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UK Education Newswire Archive

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Birmingham students say no to a 'career in killing'

24-10-2007 20:32

A group of concerned students today protested the presence of the largest arms company in Europe, BAE Systems, at one of the University of Birmingham's biggest career events of the year.

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Mending electric skillshare this Saturday

24-10-2007 09:18

The second in the Sumac Skillshare series is this saturday, 2-5pm. It's free - come along!

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A Talk with Indian Student Activist Kavita Krishnan

20-10-2007 18:50

A ten-minute introduction talk by Indian Student Activist Kavita Krishnan, President of the All India Students' Association and editor of the CPI(ML) Monthly Liberation.

Excuse poor video quality, heavily compressed to get it online and keep sound as good as possible.

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Treaclemail: don't put words into Gore's mouth, Justice Canute

16-10-2007 06:39

Realclimate weighs into row over judge's remarks on Al Gore film

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student protest forces vice-chancellor concessions

15-10-2007 20:33

Manchester University student union staged a protest under the slogan "education not profits" today. 100 students followed the call and converged on the university's 3rd foundation ceremony headlined by VC Alan Gilbert. After scuffles with security guards, some 25 students broke into the conference centre forcing Gilbert to agree to a public debate.

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Lord Justice Canute and the melting ice-caps

14-10-2007 19:32

Al Gore's advisors respond to High Court ruling

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Anarchism and Feminisms

13-10-2007 14:14

The next in the monthly series of anarchist educationals in Next to Nowhere will be this Thursday October 18th at 7.30. We will be focusing on anarchism and feminisms - discussion anarcha feminism, radical feminism, autonomist feminist and possibly other varieties and their relationship to anarchist thought and struggle.

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Talk in Leeds by Silvia Federici author of 'Caliban and the Witch'

12-10-2007 16:15

MA in Activism and Social Change. Seminar Series 2007-08

Silvia Federici

**** Education and the Enclosure of Knowledge in the Global University ****

6pm. Monday November 5th 2007. Followed by wine reception.

Silvia Federici is long time feminist activist and teacher, co-founder of the Committee for Academic Freedom in Africa and Associate Professor in Political Philosophy at Hofstra University, USA. Her recent work includes: ‘Enduring Western Civilization’ and ‘Caliban and the Witch: Women, the body and primitive accumulation’

Bookstall by Re-pressed Books on the night

LOCATION: Geography Lecture Theatre. Geography East Building. University Road.

More info:

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Defend NUS democracy - meeting, Sunday 21 October

11-10-2007 14:32

Join the campaign to defend democracy in and win a campaigning National Union of Students!

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Take back the night - deterring assault

10-10-2007 12:12

Helping to deter assaults by using a cameraphone

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India against China: global competition, outsourcing, technology politics

10-10-2007 02:41

Talking about China and India! Is India able to move ahead of China soon? What is the next in world trade, finance, outsourcing, politics and international affairs?

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Corporate publishing houses

07-10-2007 03:46

For all the bad press that they receive, a lot of people still believe that Western corporations are making some sort of contribution to improving the lot of people in the third world. Let me present a counter-example.

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Liverpool Anarchist Educational is Class!

05-10-2007 00:17

`We've been conditioned to think that education must be expensive, that it is too complex for ordinary people and must be left to experts, and that it is so vital it is best organised by large and powerful institutions, like the local education authority or the state. Like most things we are taught to believe, this is a lie.' - The Nihilst

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The Grateful Slave by Paines Torch

04-10-2007 09:03

This posted article should be mandatory reading in all schools in the common wealth.
Beginning in pre-school.

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Sumac Saturday Skill Share

04-10-2007 08:37

A series of practical workshops are being run at the Sumac every Saturday. They are free - come along!

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Respect for Basford 'Recycling' Street Art

04-10-2007 00:15

The Oxygen Thievez have done a splendid wall mural near Vernon Road, Basford, as part of the Respect for Basford week.

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Swansea University students launching campaign against Royal Bank of Scotland

03-10-2007 21:50

Campaign Launch meeting at 2pm, 10th October at Swansea University.

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England RFU Club Rugby Sponsored by Corporate Bullies? - RFU Chief Notified

02-10-2007 11:56

Rugby Football Union Offical Website - Linking To Community Rugby
England RFU members, Warlingham RFC and Weybridge Vandals RFC are both sponsored by Crest Nicholson. Under the relatively new ownership of Castle Bidco, (backed by Bank of Scotland and Sir Tom Hunter's investment vehicle, West Coast Capital,) one Welsh Family believes the RFU and its ‘Family Friendly’ clubs should be aware of the companies’ bullying past.

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China against India: global competition, outsourcing, technology, leadership job

30-09-2007 12:46

which nation is going to lead in this century, China, India, or America? What takes to get ahead in borderless finance, wealth, investment, jobs, competition, entrepreneurship?

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'Student Climate Project' takes off!

29-09-2007 22:25

The 'Student Climate Project' is an exciting new activist project by student activists aimed at getting the wider body of students onboard the climate movement. The project holds its launch gathering from the 30th November to the 2nd of December, and has just launched online forums. Everyone is welcome to get involved!
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