UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
07-04-2006 13:47
The Canadian commercial seal hunt is the largest mass slaughter of marine mammals in the world. It is going on now.Cyberactivism needed.
VPSG Benefit Gig in Digbeth - Sunday 16th April
04-04-2006 12:03
A benefit gig for the Vegan Prisoner Support Group (VPSG) who do a fantastic job in helping animal rights and vegan prisoners get food and toiletries while in prison.Spinning Dead Whales
03-04-2006 15:09
A US study into a mass stranding of whales in North Carlina last year during naval exercises has just been published. The top two links to the story on Google give the impression Naval sonar was found not to be to blame. However, the navy was using active sonar at the time, and the report does state that naval sonar could have been to blame since no other possible explanation was found. Naval sonar was found to be to blame for many other mass-strandings, including most recently on the Costa del Sol in January. In February there has been another mass-stranding in Indonesia - again duing joint naval exercises with the US navy using active sonar.As one scientist said "A deaf whale is a dead whale." I think it is time environmentalists team up with anti-war protestors to overcome this ongoing spin. We should hit the UK naval active sonar programme, specifically the Qinetiq base at Kyle of Lochalsh, which also refits ships bound for the gulf. Anyone interested in a little constructive destruction ?
Street Theatre Raised Awareness of Dairy Cow Suffering
30-03-2006 11:22

SEAL SLAUGHTER: contacts to protest
28-03-2006 11:28

Here some possibilities for free mail, fax and phone action.
Update on Harrods anti-fur campaign and subsequent court case
27-03-2006 20:31
A brief update on the legal action brought by Harrods department store against anti-fur protesters. Following this a more general article about Harrods and the fur trade with background information. For further details see or email:
ALF Strike Fife Deer Farm
26-03-2006 22:45

B&K Demo Venue Change!
26-03-2006 22:32

What and why we've done it:
Alert: B&K Universal Lab Animal Breeders
23-03-2006 02:02

nervous...struggling...1179 severe head tremors and whole body
shaking...staggering in sling, semi consciousness...1183 shaking of head,
unconsciousness....1173 closing of eyes, hind limbs splayed.."
Body shop Day of Action - 1st April
22-03-2006 15:41

Cops Get Tough On Cuddly Toys
21-03-2006 19:34

Greenpeace occupy Morrisons Thornton Lane
20-03-2006 17:35
Morrisons Thornton Lane was today occupied by Greenpeace to highlight the chain's lack of policy for sourcing of sustainable fishAppalling treatment of dogs by a Greek Town Council
19-03-2006 12:58
In Kilkis, Northern Greece, the Town Council operates a "dog pound", for want of a better word, where the dogs are kept in appallingly inhumane conditions, unfed and unwatered for days, their food mixed with their faeces, dogs with distmper among healthy dogs. This is a plea for help from the Kilkis Animal Friendly Society...Full article | 1 addition | 3 comments
Body Shop to be added to Nestlé boycott list if L'Oreal takeover goes ahead
18-03-2006 21:42
Nestlé owns 26% of L'Oreal which is to take over the Body Shop. Nestlé is the target of a boycott over its aggressive marketing of baby foods. While the boycott focuses on Nestlé, all products from which Nestlé profits are added to a list. So Body Shop will go on the list...Vicious attack by hunt staff and supporters leaves two hunt saboteurs in hospital
18-03-2006 21:04
A 999 call had to be made for emergency medical help today after hunt saboteurs were viciously attacked by both hunt staff and supporters of the Cotswold Vale Farmers hunt. Two saboteurs were taken to hospital, one with suspected broken ribs and severe concussion, the other with a suspected broken cheekbone and concussion.Full article | 1 addition | 16 comments
Pro-test meeting at Nottingham University, 20th March
17-03-2006 16:58
The leader of the pro-animal experimentation group "Pro-Test", whose recent small demo in Oxford captured Press attention, will be addressing a meeting at Nottingham University on the 20th March.WORLD DAY FOR LAB ANIMALS
16-03-2006 22:24
After 18 months of standstill, work has now resumed on Oxford University’s proposed massive animal research centre. It is crucial that we make a stand now for the animals before it’s too late.It has recently been revealed that the government has pledged £100million of tax payers’ money to underwrite the project. This is testament to the level at which this government is now under the
influence of the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry.
Full article | 1 addition | 9 comments
Monkeys around Nottingham
16-03-2006 22:14

GET CLUED UP BOUT FOOD Tuesday 28th March 7pm
16-03-2006 20:39
You've seen Supersize Me, know it's time to find out more!Cruelty Free Tasting Evening
16-03-2006 14:18
Do you want to improve your health, the environment and reduce animal cruelty? Come along on 7th April to find about becoming vegan. For only £1 there will be free vegan tasters, an informative talk and cookery demo, info stalls, and goodies to buy.