Radical Academics event at the Square Social Centre, May 24
radical academics | 04.05.2006 13:42 | Education | London
Radical Academics in Neoliberal University Inc: Experiences and Horizons
Join us for an evening of talks, screenings, discussions and a late evening social at the Square Social Centre, London WC1. Wednesday 24th of May, 6-11pm.
Universities across the UK and the US are increasingly driven by a strict corporate logic, leaving less space for alternative, radical voices to be heard. Anarchists were among the first to be hit hard by this: in the US, Ward Churchill (University of Colorado) and David Graeber (Yale University) have been the first victims of a neo-McCarthyist wave.
Using the opportunity of David Graeber’s visit to the UK we are putting together an event to discuss the experiences, horizons and prospects of radical academics working in Neoliberal University Inc today; to find out more about repression against them and how we can help; but also to learn from each others positive experiences, strengthen our links and discuss alternative educational structures!
Speakers to include:
Massimo De Angelis (University of East London, UK)
David Graeber (Yale University, US)
Ed Emery (Universitas adversitatis) (tbc!)
If you want to talk at the event, get yourself some very basic (but free!) accommodation or simply let us know you are coming,
Weds 24th of May 6-11pm
Free & open to ALL!
Join us for an evening of talks, screenings, discussions and a late evening social at the Square Social Centre, London WC1. Wednesday 24th of May, 6-11pm.
Universities across the UK and the US are increasingly driven by a strict corporate logic, leaving less space for alternative, radical voices to be heard. Anarchists were among the first to be hit hard by this: in the US, Ward Churchill (University of Colorado) and David Graeber (Yale University) have been the first victims of a neo-McCarthyist wave.
Using the opportunity of David Graeber’s visit to the UK we are putting together an event to discuss the experiences, horizons and prospects of radical academics working in Neoliberal University Inc today; to find out more about repression against them and how we can help; but also to learn from each others positive experiences, strengthen our links and discuss alternative educational structures!
Speakers to include:
Massimo De Angelis (University of East London, UK)
David Graeber (Yale University, US)
Ed Emery (Universitas adversitatis) (tbc!)
If you want to talk at the event, get yourself some very basic (but free!) accommodation or simply let us know you are coming,
Weds 24th of May 6-11pm
Free & open to ALL!
radical academics