UK Indymedia Newswire Archive
police awards - FOXTROT OSCAR !
19-11-2003 21:53
Action at the 4 Courts in Dublin
19-11-2003 21:41
19th Deirdre Clancy, Nuin Dunlop, Karen Fallon, Damien Moran & Ciaron O'Reilly will once more appear for mention in the Four Courts.
19-11-2003 04:19
What is One Global Community all about... In-Short ?Creating... One Global Community
A World Network Of... Community Centers And People.
pics of rhythms of resistance on first anti-bush demo
19-11-2003 01:18
Salonika 7 Hunger Strike: Solidarity Action
19-11-2003 00:49
Seven people arrested last June during the anti-EU Summit demonstrations in Thessaloniki, Greece, are still in prison awaiting trial. Five on them have been on hunger strike for over 41 days and are currently hospitalized in critical condition. A solidarity action has been taking place in Edinburgh since Monday 17th NovemberDie Telegraph die
18-11-2003 00:58
Here is a good article on the good news that the daily bullshit from the Telegraph crap could die soon.The quoted sentences below from the article is worth following up as the CBI are a bunch of pigscum.
Contributors wanted for GM film
17-11-2003 12:17
Contributors are being sought for a film about the last six or seven years worth of campaigning against the introduction of genetically modified crops. If you have video footage of demonstrations, protests, office occupations or direct action, please let us know. We are also seeking people who have a specific personal involvement in the campaign in some way and are willing to be interviewed for the film.Campaign funds to bush/cheney.
17-11-2003 12:05
The tribes chairman and his son have given campaign contributions to the bush/cheney 2004 election cycle. As someone who is a native American Indian I find this most embarrassing to state that I am a Cowlitz Indian after learning that the Chairman of the tribe used Our official name when he and his son gave $2,000 each plus the wife on the council also gave $2,000.The photo of Simon Chapman who is in hunger-strike for 44 days
17-11-2003 11:20
Solaiman Dahdouk 58 days,
Carlos Martinez 44 days,
Fernando Perez 44 days,
Spyros Tsitsas 41 days.
Legal Action Against War (LAAW) PETITION SIGNING
16-11-2003 23:49
We can not stop the war in Iraq, but we can help the citizens claim for war damages, we can use the legal system to bring war mongers to trial no matter who they are!Independent (os) reports MET Police to U-turn on Bush March Route
16-11-2003 19:17
Have to wait until tomorrow's MET/STWC meeting to see if this transpires...analitical medical tests report on the 5 5 hunger strikrs of Thessaloniki
16-11-2003 15:33 petition-alarm call releashed by the 5 hunger strikers' doctors
16-11-2003 15:31
Here is the public petition-alarm call written by the three doctors of the 5 hunger strikers of thessaloniki.....adressing as the only one responsible the greek goverment.But also proving how the goverment is ussing these days the dying 5... as a bite, in order to agress and to force in extreme violence all the solidarity movement at the up-comming (annual) demos of the national feest of 17November....and eventually arrest even more comrades... so athens is gonna be secure for the summer ollympic games...and all americans as well
Run for Freedom Prisoners of Conscience
16-11-2003 14:50
Close the SOA and remember the Prisoners Of Conscience! Jim Toren and Jon Blickenstaff from FootPrints For Peace are leading the way to Ft. Benning to honor those who have volunteered to go to prison in order to bring public awareness to the "Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation" formerly known as the "School Of Americas".The Recruiters of 9/11
16-11-2003 08:59
In this latest excerpt from Chaim Kupferberg's landmark article, Kupferberg looks at the murky background surrounding the 9/11 recruiters, and sets out the following bold hypothesis: if one were to posit the presence of a covert intelligence service behind the actions of the 9/11 hijackers, the most logical place to look would be in the vicinity of al-Qaida's key recruiting agents. Does Kupferberg make his case? You be the judge.where are you when people need you?
16-11-2003 01:21
where was everyone for the thessalonika protest in london today (sat 15th)?tBush State Visit: Corporate Media Coverage
15-11-2003 16:45
Page for collecting together a list of corporate media articles about the Bush State Visit to britain - 19-21st November 2003: