. In the Editorial, Sarah Sands reiterates her Conservative and Boris Johnson dedications. But comments on the pieces are barred. From a number of London campaigners.

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Starting a help account for cats in need of help

30-05-2014 12:18

Hardly glamorous topic. But in London there is a desperate shortage of helpful places that cat owners in low income can access.

Cats matter too much.

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Lets Make Farage Hitler Photo Go Viral

27-05-2014 23:11

Share on Twitter and Facebook, everybody.

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The Great Racist Euro-Dictator

27-05-2014 22:57

Retweet, Facebook share.

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DWP unravelling - UK Neo Cons breaking laws, suppressing due process

13-05-2014 11:04

The UK DWP is unravelling - the UK Neo Cons CONDEM regime has been breaking laws, suppressing due process daily. Following Denis Skinner drawing attention at a 2013 PMQs to the Cameron-fronted regime driving the vulnerable and the seriously ill to their deaths, a momentary state of shock prevailed. That appears to have been ‘sedated’ by the ferocious PR by Fleet Street tabloids reinforcing their attacks on the low income, the no-income groups and of course ton the sick, the very sick.....

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Oklahoma Governor Thanks Witnesses After Botched Execution

04-05-2014 02:42

"So I appreciate you coming today and thank you for your attendance," said Oklahoma (USA) Governor Mary Fallin before leaving the room and not responding to any questions regarding the prolonged botched execution.

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UKIP is a pro-racist Far Right group, confirmed by French FN invitation

18-04-2014 13:21

The French racist Far Right FN has invited Nigel Farage's UKIP to join them!
The London EVENING STANDARD carrying a report to this effect today but the outlet has no room for any serious comments on the lethally toxic move from across the channel

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People attacked under ConDem Govt are et down by the funded "advice"

10-04-2014 14:46

Cheatonesadvice is of course a word created today.

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Middle East - Spike in Executions

06-04-2014 01:52

It sounds like a scene from a grisly horror film; five decapitated bodies swinging from a horizontal pole suspended over the main square in the city of Jijzan in southwestern Saudi Arabia. Beside each body hangs a plastic bag containing the victim’s head. Yards away, students are arriving at a local university to take their exams.

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BBC says sorry over lax Data Protection for sources - another own goal!

01-04-2014 16:29

The BBC itself has admitted during today (Tuesday 01 April 2014) to being sorry over the disclosure in the last 48 hours that the BBC'sd own lax management had allowed sources' data to be disclsoed to the supposed subject of last night's Panaroma episide abouut London's Tower Hamlets Borough Council.

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North East EDL, Infidels and anti-fascist demonstrate in Millfield, Sunderland

30-03-2014 23:14

Anti-fascists protest
The North East Infidels, EDL and various other far-right groups came together to protest once again in Millfield, Sunderland.

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Drone Waddington NVDA

27-03-2014 10:46

fence breaking trust making
Sunday 21st September 2014
4 miles south of Lincoln on the A 607
Midday -- 3pm

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The Suicide Attack Against indymedia and its Cause

28-02-2014 16:37

If war is the continuation of government by other means, then terrorism is that of totalitarianism - or from a stringent anti-military perspective, government is a precursor of war such as totalitarianism is of terrorism. But gone are the romantic days when these phenomena were a matter of reason - the current war of words is only a push of a button away from a war of worlds. And the oxymoronic state terrorism evaporating from the totalitarian spying system takes the form of internet forgeries, with the open posting capacities of the global anti-capitalist movement having become a central target of it. Which is quite lethal since every single time the publication button is clicked in execution of a government oath it is as deadly as a radioactive leak - indymedia stands for independent media and leaks better be directed at the leaking platforms specifically installed for that purpose. What was now measured here was so significant an amount of contamination that there is more to conclude than the usual mixture of indecent character and management failure which causes the constant background harassment. The totalitarian spying system has locked its crosshairs on indymedia, and one way is going to end another.

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RIP Protag

18-02-2014 17:29

A Indymedia activist, Protag, has passed away.

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ZAC Goldsmith can make a small difference if HE is honest!

14-02-2014 14:42

Cameron’s dishonesty over kicking out crooked MPs
has reportedly been condemned by Zac Goldsmith.
According to today’s EVENING STANDARD (linked belwo)
even the Lib Dems want the pledge to be honoured. So
why is Cameron able to dodge it then?