UK Indymedia Newswire Archive
Dismayed by the the lack of hemp on this site
07-11-2007 11:31
this is regarding the serious lack of hemp in the environmental movement. although it would also help just about every other grassroots movement. i would have thought that being alternative media, there'd be something on hemp. i was especially surprised by the sister site throws up 1 article in a search for "hemp". a search on greenpeace is similarly depressing. is a little better. it seems there's more in the mainstream. eg.
Stand up 4 Journalism! Manchester rally 05/11/07
07-11-2007 01:56
South West - A New Option On Bristol Indymedia - Please Read
06-11-2007 12:18
This is an ongoing part of the remodelling of Bristol Indymedia.
G8 Diaz raid Parliamentary inquiry defeated in Rome parliament.
31-10-2007 22:05
(ANSA) - Rome, October 30 - A bid to obtain a fresh parliamentary enquiry into alleged violence by Italian police at a 2001 G8 summit foundered on Monday when two government parties joined the opposition in voting against it.30/10/2007: London Mexican Embassy Protest, The World is STILL Watching
31-10-2007 19:54
One Year Since Brad Will's Murder in Oaxaca, Mexico
28-10-2007 15:59
Like in the cases of so many other journalists, human rights activists, indigenous leaders and social activists, the murder of Brad Will, a U.S. journalist and documentary video maker from Indymedia New York, who was killed in Oaxaca on October 27, 2006, has been addressed by the Mexican Government with impunity for the murderers.
Brad Will's Last Video:
Brad Will's murder and solidarity actions reports in IMC-UK:
IMC-UK's Oaxaca topic page:
Something for the weekend
24-10-2007 02:36
Latest Offline Newsheet
20-10-2007 17:01
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rampART news and more
18-10-2007 09:36
Last Friday the rampART was used by locals to celebrate EID which marksthe end of Ramadan. In Islam, believers are called upon to cease all
consumption of food and drink between the hours of daylight for 30
consecutive days.
DEADLINE Screening @ The Custard Factory, Birmingham
15-10-2007 11:40
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Anarchist Bookfair after party at rampART
14-10-2007 23:29
Suggested donation £5
proceeds to NoBorders and rampART
Vicente Fox disrupted in NYC by questions about Oaxaca and Brad Will
12-10-2007 09:03
A book signing at Barnes and Noble turned tense when audience membersasked about Brad Will…
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Indymedia Exhibition.
11-10-2007 17:24
Opening October 30th.
Text the contact numbers if know of a suitable space that is free and accessible. Or if you wish to organise something. Anywhere in the UK or Europe considered.
Where Do We Go From Here? - Notts Indymedia Meeting on Monday
02-10-2007 15:14
There will be a Notts Indymedia meeting on Monday 8th October. If you're interested in doing some stuff with us, please come along. It will start at 7.30pm at the Sumac Centre, Forest Fields, Nottingham. All welcome!Liverpool IMC Info Night
20-09-2007 00:19
Oaxaca Info Night Held In Liverpool
17-09-2007 22:17
Liverpool Indymedia night this Wednesday!
17-09-2007 21:24
The Indymedia info night on Wednesday will consist of ashort presentation introducing Indymedia, and then give people a chance to
try out posting articles to Indymedia, with advice & help on hand from the
Liverpool Indymedia volunteer collective.
YOU Could Be An Indymedia Journalist
14-09-2007 23:21
It isn't that hard being an Indymedia journalist. YOU could do it easily. All you need is:Threats against alternative media
14-09-2007 16:18
The “Ké Huelga Radio” is an free radio project, broadcasting in Mexico City at102.9 FM which began in 1999, during the early weeks of the student strike of the
National Autonomous University of Mexico