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UK Education Newswire Archive

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Trouncing the Demon Bush Cabal

21-01-2006 02:28

Trouncing the Demon Bush Cabal

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Oxford Remembers Holocaust

20-01-2006 17:20

Hotel Rwanda Film showing & Rwanda survivor, Monday 23rd Jan 7pm, Magdalen Film Auditorium.
Holocaust Survivor: Renee Salt
Holywell Music Room, 4.30pm, Sunday 29th January
Holocaust Memorial Concert,Holywell Music Rooms,29/1,8pm

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Failed your exams? Boot camp!

20-01-2006 14:32

Dutch cabinet plans huge prison camp, for young people who leave school with a qualification.

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The missing Mural

19-01-2006 23:22

the wall wot went!
heres the photos of the main wall at the weekends graff jam

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Ask me about my hunger strike.

19-01-2006 04:41

So first off, I am hungy.

Secondly, let me explain why all this is here.

We are talking about the future, now mind you I know that there are people out there who would say "well the future is unknown so why bother?". So I must say at first that we are talking about projected futures, based on current information.

We, Me, I, the 20 something generation are in a delicate position. We can offer our children avenues down which to travel that lead to a bright and sustainable future. Or we can offer them the dust pan and broom and ask that they clean up our mess.

The choice is up to you.

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Iraqi insurgents tripping

18-01-2006 21:27

Tripping on 'Agent Buzz'

-poisoned or 'out of it'

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Residents angry as council closes recycling centre in Southwell

18-01-2006 21:25

Plans to close a Nottinghamshire recycling centre have provoked an angry reaction from nearby residents.

Hundreds of people living around Southwell have signed petitions against the closure, but environmental officers have said the site is not used enough.

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new campaigning website

18-01-2006 17:53


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Human Relations. Execution Style.

18-01-2006 10:41

An eminent international scholar, Mr. Igor Dubenco, was denied a teaching job at the only educational institution of higher learning in Transnistiran Moldavian Republic (TMR), Transnistria State University (TSU), the degrees from which are accepted by one country only, Russia.

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Resisting the G8 2005 - Book Out Now!

16-01-2006 17:25

Out now at a book shop near you, or order copies via: where the full text of the book is also available online!

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Pic's of Tony Blair visit in Nottingham

14-01-2006 20:28

Some pictures of Tony Blairs Visit in Nottingham

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PM rallies for nuclear power in Nottingham

14-01-2006 09:07

Tony Blair will set out his plans for a new nuclear power policy today, as he attends a Labour Party forum alongside other cabinet ministers, at the East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham. Following here is an article published by the Independent this morning on the issue.

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Norfolk County Council plans to scrap transport subsidy for sixth-form students

11-01-2006 21:45

College heads, MPs and councillors are gearing up for a battle against cuts in travel support for sixth-formers amid warnings they will deter thousands of students and ultimately harm the local economy.

Currently, sixth-form and college students aged 16 to 18 can apply for a discounted bus pass, at the cost of £205 for a year. It is free for students whose families are on low incomes. If the subsidy is withdrawn, these students will have to pay more than £400 a year for their bus pass. As Norfolk is a predominantly rural area, this will cause hardship to students who need to travel several miles to reach their sixth form or college.

One college principal branded the proposal by Norfolk County Council to scrap post-16 transport subsidies, including for special needs students, as "bordering on the perverse".

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Sweden reheated; Police is telling lies says Chancellor of Justice

11-01-2006 08:18

Swedish people legal protection is in danger, when policemen are telling lies. Lambertz told on Saturday on a radio interview, that he believes innocent people beign jailed into Swedish jails.

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Reduce, re-use and re-design your rubbish - new website launched

10-01-2006 18:12

Recyclerbull Arts is researching into arts, crafts and creative workshops that reclaim, reuse and recycle materials.

Can recycled arts and crafts really have a positive impact on attitudes to waste and resources? Are there more qualities to the practice of recycling arts than quirky, clever uses of materials?

At you will find an online questionaire where you can have your say. Give the site a few seconds to load.

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Polish school attempts to crush nonconformism

06-01-2006 21:43

In line with other repression by president Kaczynski, a local school
in Lublin, Poland, is likely to expel student Krzysztof Kowalik for
sporting a radical hairstyle. Your fax/email support in a few quick,
polite sentences would greatly be appreciated by young activists in

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Graffiti Jam 14th Jan!

05-01-2006 23:04

the venue
graff writers, street artists and whateva!!
you are invited to the first u.k.
a paint splash fun fest in oxford on
sat 14th. & sun 15th. Jan 06

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school gardens - academic Success, feed the poor, reducing cost

05-01-2006 14:36

utilizing organic school gardens for improving Academic Performance and social development

Many Links to sustainable technology, Recycling, organic gardening-farming, renewable energy, Permaculture and disaster relief web sites.

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A day of films and talks celebrating class struggle in Britain - The CommonPlace

04-01-2006 20:20

A day of films and talks celebrating class struggle in Britain

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Civtas anti PC booklet

04-01-2006 16:39

Rightwing lonie tune think tank Civitas publishes booklet that attacs PC culture. The author claims that PC culture has helped spread HIV ! amongst other cobblers
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