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European Social Forum events

17-10-2004 10:15

Gabriel Carlyle of Voices UK speaks. Ewa Jasiewicz chairs.
This is a short report of some of the events at the ESF with a look at the lack of mainstream media coverage of the forum.

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Blair has secretly agreed Bush to site US missiles in Britain

17-10-2004 08:14

Blair has secretly agreed to allow Bush to site US missiles on British soil as part of the new US "son of Star Wars" program

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Guardian / Observer: "Anarchists storm European Social Forum"

17-10-2004 01:28

The Guardian (official media partner of the European Social Forum...) reports on saturday evenings intervention at the ESF:

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storming the palace (more pics)

16-10-2004 21:20

breaking into the hall
pics from tonight's autonomous action at the palace (see previous report)

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Assembly of Social Movements And Anti-Ken Livingstone Intervention

16-10-2004 21:15

This evening, grassroots activists gained entry to the official ESF and denounced the organising process from the stage of the main plenary. During a later meeting of the Assembly of Social Movements Redmond O'Neil (of the GLA) condemned the intervention, saying that the activists, who had 'outed' the problems with democracy and communication in the ESF, had attacked people and stolen mobile phones and wallets!

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storming the palace (report and pic)

16-10-2004 20:28

banners on the invaded stage
activists invaded alexandra palace this evening and took to the stage in a successful action highlighting the exclusiveness of the london esf, the police repression of autonomous spaces and actions, and no borders issues.

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IMC Party photos at Camden Center

16-10-2004 12:26

Some photos from the party in the indymedia space at the Camden Center.

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Haiti slum repels police amid angry protests

16-10-2004 05:43

The morgue at the [Port au Prince] General Hospital issued an emergency call this afternoon stating that there was no longer space for new corpses and it had reached full

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Indymedia Centre @ Camden Centre (pics)

16-10-2004 02:18

Pics of the Indymedia Centre @ the Camden Centre on Friday 15th October 2004.

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ESF sees launch of 'Power To The People'

15-10-2004 18:03, an independant website designed to empower you to hold those in power to account is being launched during the ESF this weekend. Focusing primarily with MP Accountability, it also deals with Corporations and the Corporate Media.

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Houston TX protest of Ahimsa seizures @ Swiss consulate

14-10-2004 20:44

IN Houston Texas 15 supporters of the Independant Media Center gathered to protest at the Swiss consulate, and after a lengthy process of negotiation with the building security and police, were able to meet with and deliver demands for the end of repression of the IMC network.

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Breaking: Bin Laden is in China - Transalation from spanish " El Mundo" article

14-10-2004 19:23

This confirms Gordon Thomas, a journalist with contacts in the most important intelligence services. The terrorist had reached an agreement with China, which now negotiates its surrender with Bush. It is his greatest electoral trick.
Bin Laden is in China

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lutte anti terroriste

14-10-2004 10:56


Des experts spécialisés à ALGER.
La capitale algérienne devient cette fin de semaine
la Mecque pour des plus grands experts de la lutte
anti- terroriste à l’occasion de l’inauguration du
centre africain d’études et de recherches sur le
terrorisme dont le siège se trouve à Alger.
Pendant qu’une conférence intergouvernementale
regroupant des représentants de l’union européenne, de
l’OTAN, d’Interpol et des Etats-Unis, s’y tient
mercredi et jeudi,les activité terroristes semblent
connaître un remarquable ralentissement à la lumière
d’une formidable organisation , vigilance et
mobilisation de tous les acteurs chargés de la lutte
contre ce fléau du siècle

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Sheffield MP to raise questions about IMC disk seizure

14-10-2004 08:55

Sheffield MP, Richard Allen has tabled a Parliamentary question to the Home Office to be answered this Friday. His statement from his web site is below...

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Indymedia Madiaq Tshirt

13-10-2004 21:04

The T-shirt of Indymedia Madiaq is on London.

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Barclays is connected to an anti-Kerry smear Campaign in the US.

13-10-2004 21:03

Barclays is connected to an anti-Kerry smear Campaign in the US. Please help apply pressue in the UK and Europe.

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Is attack on Indymedia a Trap

13-10-2004 19:15

This analysis was published on the Spanish site La Haine. It suggests that to focus on the issue of the Nantes photographs is to fall into a trap leading to endless disruptive debate. [and the Italian angle looks much more promising I myself add]. Indymedia should fight back.