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UK Education Newswire Archive

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18-10-2006 16:01

I beieve this has come about from the work of Paulo Freire's and others work. Has anyone ever come across, or been part, or is involved in the Theater of Oppressed?

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'How Not To Teach' published

18-10-2006 14:53

How Not to Teach
If you thought reading Gervaise Phinn was like drinking a warm cup of tea this book will knock you over with the force of a vodka slammer. Mr Read survives the nightmare of planning, Ofsted and his headteacher... he also takes the class to Ireland, the House of Commons and wins a film award. We guarantee Christmas Lights, The School Trip and Stressbusters will make you laugh out loud. A searing assault on our joyless, exam ridden primary curriculum... 'it will take a bare knuckle fight to save its soul.'

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Achin Vanaik on US Imperialism and Political Terrorism

17-10-2006 23:00


Achin Vanaik is an independent Indian scholar and journalist and Professor of International Relations and Global Politics at Delhi University. He was speaking at the Independent and Radical Bookfair in Edinburgh on Friday, 13th of October 2006, about Political Terrorism and the US Imperial Project.
Here are two audio recordings of his talk, which is about 30 minutes, and some notes on the talk.

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Today's Youth: Efficient, Harmonious and Creative

17-10-2006 12:16

For 40% in England, neither career nor consumption are in first place in their desires but downshifting, exchanging a financially attractive but stress-filled career for a less steneous but more fulfilling way of life with less income.

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Big draw at attenbrough pt 2

17-10-2006 11:43

Second part of the pictures from Attenbrough

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big draw at Attenbrough pt1

17-10-2006 11:38

Photos from the big draw at attenbrough.

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Cambridge Student Challenge Rolls Royce

17-10-2006 10:59

Press release about a Cambridge Students Against the Arms Trade action challenging Rolls Royce's recruitment attempts

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Violence empties schools in Iraq

16-10-2006 14:19

In an ordinary year, schools throughout Iraq would have opened for classes on September 20, but this year many in the country are left empty, as schoolchildren are kept at home by the violence that has plagued Iraq's streets.

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Geographers warn of risk to society

15-10-2006 20:46

GGiP puts Geography on the Ridgeway
Give Geography its Place is warning of increased social, economic and environmental risks to society if the media continues to neglect Geography. In a letter to the Secretary for Culture, Media and Sport Rt. Hon. Tessa Jowell over 100 top academics have called for the media to publicly recognise the vital role of Geography and Geographers. The campaign is calling for members of the public to voice support by signing the petition at

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10th Anniversary of the Edinburgh Independent and Radical Bookfair

14-10-2006 17:23

The Bookfair in its new location
Vandana Shiva launched Word-Power's 10th Radical and Independent Bookfair in its new location in the former Royal Scots Drill Hall in Leith on Wednesday evening. A wide range of authors, poets, academics and activists talked about their ideas, work and research and presented their new books to the public.

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Report to UN Disability Convention on use of ASBO's/Injunctions against Disabled

13-10-2006 15:18

There is a continued misue and abuse and 'criminalisation of disabled peoples behaviour' of using ASBO's and Injunctions against all disabled people (both Children and Adults). I myself as a disabled people basic human rights and civil liberities activist and researcher have experienced this here in the East Riding of Yorkshire, UK.

In my voluntary work within the UN Disability Convention I have brought this to the attention (again) of the UN Convention and you can read my emailed report that I have sent today to some of my colleagues and peers within the UN Disability Convention and Disabled People's Movement and also Anne McGuire, Minister for Disabled People

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Leave Them Kids Alone NEWSLETTER Issue 1 October 2006

12-10-2006 10:54

Leave Them Kids Alone
We are campaigning to have the widespread use of biometrics in schools debated in Parliament, and henceforth strictly regulated and closely monitored, with a statutory requirement for explicit parental consent wherever biometrics are used.

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"No" to biometrics

10-10-2006 06:33

translation of statement by well-known Italian philosopher

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RUGRATS launch at University of Reading

09-10-2006 14:42

Ever had the feeling that all politician’s are liars? Maybe when they tell you that thousands of pounds of debt just for getting an education is a good thing, or that it really was about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Ever thought that capitalism sucks, making the rich richer and screwing everyone else? Ever felt like staying in bed instead of going to work?

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global action day for education

08-10-2006 21:11

students against the g8 are calling out for a global action day to fight neoliberalism and for a free education for everyone at november the 30th, 2006.

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Big teacher is watching you!!

08-10-2006 10:18

3500 schools in the UK have introduced fingerprint identification for children

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Voice of the American Atheist Resistance—Update!

05-10-2006 17:05

I’ve been invited to give a lecture at Arizona State University this fall on evolutionary science and its uses in progressive activism. The version of the lecture I wanted to give turned out to be 4 hours long, so I recorded that version in 13 tracks and posted it on my website for free download at .

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US activist Michael Albert talks at Nottingham University, 16th Oct.

04-10-2006 12:14

From the US, founder of Z Magazine, ZNET & South End Press Michael Albert talks on the subject of his new book: 'Realizing Hope - Life Beyond Capitalism'

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Children choose Incinerator as their concern for Lakeside exhibition

04-10-2006 11:45

Children at the William Booth School in Sneinton, were recently asked to take part in an exhibition at Lakeside Arts Centre.

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03-10-2006 21:31

The struggle of the teachers in primary and secondary education for higher wages and free education!
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