UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
Lush attacked by extremists - where's NETCU?
19-10-2009 22:51
Several Lush stores have been vandalised by violent exremists who support fox hunting. In some cases staff have been threatened with physical violence.Western Zoo Exposed - Protest Called
19-10-2009 14:42
Original Article -
Ask Cambridge Shops to take Zippos Circus Posters Down!
19-10-2009 13:00

National Antif-Fur March, London 17 Sept
18-10-2009 08:58

Camden Bio Danger Lab NBC suits and gas masks from Camden shops
17-10-2009 17:40
If and when the Camden Danger Lab is here we will need gas masks and NBC suits. They can be got at these shops. : Surplus Plus~3-5 Whitfield Street, London W1T2SA 02076375011 and Laurence Corner 7, East Yard, Camden Lock NW1 8AL 0208-1278249 All people living from and working in f Camden will need these suits and masks. the lab is crazy and must e prevented.WARN: Holdfast Cottage Hotel Stop Selling Foie Gras
16-10-2009 20:58
Another Victory on the WARN ChalkboardCorporate Watch on Sean Kirtley's Release
16-10-2009 19:55
Dissident Island Radio tonight
16-10-2009 18:11

Bulgaria: Plovdiv Accepted False Animal Birth Control Too
16-10-2009 14:35
Today, it was published on the website of the Sofia News Agency, . Sinse 1990, in Bulgaria there is trend of increased pet keeping and roam, while good practice of animal birth control (ABC) remain unaccepted. In 2006 Sofia accepted catch-neuter-releace method to control local dog population size. Plovdiv is considered as the second most populous city.A note from Sean Kirtley
15-10-2009 22:24
Well thanks to Lord Justice Hooper on September 17th at the court of appeal I made it out of the prison system, not without time.WARN - Lush Support Hunt Saboteurs in the West
15-10-2009 20:32
Lush Cosmetics have launched a new type of bubble bar called ‘Fabulous Mrs Fox’, from which, all the proceeds will go to the HSA (Hunt Sabs Association).Crowds Set to Flock to Vegan Extravaganza in Wolves
15-10-2009 13:10

Contact Cheltenham Fur Targets!
15-10-2009 12:03
Please contact the shops below selling fur.Worcestershire Activists Demo Foie Gras Hotel
15-10-2009 09:53
Over the last few weeks activists from WARN have been protesting outside the Brockencote Hall - Country House Hotel & Restaurant.US Appeal Court Upholds SHAC 7 convictions
15-10-2009 09:52
The decision in the SHAC 7 case was filed in the Third Circuit Court of Appeals on October 14, 2009. Although our hopes were high that the court would recognize the constitutional and evidentiary problems raised in the SHAC 7 case, instead the court affirmed all counts and convictions against all defendants.We have a problem in stevenage
15-10-2009 06:54
It looks like the plans for exspanding the Bioscience campus in stevenage will be going ahead, all supported by GSK. From the sounds of thing we have a year befor work starts now how do you think we can stop/delay this, ideas please.Newcastle Animal Rights raided by police
14-10-2009 23:35
Newcastle Animal Rights was raided and police made arrest'sDirect Action; UK & Ireland
14-10-2009 22:15
11th-14th OctoberTARGET: ASTRAZENECA (UK)
**VICTORY** Madeleine Ann removes all fur from shop!
14-10-2009 16:03
Madeleine Ann removes all fur from shop!1 day 2 victories!
Solihull Now Fur Free
Stratford only a few to go!
Change Your Diet, Save the Climate
13-10-2009 01:15