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Aspartame Awareness Weekend

08-09-2006 04:43

This is Aspartame Awareness Weekend this release has the Report to Schools, new articles by world experts on aspartame, to be forwarded to schools, Board of Educations, pediatricians and OB-GYN for this Save The Children project.

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SOCPA - latest news on barbara tucker and steve jago

07-09-2006 23:21

chief inspector robinson and superintendent terry
when barbara attended charing cross police station on bail, she had no idea she would be held for 24 hours, and obstructed from getting legal representation. her witness friend steve jago, ended up in cells after being violently assaulted. the men behind the continual harrassment of peaceful anti-war protestors, chief inspector robinson and superintendent terry, have recently stopped attempting to use socpa legislation and instead bring ever more bizarre charges against their victims.

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SOCPA - report on tuesday's brian haw adjournment hearing

07-09-2006 19:19

inspector robinson and superintendent terry
brian haw appeared at marylebone magistrates court on tuesday afternoon to ask for an adjournment of his socpa trial while a judicial review investigates the lawfulness of police actions. the end of the hearing descended into farce as superintendent terry ran from the court and called for two units of back-up after brian accused him publicly of his involvement in harrasment and intimidation of an innocent woman.

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What the World Bank and IDB Owe Haiti

07-09-2006 03:59

Notice that Charles Arthur and the Haiti Support Group (UK) have been spreading some major disinformation in regards to the IDB/IMF and the former Aristide government in Haiti. Please read this article to find how the IDB and others destabilized the Aristide govt. Aristide refused to privatize. The FTZ in 2003 became the only way for the Aristide government to reengage foreign financers. Read Paul Farmer's chapter in LET HAITI LIVE also. Charles Arthur is now taking an extremely deceitful campaign against the government elected by Haiti's poor majority.

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Triumph of Blairism! Not in the Crassrail holed East End of London !

06-09-2006 16:58

The Blaired news media led all day yesterday with the alleged prescription for a 'Blairing departure' by the man whom today’s [Wednesday 6 September 2006] Guardian has raised to the highest level of praise possible. Triumph of Blairism. What is the commodity? Where is it to be found? Certainly not in the East End of London whence Blair has now recruited THREE tokens and tools of propaganda, as if to compensate for the ouster of Oona King from her over-Blaired seat in Bethnal Green and Bow. The Crossrail hole plot has been endorsed by Alan Meale who obstructed evidence being given to the Crossrail Select committee [June 2006] that would have exposed crucial defects and the fundamental flaws in the sham CRASSRAIL project. So how is Blairism seen to those fighting the oppressive Blair schemes down in the East End?

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Advanced Disclosure/Press Release: Dear Sir: S.O.S. XXX

06-09-2006 16:07

Corruption is a dirty ugly word.

Please read and distribute this statement of corruption - Statement of Charity sweet: expert independent witness on corruption - Part 1 of 4; should you see fit to do so.

All assistance welcome and needed in delivering this statement to the below noted governing bodies. XXX

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05-09-2006 13:10

COALITION AGAINST THE WELFARE REFORM BILL (CAWRB) Demo/Lobby In Manchester on Monday 25th September 2006

A leaflet on the Manchester demo giving times and everything else you need to know

· A statement to the government, which is more information

· A petition...... would be great if you could copy this and get it filled out and sent back (and I already know that some of you will do this)

· An opportunity to make a donation to the campaign though Danners might want to support DAN and your colleagues instead.

Hopefully this information will start tailoring off now many thanks for your patience

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SOCPA - support brian haw tomorrow (short version)

04-09-2006 18:57

five years of parliament square anti-war vigil and still there. brian haw is in court at marylebone court tomorrow afternoon. supporters are welcome outside the court and in the public gallery.

(short version of previous post)

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SOCPA - recent news and analysis - support brian haw tomorrow

04-09-2006 17:00

if you ever had doubts that the socpa law restricting protest round parliament was political, then read on. faced with legal challenges, police are showing their true colours by trying all other means of deterring peaceful protest against the genocidal and illegal policies of this government.

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Dear Mrs. Callaway-RED ALERT: 9/11/06

03-09-2006 05:45

Dear Mrs. Callaway, I've been working long and hard on this today, and hope that it serves well for your TPoL tomorrow. I think you'll find the epilogue to be flattering to your fine cyber-magazine! Please consider a prominent placement of this article, as I believe lives are at stake. Your (tired) servant, CPTMAY

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Incredible confession by mayor Ken - the Surrogates are out of order!

