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UK Indymedia Newswire Archive

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Czech Gov Reports on 'Extremist IMC'

24-07-2003 10:54

The Czech governemnt has included Indymedia in a list of 'extremist organisations' reviewed in a report covering last years events (2002), specificaly in relation to the NATO summit protests in Prague, November 2002.

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Launch of Oxford Indymedia

22-07-2003 18:37

pictures of launch, 21 July 2003

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indymedia MAMOMAD event- 2 days time

22-07-2003 15:57

first event, this thursday evening
meet in "far from the madding crowd" for some SOCIAL pints of ale- followed by an event of sorts- experimental, fun, ?

working for a more peaceful and sustainable world- and having loads of fun doing so

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Sheffield Indymedia Radio tonight 7pm-8pm UTC+1

22-07-2003 10:59

Sheffield Indymedia are doing a radio show tonight (Tuesday) on 106.6FM in the central Sheffield area or you can listen on the Internet (webcam too).

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launch of Oxford Indymedia

22-07-2003 10:49

Around 50-60 people attended the launch of Oxford Indymedia at the community centre on Monday evening. A screening of the undercurrents film sparked off a lively debate about the role of the mainstream media and the possibilities of an alternative media. The next meeting will be on Monday 28th at 7.00pm at the RAP yard Cawly Rd, were the will be training on how to use the website and other IMC projects.

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Cleaning the poor out of the city centre

22-07-2003 08:56

I'm I only one of few people watching what is going on in this city?

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GM Debate? Exclusive Indymedia Video

20-07-2003 02:23

During the six weeks worth of public debates, our roving reports attended almost a dozen sperate events and interviewed people leaving the debates to find out what they thought.
This 25 minute video gives you an insight into public opinion about the government consultation exercise and the state of our democracy...

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Indymedia is discriminating against the people with less than 20-20 vision

19-07-2003 14:08

Indymedia is discriminating against the people with less than 20-20 vision.

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The SHORTWAVE REPORT 7/18/03 ¡Listen Globally!

17-07-2003 23:42

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, Germany, and Cuba.

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A Declaration of Media Independence

16-07-2003 12:44

From the US:

Media Justice: Media for All the People

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Bagdhad Indymedia

15-07-2003 22:22

Bagdhad Indymedia is on line at:

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Venezuelan Community Media Under Attack

15-07-2003 16:12

The year's most serious attack against press freedom

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Ripe for a Revolution? A Revolution?

11-07-2003 21:01

When many gathered and spoke
As of now I am preparing proposals to amend the Human Rights Activities within the human right responsibility that affects us all.

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Gaielge ar indymedia.

10-07-2003 14:31

Ag plé 's ag pleanáil, seo feidhm liosta nua de chuid Ionad Cumarsáid Saor na hÉireann, imc-ireland-gaeilge. Beimid ag teacht le chéile chun an teanga a chur chun cinn ar an suiomh, is ag iarraidh nasc a tharraingt idir Gaeilgeoirí, fior-Ghaeil agus nua-chainteoirí ina measc. Liosta dátheangach atá ann.

imc-ireland-gaeilge is a new list designed to promote the use of the Irish language within IMC Ireland. We'll be putting our heads together to discuss and plan new initiatives, and connecting like-minded independent journalists who wish to produce Irish-language content. This is a ilingual list, open to all, irrespective of language ability.

Eolas maidir le siúntais / subscription information...

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Radio Sheffield Indymedia is on air!

09-07-2003 11:13

Radio Sheffield Indymedia made its debut on Sheffield Live 106.6FM last night...

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Sheffield Indymedia Radio 106.6 FM

07-07-2003 20:57

Sheffield Indymedia with Sheffield Live
Sheffield Indymedia radio show starts tomorrow on 106.6 FM at 7pm.

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Racist 'Great' British pigs

07-07-2003 19:17

I presume no one is going to protest on this.
One is african the other pakistani ('Great' British of course.

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Blunket to force I.D. Cards on everyone, at £40 each!

07-07-2003 06:54

Blunket to force I.D. Cards for all at £40 each.