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UK Indymedia Newswire Archive

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Arms firm waged dirty war on protesters

28-09-2003 18:48

The defence giant BAE Systems has been linked to a private intelligence-gathering operation that secretly infiltrated anti-arms trade groups.

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Why the pisspoor coverage of the big London anti-war demo?

27-09-2003 23:24

Contrast the appalling feature column coverage of Saturday's big anti-war demo in London with the blow by blow, hourly, coverage of DSEi.

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samba bands join forces on anti-occupation rally

27-09-2003 22:24

members of London-based rhythms of resistance joined the sheffield samba band to create an almighty sound at today's rally

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Crowd release boy arrested for chalk offence

27-09-2003 22:10

At today's anti-occupation rally in London, a young boy was arrested by police for graffitiing a wall with chalk. Eventually they were shamed into releasing him.›

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An RPG into Blair's Publicity Circus

27-09-2003 18:11

Blair and Prescott's attempt to 'unobrusively' open a 'SureStart' centre in Southampton is exposed to attack...

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Cambridge IndyMedia makes its way onto paper

26-09-2003 21:40

Cambridge IndyMedia has been contemplating producing a paper version, and we've made a draft (attached to this article). It's an ultra-simple attempt to get features and news-wire stories to people who either don't know about or don't have access to the Web site.

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The SHORTWAVE REPORT 9/26/03 ¡Listen Globally!

26-09-2003 00:08

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, and Cuba.

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Enrager.Net - British Anti-Authoritarian Resource & Community - Coming Soon!

20-09-2003 17:08

Enrager.Net - British Anti-Authoritarian Resource & Community - Coming Soon!

Description of the ground breaking new online presence you will soon find at

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What's New at

19-09-2003 19:41

An irregular update on what's new at, the popular activist and alternative news website. is now available in Swedish. Check out our newest interactive website:

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Free Tv meeting

19-09-2003 16:18

Free Tv

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US "advices" EU in law on software-patents

19-09-2003 12:48

once there were ideas...
Just released, three days old. Seven copies of a fax send by the US to the EU. Obtained by netkwesties, Dutch e-zine about issues on the internet.

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Labour Party Conference Sponsors

18-09-2003 23:19

some of the corporate sponsors of this year's Labour Conference
(with acknowledgement to Private Eye for info)e

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A video activists account of reporting the G8/globalisation protests in Genoa 20

18-09-2003 15:27

Two video activists hid in a water tower as young people screamed in pain below. Had Video activism entered a war zone? from Oxfords based undercurrents

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message from bristol imc visitors

18-09-2003 11:00

two bristol indymedia volunteers at large (and frequently lost) in sheffield for the week

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Samba protest at Wormwood Scrubbs

17-09-2003 18:03

rhythms of resistance joined noise protest at wormood scrubbs prison in solidarity with 'Yarl's Wood three' last sunday

pics and report'

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Genoa raid- update on cases agains the Police for Diaz school raid.

16-09-2003 10:05

Genoa raid- update on cases agains the Police for Diaz school raid.

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World Traders see Green Allies as 'Commies'

15-09-2003 20:26

The Greens and their allies remind me of another globally ambitious movement with committed cadres: Communists. And like the Reds in their day, the "Green-Grays" are inspired by visions of a better world. If the free traders are to resist such a coup, they must study the tactics of the anti-traders.

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Unprecedented at The Showroom

14-09-2003 17:33

Ninety people attended a showing [in association with Sheffield Indymedia] at the Showroom Cinema of Unprecedented: the 2000 Presidential Election. As the name implies, this is a documentary about the chicanery, deceipt and fraudulent behaviour of the rich and [mostly] Republican around the infamous "too close to call" election in the self-styled "great state of Florida".

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Coca Cola not only kills but also does massives sackings

14-09-2003 14:23

COCA COLA CLOSED 9 bottling plants in COLOMBIA and send their workers to "voluntary retirement"

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Indymedia Public Access Point for DSEi - thanks to all imc'istas

13-09-2003 18:02

indymedia access point for dsei protests
A big thankyou to all of the imc'istas who helped set up and run the indymedia access point at ground zero, right next to the ExCel centre at St Annes Parish Hall, as well as everyone who helped and contributed to the reporting, both on the streets and behind the computers in london, the rest of the uk and further abroad - as well as the radio crew who streamed on the net over several days and the video folks who managed to publish a lot of good footage.