01-09-2006 17:30

Today's ‘news’ headlines in the UK [Friday 1 September 2006] include 'London mayor Ken Livingstone's alleged denunciation of CRE 'chair' Trevor Phillips. But what created this very presenting himself as very white? Who are the forces behind the tragedy of the Ethnic Surrogates in Britain? Who are the Ethnic Surrogates I devised this analytical tool in the 12980s when I was engaged in the battle against Ken Livingstone’s GLC-based programme of corrupting London by abusing the presence of racism.

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Police Obstruction of Media around Climate Camp and Drax - call out for reports

01-09-2006 13:50

Throughout the week there have been reports of police harassment of journalists, videographers and photographers. Some have been obstructed while filming or taking pictures, others have been prevented from passing along public highways or footpaths. Some have been repeatedly subjected to searches while trying to cover events taking place around Drax...

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Photographer arrested over 'weapon' near Drax

01-09-2006 13:33

I've copied this from comments as it's important that it is seen. The media have been feed bullshit statements by the police about weapons being found on protesters and the story below is from one of those people (not a protester at all in this case). It's important to counter the deliberate misinformation coming from the police about weapons. Their press statements have resulted for example in a Reuters piece saying that the majority of those arrested were for possesion of weapons or crimnal damage which simply isn't true. The two arrests for weapons include the photograper below and a cyclist who had a screwdriver in his tool kit that the police said was an offensive weapon! Both these people have been released without charge and yet the police and media are still quoting these arrests as if they are indicative of violent intent by protesters....

(Would the author of the article below please contact either the legal or media team at the climate camp ASAP)

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You are stars

31-08-2006 21:10

Indymedia shows its brightest colours

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31-08-2006 19:57

Are we due for the much-discussed "next 9/11" in Chicago, on or around 9/11, 2006? A former Army intelligence and public affairs officer, the commander of the cyber-intelligence group, Ghost Troop, writes a powerful letter of warning to the US Army Inspector General and other US VIP's, warning that the next set up event is ready to be staged in Chicago between 9/7 and 9/11, 2006 -- and the newspapers are telling all about it in advance.

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Climate Camp Videos: Screening at Rampart tonight

31-08-2006 18:50

Videos and footage from today's action from the Climate Camp will be screened at Rampart tonight.
Start is at 8pm, but will carry on throughout the evening alongside Global Dimming and An Inconvenient Truth

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The Guardian must stop lying against Muslims and recognise the truth

31-08-2006 11:30

The truth is, and here it is being said for the first time in this form, that Muslim people’s objection to Satan Rushdie was not about Rushdie's alleged freedom to write fiction. It was to Rushdie's satanic evil plot to distort the humanity of the entire Muslim peoples across the world. All Rushdie's apologists have suppressed the truth. They have covered it up with the lie that Muslims are against freedom of expression. Muslims are against the organised lying against human rights. There is no cause higher than this on earth. Uphold human rights. To deny Muslims the right to freedom to express opposition to the lies of Satan Rushdie or his likes is the greater violation of the allegedly western-only virtue of freedom of expression

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International Software Freedom Day on 16th of September

31-08-2006 08:42

Software Freedom Day in Chennai, India
On 16th of September the use of free libre open software will be celebrated in over 150 countries, celebrating it as far away as Nepal ,India and Africa.

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Bayer´s Cipro: Tendon injuries may have link to antibiotics

30-08-2006 15:28

The labels on Cipro and similar antibiotics should bear more serious warnings about a possible link to tendon injuries, petitioners told federal health officials Tuesday.
Between 1997 and 2005, the Food and Drug Administration received 262 reports of ruptured tendons in patients using drugs from the fluoroquinolone class of antibiotics, the consumer advocacy group Public Citizen said in its petition to the FDA. The state of Illinois filed a similar petition last year and asked Tuesday that the two requests be combined.

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Joven estadounidense denuncia pésimo estado de sanidad pública en Nueva York

30-08-2006 14:43

La Habana, 29 ago (RHC) El joven estadounidense Joaquín Morante denunció este lunes las malas condiciones del sistema de Salud Pública en la ciudad de Nueva York y los excesivos costos de la atención médica en Estados Unidos.

Morante, de 28 años y de origen latino, integra el sexto grupo de norteamericanos