UK Indymedia Newswire Archive
Try out indymedia mobile on your mobile phone or PDA
30-03-2007 16:51
Over the last few weeks a crack team of developers have been slaving away on an experimental new version of the indymedia site that aims to deliver improved access for the growing number of internet enabled mobile devices. Try it out yourself...Full article | 2 additions | 1 comment
"Photographers being arrested to seize evidence" (nuj photographers conference)
29-03-2007 08:32
Important article from a few weeks ago from EPUK website:
EPUK also carries some good articles on the npower Radley Lakes injunction (also recently coverede by SchNEWS):
Audio from Indymedia Global Report on Resonance fm 26/03/07
28-03-2007 22:19
The audio reports from this weeks Indymedia Global Report which was broadcast on Resonance fm between 10.30pm and 11.30pm on Monday 26th March.
Proposed ban on photographs in public spaces
27-03-2007 14:31
The government are planning to process a law which will ban the taking of photographs in public places without a valid form of id.Announcing IMC-UK-PHOTO
27-03-2007 00:26
Brad Will's family visit Oaxaca
23-03-2007 14:19
Notts Indymedia get together - Wed 28th March - all welcome
18-03-2007 09:23
On Wednesday 28th March the Notts Indymedia folk will have a get together at the Malt Cross, St James' Street, Nottingham. The get together will start around 7.30pm and everyone with an interest is welcome.
16th-18th Goodbye Cruel World, Hackney
15-03-2007 13:31
The former Dalston Theatre is inviting you for a weekend of Action -Talk and Reflections...
Get involved with Liverpool Indymedia
28-02-2007 17:20
The Liverpool Indymedia group will be meeting in the social centre next to News From Nowhere, 96a Bold Street at 6pm on Tuesday next (6th March).Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
imobile proxy system now running (kinda)
24-02-2007 10:31
Moves to make indymedia mobile have advanced a little with the recent creation of a handheld.css media type and the trial of a proxy system that rewrites indymedia pages on the fly to strip them of unwanted code and content before delivering them to mobile users.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Mobile access
23-02-2007 10:15
I am posting this from a mobile phone just to prove it can be done.Notts Indymedia: Independent or Elitist?
21-02-2007 12:48
According to its Mission Statement, Notts Indymedia is "committed to offering grassroots... news coverage". Indeed, the editorial guidelines state that "The IMC Collective encourages people and groups to organise horizontally". However, recent changes to the Notts site's editorial guidelines, and the actions of certain members of the collective, suggest that this is not taken seriously.Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
iMobile - indymedia on the move
20-02-2007 12:47
This is an invite to anyone who might be interested in helping to shape and develop initiatives to make indymedia more mobile. (see for a general rant on what this might mean).MEETING WED 21ST FEB
7PM @ the hacklab - 15-17 rampart street E1 2LA (off commercial road)
Peace Conference & Knowledge Lab :: some photos
19-02-2007 15:16
Audio reports and background from the 4th KnowledgeLab
19-02-2007 12:00
Workshops were based around questions such as 'how do we know'? what is knowledge'? 'where do we gain our knowledge from'? 'does someone hold control over our knowledge'? 'how does gender affect knowledge'? 'how does education effect knowledge'? 'how are our senses affected by advertising and the media'? 'how can suppressed knowledge be released into the mainstream'? Other sessions included a presentation on alternative education projects, an Indymedia session showing people how to use the website and publish news, and an experiment in anarchism called SOMA - Consensus decision making without the mind/body split.
We recorded an interview with one of the organisers of the event and a chat with a 'knowledgelab-regular' about the history and aims of the knowledgelabs. The last recording is part of a session called Open Spaces for Dialogue and Enquiry (OSDE) which looked at knowledge, what it is and how our knowledge is affected.
Why do activists continue to make use of MySpace? - Calling for a new online social network
15-02-2007 14:42
After some recent discussion on whether a local critical mass group should set up an account on the social networking site MySpace, some interesting things came to light. The amount of activist and campaign groups using the social networking site is growing. These groups include not only critical mass groups in London, Oxford and Manchester and anarchists from Norwich, Gwent, Ipswich but also bigger initiatives like Earth First (1) | (2), Plane Stupid, the Anarchist Federation (1) | (2) and the Cowley Club in Brighton. Even within the independent media world Democray Now, the Indypendent (1) | (2), and Indymedia (1) | (2) collectives from San Diego, Los Angelos (1) | (2) and Indybay have joined the MySpace craze. All but to name a few really. But is MySpace really the online community I would want to be part of? Looking into its structure and the real reasons behind its existance, I doubt I would.
13-02-2007 14:43
El inicio de las actividades de la Página Venezuela Indymedia, de la red internacional de Indymedia, será un avance en la Comunicación Alternativa venezolana y permitirá conocer noticias y opiniones acerca del proceso venezolano.