UK Indymedia Newswire Archive
Beware The Neo-Nazi Infiltration Of Indymedia
20-04-2005 22:25
BNP media nuts are going undercover, using forums like Indymedia to discredit anti-racists, pretending their for free speech, when in fact, they are really regulars of "Stormponce", Redwatch, and other neo-Nazi websites.Your cover is blown, creeps.
Get Involved Now!!!
20-04-2005 21:49
Broadcasters have a responsibility not to incite racial attacks. Please ensure they act responsibility and pull the plug on the BNP's hatred and lies.Adolf Hitler used the freedom of the press in his attempt to destroy mankind. The BBC and commercial broadcasters must be reminded to act accordingly.
Urgent Anti-Racism
20-04-2005 21:43
Broadcasters have a responsibility not to incite racial attacks. Please ensure they act responsibility and pull the plug on the BNP's hatred and lies.Adolf Hitler used the freedom of the press in his attempt to destroy mankind. The BBC and commercial broadcasters must be reminded to act accordingly.
Protest Against Racism
20-04-2005 15:09
Broadcasters have a responsibility not to incite racial attacks. Please ensure they act responsibility and pull the plug on the BNP's hatred and lies.Adolf Hitler used the freedom of the press in his attempt to destroy mankind. The BBC and commercial broadcasters must be reminded to act accordingly.
20-04-2005 14:16
Kate Davies is the Chief Executive of the Notting Hill Housing Trust. What are her achievements?oxford indymedia at the Oxford Action Resource Centre
20-04-2005 11:44
ox-imc now has a physical space for a community media centre based at the Oxford Action Resource Centre in East Oxford Community Centre. Members of the ox-imc collective will be presenting these facilities in a series of workshops as part of the launch of OARC next week. We have also installed a secure broadband network for community use, connecting other user groups in EOCC, and with plans for wi-fi access for visitors to the community centre.Manchester Indymedia - get involved.
20-04-2005 11:01
Manchester Indymedia ReBootSaturday April 23rd, 10am-2pm
The Basement, 24 Lever St, Mcr
Blair - Another Lie Un-covered
19-04-2005 20:00
On Novermber 14 2001 Tony Blair told Parliament about an Al-Queda tape, made on Oct the 20th by Osama Bin Ladin for distribution among his associates.""In an unbroadcast video tape made last month, Osama bin Laden declares that his al Qaeda network "instigated" the Sept. 11 attacks, the British government said today, and explains that "if avenging the killing of our people is terrorism, let history be a witness that we are terrorists.""
Next Nottinghamshire Indymedia Meeting
19-04-2005 10:41
Various groups and individuals from around Nottinghamshire are in the process of setting up an Independent Media Centre. Plans for the project include a radiostation, website, print out and a training group to work within various communities.Filmmakers wanted for the Blairditchproject bus
19-04-2005 10:35
Calling out for filmmakers for the BlairDitch bus, to make Indymedia documentary of adventures in Sedgefield!'reclaim our right to communicate' radio action 2004
19-04-2005 02:25
18-04-2005 19:26
TECHNICAL 'PROBLEMS' seem to coincide with many contributors that seem to be restricted in exercising their right to freedom of speech. This freedom is supported and cultivated in Europe but it appears this 'freedom' is being restricted and curtailed in the UK GERARD LEMOS has close Labour Party links to the PMCLIVE SOLEY AND NOTTING HILL HOUSING TRUST
17-04-2005 13:01
Rover RIP.Families protest outside Downing St. Last week.
16-04-2005 19:01
G8 Media Coverage: "Anarchist Militants Infiltrated" + G8A leaflet Auchertarder
16-04-2005 08:51
Set of articles 16th April 05:Alternative Mediamaking as a Form of Protest
15-04-2005 22:47
Looking for descriptions of how the reporting of big events works, I came across an article called "A r/c tivism in Physical and Virtual Spaces". Here is an extract about the G8 protests in Evian, 2003. Please add more actvism, G8, polish street art, SOS Iceland, TRAPESE, Schnews, Indymedia
15-04-2005 16:59
There's loads of stuff happening in London's social centres but for some unknown reason the events annoucements of the rampART seem to have been getting stuck in the moderation queue on the London Social Centres Network mailing list for the last few weeks or so while other stuff has been getting through. If you've subscribed to that list then below is a run down on some of the events coming up that you might not have been aware of. If you'd like to recieve timely announcemnts of events coming up then subscribe to the rampart mailing list ( ...Summary...
Sat 16th April : Real2Reel benefit party
Mon 18th April : G8 Climate Counter Summit follow up meeting
Mon 18th April : Clown training
Tue 19th - Fri 22nd : Exhibit of radical polish street art
Sat 23rd April : TRAPESE / Schnews at Ten event
26th - 30th: Indymedia Film Festival
1st May: G8 bike ride benefit bash.
C-Span to Cover 9/11 Truth Talk
15-04-2005 16:35
Indymedia Milwaukee reports that C-Span will challenge the official version of the 9/11 "terrorist attacks" with a nationwide delayed broadcast of a talk by David Ray Griffin at U.W.-Madison Monday 4/18/059/11 on Indymedia
14-04-2005 22:46
Indymedia sites where 9/11 discussion is permitted