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UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive

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Food Film Night

08-05-2008 19:06


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Norway Starts Whale Hunting Season

08-05-2008 12:54

Norwegian Whaling Vessel Willassen Senior sunk in 2007

The Norwegians murdered their first whale of the season this week-end. They slaughtered a calf. The Norwegian pirate whalers have set a quota of 1,052 whales for 2008. This despite the fact that the International Union for the Conservation of Nature estimates that Minke whale populations are only half of what was previously thought.

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Jolly Roger - 2 weeks away

08-05-2008 11:14

Nottingham Animal Right's charity Gig to raise funds for the sea shepherd is just two weeks away.

The more people who come the better a chance we haveof future gigs at the venue, so come - it will be fun : )

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Direct Action: UK, Italy, Mexico & Germany

07-05-2008 16:48



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Sheffield Foie Gras victory makes local press

07-05-2008 00:37

It took just one polite phone call to get The Showroom to ditch foie gras! This just goes to show that everyone can make a difference in removing the 'delicacy of despair' from shops and restaurants in Britain.
The following text is taken from

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Open Letter To My Fellow Apes Regarding Civilization

05-05-2008 03:53

Will we destroy all that informs us of who we really are?

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Direct Action + 13 countries = plenty of damage

05-05-2008 00:08

30th April - 4th May

Featuring; Austria, Italy, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Mexico, Sweden, Norway, USA & UK.

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04-05-2008 14:38

International Animal Rights Gathering 2008
New poster

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Big Game, Small Fry, Zimbabwean elephants and suing IMC Antwerp.

03-05-2008 22:01

not exactly John from the telly series "Lost" but wants to mean biz all the same
At first the writ served on behalf of Flemish businessman Geert Vroman & his company SPRL/BVBA Vroman seems to be yet another example of hyperbole and pique. A local businessman accuses a non-heirarchial volunteer collective engaged in progressive media and open publishing of invasion of privacy and demands damage compensation at 10,000 euro (7,820stg) for every hour an article has been on the newswire by serving a writ on a member of the team, Emmanuel Paulus. The article in question is merely a translation from English material available elsewhere on the internet supporting a petition against big game hunting which Vroman was revealed to organise thanks to a Flemish TV and Radio corporation program broadcast on March 9th, 2008. You don't need to be familiar with the European sector peers of the English "Carter Rucks" firm to spot the spoor of a big bully. But tracking the background might lead you to suspect an additional agenda of "West Vlandaaren" extreme nationalism in silencing an indymedia collective whose coverage of Vorman's Big game parties in Zimbabwe (complete with bagged elephants apparently) fell short of details published in the commercial Flemish press.

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Free the Animals of Westlea Animal Prison

03-05-2008 20:35

Western Animal Rights Network (WARN) have ste up a protest camp outside Westlea Animal Rescue, a charity exposed on BBC's Inside Out programme for animal neglect and financial mismanagement.

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Foie Gras Free North: Report

03-05-2008 13:56

A brief report on the Foie Gras Free North (FGFN) campaign. Information about the website, progress and the ludicrously named 'ethcial' foie gras.

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Should Indymedia Antwerpen(Belgium) be removed from the net ?

02-05-2008 23:02

Indymedia Antwerp
Viewpoint Indymedia Antwerp concerning law affair against protest against slaughter

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Message from SHAC: May Raids Anniversary

02-05-2008 19:27

Novartis HQ smashed & painted during HLS march in Barcelona
As I'm sure you're all aware, it was recently the year anniversary of the May 1st raids. Where over 30 people's right to stand up against Huntingdon Life Sciences was stolen from them.

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Guide to antispeciesist stenciling

02-05-2008 10:56

Recently translated from Dated: July 2007.

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Support Sequani Six Letter

02-05-2008 10:35

A Letter of Thanks, to the Supporters of the Sequani Six:

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Urban development sabotaged

01-05-2008 14:51

The Earth and its inhabitants are being raped of their natural resources by the Corporate-State Complex. This is why for the Day of Climate Action we sabotaged this smooth operation in the early hours of April XX.

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Support Antispe!

30-04-2008 19:07

Support Antispe!
Thanks to a militant antispeciesist in France:

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SHAC May Raids Anniversary

30-04-2008 09:42

Picture from TFI France: ALF torch HLS supplier HQ / redistributed by UAAF-TV
As most of you probably know it will be a year tomorrow since the "may raids", when police (i.e. NETCU & co) raided twenty-nine UK homes, searching two addresses also in Holland and one in Belgium, see picture below.

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Foie Gras off the Menu at a 4th Birmingham Restaurant

29-04-2008 21:26

Le Bistrot Romance takes the decision to remove the controversial, animal cruel dish known as Foie Gras off their menu, and the campaign to make Birmingham a Foie Gras Free Zone builds speed.

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Sequani 6 trial coming to an end (Part 2)

29-04-2008 19:38

The historic trial of 6 brave animal activists fighting sec.145 of the Serious Organised Crime and Police Act 2005 at Birmingham crown court which has lasted 4 months thus far has suffered yet another set back.