Changes to the website (publishing form)
Notts IMC person | 24.02.2006 20:45 | Indymedia
We've worked over the last month to make some changes to the website to make it easier and more accessible for people to publish news on the Notts Indymedia website.
As you might have noticed, we have now a pre-publshing form. This means that when you publish news, a page comes up and asks you whether you want to upload any media files and if so, how many. If not, it brings you to a 'simple' publishing page. The publishing page is now devided into 4 steps:
Step 1: Your Details
Step 2: Your Article
Step 3: Selecting Regions and topics
Step 4: Contribute!
The publishing pages are now also in the Notts Indymedia layout. If you have any questions, comments or idea's on how to improve things even more, please get in touch!
Step 1: Your Details
Step 2: Your Article
Step 3: Selecting Regions and topics
Step 4: Contribute!
The publishing pages are now also in the Notts Indymedia layout. If you have any questions, comments or idea's on how to improve things even more, please get in touch!
Notts IMC person