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UK Indymedia Newswire Archive

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INDYMEDIA MUST NOT BE allowed to be used by racists and imperalists

14-11-2005 11:04

The racist and persistently offensive comments being allowed to be posted as 'comments' on anti-GW Bush pieces indicate an editorial policy on the parts of those who control the publishing sites. This has been pointe4d out before but the abuses continue. THIS pierce is addressing some of the racist 'icons' being promoted by the abusers to justify their attacks on a writer whom they racistly target because of the writer's name. They have ignored they contents of the Political Poetry of MUHAMMAD HAQUE.

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Scotland Indypendent Media CENTRE launch meeting

14-11-2005 10:55

Scotland Indymedian Public Meeting Thursday 17.11.2005:
Open a Free Internet Cafe and Free Software Lab in Edinburgh!
Films at 5pm in Forest Cafe, meeting upstairs in Church Hall at 7:30pm

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remember saro-wiwa

10-11-2005 01:05

in november 1995, nigerian writer and activist, ken saro-wiwa, and 8 of his colleagues were executed by the military regime for campaigning against the devastation of the niger delta by oil multi-national shell. yesterday, demonstrators dropped nine nooses infront of the shell uk headquarters on the south bank to highlight the anniversary and highlight the current struggle on the north west of ireland, where shell is set to transform a remote conservation area into an environmental disaster zone with public health and safety implications.

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Streaming From The Gaff

08-11-2005 21:07

An experiment with streaming audio, projecting video and the interaction between real and virual worlds took place in Dublin's new social centre

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Sheffield Indymedia Pre-film fest night out

07-11-2005 15:31

Thursday 17th November @ 8pm FREE ENTRY

Matilda Social Centre, 111 matilda street, S1 4QF

Giving a taster of the variety of filmsto be screened at the second Sheffield Indymedia Alt.Doc.Fest: Films from the Frontline, on 24-26th November

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Eye Witness Accounts from France

04-11-2005 02:52

Eye Witness Accounts from France

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Working with the Media: guide for anti-racist and refugee rights activists

02-11-2005 10:25

A new twenty page pdf advice guide published by the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) - October 2005

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Oxford Indymedia reply and counter point

02-11-2005 06:30

As you can see from these guidelines, your 28-year-old article violates at least two of them. It is "non-news" and "not Oxford-relevant". Please respect in future that this is a local news site, not a blog or a discussion forum.

- Richard Hering

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Citizens' Summit on the Information Society (CSIS) in Tunis

01-11-2005 16:06

This is a call to participate (online or offline) in a citizens summit parallel to the world summit of the information society (WSIS) in Tunis. Activists in the UK have participated in some of its predecessing events like media democracy day or the "We seize" actions in Geneva in 2003.

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Does oxford.indymedia censor religious criticism and science history ?

30-10-2005 23:32

I have noted my article,'The Pope's Misconceptions About Conception And Science History',went missing from oxford.indymedia news about as fast as I published there.It was first published,for the record,in September of 1987 when the pope visited San Francisco,California.The pope's visit,coincided,like a bad joke,with the bicentenial of the U.S. Constitution that supposedly,ha ha,allows for free speech and separation of church and state.

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Media neglect of Pakistan, Kashmir quake victims - media crave terror news

29-10-2005 23:18

Why the ‘developed world’ media who control the ‘developing world’ media are wrong to prioritise the agenda of terror

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Fasting in London as the media continue to lie for the wrongdoers

26-10-2005 15:31

Fasting in London on the day when Geoff Hoon [The warmonger on Iraq] stood in the House of Commons for Tony Blair to field 'the Prime Minister's Questions' and in a week of ‘mainstream’ media promoting the profiteers and slotting GW Bush as claiming any identity with the struggles of Rosa Parks !

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Reclaim the Wiki!

24-10-2005 22:51

Wikinews has been inflitrated by a crazed little clique of militaristic neo-con Bush nuts. Please help us take it back!

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URGENT: Evidence needed for arrests after Anarchist Bookfair

23-10-2005 16:02

7 people, including an indymedia journalist, were arrested yesterday after the anarchist bookfair. Evidence is urgently needed.

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Imc Bristol: Seized Server still not returned!

21-10-2005 19:57

Bristol Indymedia had a server seized by police and a volunteer from its collective arrested at the end of June 2005. Here is an update from the BIMC collective:

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BBC link Indymedia as a news source in Notts

19-10-2005 10:54

BBC list Nottinghamshire Indymedia as a news source in Notts

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Resurrecting Climate Indymedia

17-10-2005 23:01

The global importance of reporting on climate issues and community
climate action/protests cannot be overstated. To this end, I am
proposing the resurrection of climate indymedia.

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Request for photos of Geishas at the G8 summit

17-10-2005 18:12

MPH march, Edinburgh
Here a request for photos of the Geishas that were part of the protests at the G8 summit. The Make Poverty History march, the Faslane blockade or the first day of the summit in and around Stirling were some of the things in which the 'Geishas of Gaiety' were 'mingling in the masses'. Also other actions in Nottingham, Sheffield and Derby had Geishas, any photos of that would be great.

If anyone has photos, please get in touch at

The photos will be used in a feature article on Notts Indymedia and for a new website about the radical arts collective of which the Geishas are part of.

Just to remind you of what they looked like, some pictures:

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Free Video Workshop this saturday

14-10-2005 15:29

The world famous oxford indymedia video doctor is coming to London!

Yes, it's that time again, rampART is the venue for the video doctors surgery and video shooting and editing workshop from 2pm Saturday 15th as part of the Real2Reel video activism event. Film screenings kick off at 8pm sharp, interspaced with presentations and discussion then live music.

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Sheffield Indymedia film screening Saturday

14-10-2005 08:25

3rd Indymedia documentary festival
In the run up to Sheffield Indymedia's 3rd annual documentary film festival we will be screening the film UNCOVERED: The War on Iraq as a fringe event the Showroom's documentary festival...