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NEO NAZI LEGACY OF THE EDL: - @edlnews @slatukip @slatedl @misscheeky666 #ANTIFA

Inglorious Basterd | 27.07.2015 12:00 | Anti-racism | Indymedia | Social Struggles | Sheffield | World

We knew it all along, but finally it has happened. The EDL have finally given way to an openly neo-nazi resurgence they themselves helped propagate through their violent, racist street protests. National Action, the National Front and the NWI are the main beneficiaries, the nazi SDL sweeping up the NE EDL. Members of minorities who participated in the EDL have let their communities down, selling out safety for the sake of a few racist piss-ups.

The numbers might be down, compared to original EDL turn-outs, however to see the National Front gather 60-100 people marching through Wakefield, when until recently they had abandoned street marching tactics, is a sign of how a troubling, noisy, mucous-pumping chest infection has given way to a subtle but deadly pneumonia.

Inspired by former EDL member Joshua Bonehill, National Action, are a brand new, openly and shamelessly national socialist organisation that have only been running for less than two years and already are goostepping through town centres, openly Hitler-loving thugs on the stomp, something that was relatively unthinkable even ten years ago, during the dark days of Nick Griffin's BNP. This latterday group has successfully hovered up the fetid, diseased dregs of the violent Islamophobic EDL and sculptured them into Jew, black and gay -haters.

Jewish, Sikh and LGBT tokenist poster boy divisional members, hang your heads in shame. You have played an active roll in allowing the spores of the British far right street revival to take root. Thanks to you, newly emboldened hardcore neo-nazis of the sort who were run off the streets in the 1980s are once again openly rearing their ugly faces in public. Now you know why so many antiracists called you Uncle Toms - just as the famous novel depicted
minority subservience to majority oppression, so to have you played your role in repackaging British white supremacism for the twentyfirst century.


Inglorious Basterd


Display the following 3 comments

  1. White Man March — Mr X
  2. No Pasaran! — Anti-Fascist Always
  3. fascist scumbags — nazi hunter