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UK Education Newswire Archive

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France -how workers and students won -public meeting monday 15th May

09-05-2006 12:00

Monday 15th May, 7-45pm O’Neills, Great George Street, Leeds
Sacha Ismail –Solidarity Editorial Board, reports on the recent victorious protests and
strikes in France and will discuss what lessons they have for British workers and students?

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East Anglian universities divide over AUT boycott

08-05-2006 22:06

Universities in the region have divided ahead of the final-year exams in East Anglian universities on the issue of support for a boycott of setting and marking currently in force across the AUT lecturer's union.

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East End of London gets connected with world wide media

08-05-2006 17:40

The East London Press is set to break new ground as the first local news service to do video broadcasts daily on the internet. The project is scheduled to get off in June 2006. All the contents will be produced in-house by members of the collective.

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Green Thumbs give Food Bank a hand

08-05-2006 16:42

school children feed the poor

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A level scandal - sign the petition

07-05-2006 15:40

College leaves A level students in the lurch

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Ethical investment 'die-in' planned at Nottingham Uni

07-05-2006 10:49

Students of the Nottingham Student Peace Movement have decided to hold a die-in on May 9 in protest at the University's lack of progress in switching its investments to funds that are ethically managed.

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Women of Zimbabwe - mass arrests over schooling demonstration

06-05-2006 22:08

Over a hundred Zimbabweans are currently in detention for demonstrating against a 1000% increase in schooling fees.

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English Partnerships – A Request To Consider Negligence And Vandalism At The Top

05-05-2006 14:15

English Partnerships Logo Corporate Head Quarters London
Tuesday 2nd May 2006, English Partnerships installed a new Chief Executive Officer at Corporate Headquarters in London. A Crest Nicholson-evicted houseboat Family of 7 from Wales, hand-delivered an urgent letter of appeal for ‘help’, to Mrs Margaret Ford – Chair, and The Board of Directors.

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no corporatisation of EU Universities - Bakaiku!

04-05-2006 23:01

Bakaiku Declaration - no to the Bologna treaty!

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Radical Academics event at the Square Social Centre, May 24

04-05-2006 13:42

spread the word....

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Bradford Students sit-in to support lecturers

03-05-2006 23:40

Following recent announcements that AUT/NATFHE lecturers who refuse to mark exams will be subjected to a pay cut of 25%, around 75 students at University of Bradford occupied the corridor outside the vice-chancellor's office. With lots of Samba and a discussion with the pro-VC, a meeting between AUT, Uni and Students Union reps was agreed.

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SOAS Students take on SODEXHO

03-05-2006 16:18

Students at the London School of Oriental and African Studies are campaigning in solidarity with refugees, against their canteen, which is currently run by SODEXHO, the company which also runs Harmondsworth detention centre.

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End Physical Punishment of Children

02-05-2006 22:20

International No Smacking Day
With the evidence we now have, we know better, in that even if force does not cause physical harm it can cause emotional injury that we may not be able to detect or which may not be apparent until much later in a child‘s life. I suggest that in the 21st century we can no longer accept that such harm caused by physical punishment is “reasonable”. Medical, psychological and criminological research (that I will refer to later), published by Margaret McCain and Fraser Mustard, in Canada, David Olds in America and David Farrington in Cambridge England, provide conclusive evidence that such negative and abusive forms of child rearing impact adversely on a child’s future life, and have adverse consequences for society too.

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Danny Schechter of Globalvision in London Wednesday 3rd May

01-05-2006 00:22

Independent film maker Danny Schehcter will be in London this Wednesday (World Press freedom day) to promote his new film `WMD weapons of mass deception`.

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HBOS Plc AGM - Directors Receive An Appeal for Help From Evicted Boatman

26-04-2006 19:45

HBOS PLC AGM One Man For One Family Delivers A Message
Evicted some two and a half years ago, with his wife and their five children, from their own houseboat property in Penarth Marina, Cardiff Bay, Wales, Vince Shalom delivered an appeal to HBOS Directors at their AGM, (25th April) held at Manchester International Convention Centre.

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Petition in support of lecturers' pay action

26-04-2006 11:42

Education Not for Sale has launched an online petition in support of the AUT and NATFHE lecturers' unions' campaign for decent pay. Please add your or your organisation's name, post on relevant websites and elists and forward to sympathetic people!

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Immaterial Labour Conference and Negri Cambridge This Weekend: 27-29 of April

26-04-2006 04:03

Ed Emery has organized the Immaterial Labour, Multitudes, and New Social Subjects: Class Composition in Cognitive Capitalism" Conference in Cambridge this weekend (August 28-30th). This conference will have a keynote open to the public by Antonio Negri, co-author of Empire on recent events in France.

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East Anglian Social Forum - Ipswich

21-04-2006 18:56

The next meeting of the East Anglian Social Forum will be held on Saturday 6th May from 12-5pm at the Citizen's Advice Bureau in Ipswich.

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Climate Chaos - it's not too late. Meeting in Oxford

17-04-2006 18:28

Public Meeting on climate chaos and radical options for stopping it:
Friends' Meeting house, St. Giles, Oxford
7.30 Wednesday 26th April
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