UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
Observer pulls "eco terror" disinformation article
23-01-2009 23:47

Well now it seems that this article,

Bradford Councillor Anne Hawksworth cars vandalised
23-01-2009 21:04

Shactivist/Vegan Prisoners Birthdays
23-01-2009 20:40
Dan Wadham's birthday is on Feb 3rd, so please send birthday cards! His details are on the Current Prisoners page. Also remember Jonny Ablewhite's on 27 Jan and Heather Nicholson's on 30 Jan.Support the SHAC7UK on Myspace
23-01-2009 18:34
Show some support by adding the SHAC7's Myspace Support Pages.UK SHAC 7 Solidarity; Gothenburg, Vienna & Hamburg
23-01-2009 16:52

Ciba Vision subjected to another creative protest
23-01-2009 11:03

Activism Labeled "Blackmail" - SHAC UK Sentenced
22-01-2009 14:03

SHAC solidarity demos at HLS sites, suppliers, Harlan and Sequani!
21-01-2009 23:15

BBC1 Plague kills "Al Qaida" insurgents = more fears over Camden Super Virus Lab
21-01-2009 21:16
This week's The sun gloats over the deaths of 40 "Al Qaida" insurgents killed by the "West's latest weapon in 'The War On Terror', The Plague Or Black Death".This shed'd some light on what Western laboratories get up to..."saving lives" using gruesome experiments on innocent animals and unwitting people. This shows the depths that the West will stoop to in "The War on Terror" Camden
Netcu Watch // Steve Pearl and Netcu we know where you work...
21-01-2009 20:09
After some netcu related hilarity during the past few days demonstrations at Harlan, HLS Wooley and HLS Occuld we took PCs Bacon and the officer we know as "Dave" in to the main Cambridgeshire Police Headquaters. And a police officer dropped a real clanger.Full article | 1 addition | 22 comments
Netcu Watch // How you might go to prison for not knowing or knowing someone...
21-01-2009 14:34
"Persons Unknown" (the illusive terrorist group) made a special visit to seal the deal in the latest SHAC trial. Whoever these persons unknown are they sure to drop us in it time and time again. Apparently the defence were part of a group which torched cars, used blackmail and intimidation to further the campaign against HLS.SHAC Sentences anounced
21-01-2009 14:18
Activists found guilty of 'conspiracy with persons unknown to blackmail' Huntingdon Life Sciences (HLS) were today sentenced to terms from 4 to 11 years.SHAC trial ends - defendants jailed with disproportionate sentences!
21-01-2009 14:16
We expected the worst, so it is no surprise that massively disproportionate sentences were handed down today after the SHAC trial ended.Greyhound killers' annual awards
20-01-2009 20:56

Hilton Metropole Hotel, London W2
Sunday 25th January, 5.30pm
MiddleThorpe Hall & chefs who love foie gras
20-01-2009 12:18
MiddleThorpe Hall York again selling foie gras & joined up with facebook group "chefs who love all things foie gras" . Why not join this group and leave a nice message!Article on the SHAC 7 [USA]
20-01-2009 06:11
This was published by Herbivore Magazine in one of their mini-books a while back. I realized I hadn't posted it here, and it's not available anywhere else online. Hope you enjoy it.UK SHAC 7 Solidarity Action in Birmingham
20-01-2009 01:58