ZAC Goldsmith can make a small difference if HE is honest!
WhatZacGoldsmithcando | 14.02.2014 14:42 | Analysis | Indymedia | Social Struggles | London | World
Cameron’s dishonesty over kicking out crooked MPs
has reportedly been condemned by Zac Goldsmith.
According to today’s EVENING STANDARD (linked belwo)
even the Lib Dems want the pledge to be honoured. So
why is Cameron able to dodge it then?
has reportedly been condemned by Zac Goldsmith.
According to today’s EVENING STANDARD (linked belwo)
even the Lib Dems want the pledge to be honoured. So
why is Cameron able to dodge it then?
David Cameron’s dishonesty over kicking out crooked MPs
has reportedly been condemned by Zac Goldsmith.
According to today’s EVENING STANDARD (linked below)
even the Lib Dems want the pledge to be honoured. So
why is Cameron able to dodge it then?

Cameron is able to dodge the demand because he believes
that MPs are dishonest, like he is and that they will not
go all the way and so he can ignore the demand.
The only way Cameron can be proven wrong if if a sitting MP
of whatever ‘party’ or ‘colour’ calls Cameron’s bluff.
But that MP will have to come out of the MP shell and behave like
a little person and campaign.
Has Zac Goldsmith got what it takes?
Or is he bluffing too, like the dishonest Cameron?
Zac Goldsmith doe snot need to depend on other MPs at all.
He can really become an ordinary person and be a campaigner for this tiny but ethically symbolic change!
Things can get only better from that moment on, ethically speaking.
Who knows, Zac Goldsmith may even get himself an ethical reputation he currently does not have.