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UK Indymedia Newswire Archive

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sheffield kashmir film showing

24-01-2006 09:58

The first screening of a documentary film (produced by Shift Production to the Academy of Community Leadership)of what the delegation from Sheffield encountered.Kashmir Earthquake Relief Fund (sheffield) met and spoke with local people and heard eyewitness accounts of the traumatic suffering and bravery of the Kashmiris.

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Video - when is a demonstration not a demonstration?

24-01-2006 00:30

This video was one of two short films made during a video activism gathering held at the rampART social centre.

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The Youth Camp Radio

23-01-2006 00:37

Video Radio station in Bamakos Youth Camp
A short interview with Jezabel who was working a lot over the last days with the Youth Radio in the IMC Bamako at the Youth Camp.

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WSF reflections

22-01-2006 22:46

A short radio-interview with an indymedia activist at the IMC in Bamako about the role of Indymedia in the global justice movement and reflections on the IMC in Bamako

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Quick notes from day 1 of video activism gathering + SUNDAY SCREENING DETAILS

22-01-2006 01:54

I thought it would be a good idea to share my initial thoughts about the first day of the video activism gathering. Firstly I'd like to get some of it down while it's fresh in my mind and secondly I need an excuse to plug sundays public screening that ends the event...

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Nottingham Indymedia Exhibition opens at the ASBO

20-01-2006 22:03

A exhibition, describing the work and objectives of Nottinghamshire Indymedia has opened to some acclaim at the ASBO Centre. Please go and take a peek!

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Interview about rampART free cinema evenings

17-01-2006 16:15

Every thursday at 8pm, 15 Rampart Street, London E1 2LA... this run down warehouse in London's east-end might not seem the most likely place for a cinema but nether-the-less every week dozens of people attend this squatted building to watch films given a radical slant...

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Bamako IMC starts

17-01-2006 16:06

After I've arrived in Bamako airport at 3am this morning thanks to a three hour delay of the plane, this first intresting thing was the temperature: 19 degrees Celsius!
With the help of two Attac activists from Finnland I found a place to stay for a short night and finanlly hooked up with the french indymedia lot today.

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Leeds Bradford Indymedia meeting

15-01-2006 01:21

It is time to get Leeds Bradford Indymedia on the move again. The newswire is ticking over but we need more volunteers to do features and actively report the news from our area.

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Indymedia Radio London news Wire Shows Nov 2005 until Jan 4th 2006

14-01-2006 00:07

Listen to 8 Indy Media London news wire Shows which were broadcast on Resonance FM 104.4
The Indy Media London News Wire show airs every wednesday between 1.00 and 2.00 PM on Resonance FM104.4 or is streamed at the same time on

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Undercurrents praised by BBC

12-01-2006 16:11

I sit down. Next up is Hamish Campbell, from the anti-capitalist film-making group Undercurrents. He filmed the whole raid as he hid behind a water tank on the roof of a nearby building - a very brave guy.

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BBC should tell the truth about Crossrail HOLE Bill

12-01-2006 11:12

BBC must tell trtuth about Crossrail hole Bill attack on the East Ende. BBC is wrong to give plugs for Tower Hamlets Counciol which has colluded with Crossrail poromoters in the planning of the attack on the BRick Lane London E1 and Bow London E3 areas

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BBC reporter gives evidence at G8 police trail

11-01-2006 22:22

BBC reporter Bill Hayton appeared as a prosecution witness today, in the trial of police over the Diaz School raid during the G8 in Genoa in 2001. He has written what will be his one and only story for the BBC on the trail because the corporation have sent another journalist because, of course, they need an "unbiased observer".

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14th January Benefit Gig in Matilda: Independent Beats

11-01-2006 12:49

Benefit for an Independent Media Centre at the World Social Forum in Bamako
In January 2006 activists from all over Africa and Europe will get together in Bamako for the first World Social Forum (WSF) to be held on African Soil.

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Under the Pavement Radio Show 9th January 2006 Online

10-01-2006 01:51

The lastest edition of Under the Pavement, Manchester's radical alternative radio show, is now online.

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a socpa mystery - help with identification needed

09-01-2006 21:51

why was this man immune to arrest?
today, bow street magistrates court started hearing evidence against four of the five people arrested in parliament square on the day the new socpa legislation came into force on the 1st august last year. but it is now clear that seven people were arrested that day, but two mysteriously avoided charges. WHY?

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excellent news from the Genoa G8 Diaz Trial

08-01-2006 02:01

In a surprise move, the christian democrats in december passed a modification to the "save previti law" which stated that all trials in progress are exempt.

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WARNING! Indymedia images infected with windows exploit!

04-01-2006 15:25

Anyone using windows based operating systems should avoid using indymedia (and many many other sites) until they have installed the security patch expected to be issued by microsoft next week.

A previously unknown 'feature' of windows media formats has been exploited by malicious hackers that enables them to execute code on somebodies machine without their knowledge. All that is required is a windows machine to view a specially prepared image file and the embedded code will be run. These images are being uploaded to hundred of websites around the world and open pulishing sites such as indymedia are the most vunerable to the attacks.

Images contained in emails are also being used to infect machines that then become zombies used for mass commerical spamming, hired out to the highest bidder. Ironically it appear to be anti-capitalist sites including indymedia that are the delivery method of choice.

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We want your video

03-01-2006 15:16

Do you have a video camera, or a phone that records video clips?
Do you film at protests and political events?

rampART is doing weekly free cinema nights (every thursday from 8pm) and hopes to be able to start each weeks screenings with a short collection of newsreals of recent events from a grassroots perspective.

Submissions should be short (5 mins max), and self contained - ie. they should be editted pieces not raw footage that explain the 'what, where, when, why and how' of the story. (Uneditted clips of less than 1 min would be okay if the person who filmed it is there to present and explain the background.)

These newsreals should be of recent events, eg, stuff that has happened within the last week ideally.

Format wise, pretty much any common screenable quality format would be fine (appart from VHS). DVD, VCD, MPEG4 etc prefered.