UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
Film presentation about anti-fur activism in Norway, this Wednesday in Sheffield
21-08-2011 22:58
An activist from the Norwegian animal rights group Nettverk For Dyrs Frihet (Network For Animals' Freedom) will be presenting short films about the group's undercover investigations into the country's fox and mink farms. We'll be starting at 7pm in the Rutland Arms at 86 Brown Street (near to the Showroom Cinema and the railway station). Newcomers are especially welcome!Anti Hunt/Badger Cull March at the Tory Conference
20-08-2011 10:34

Shac: AstraZeneca - don't let them get away with murder... updated contact list
09-08-2011 12:29

US' Cargill 36 MILLION Lbs. of Diseased Turkey Flesh...Criminal Neglect by USG
05-08-2011 04:19
Why did the CDC, FDA, USDA wait several weeks before taking action as peoplein 27 US states died or were sickened?
the trillions of dollars of Cargill clout
66 Recent International Animal Rights News Stories And Campaigns
04-08-2011 21:40
French pate, African ivory burned, KFC continues scalding live chickens in defeathering, McDonald's expands cowkilling further in China, Japan trains police to deal with protests of dolphin killers, Korean activists shut down dog meat festival, Latvians protest UK bear skins,etc.
Animal cruelty in and around the Midlands - Please take action!
29-07-2011 14:55

Who Is Causing the 90 to 150 Degree Days? How To Cool Down the Earth?
28-07-2011 17:25
39 ways to cool down the earth in summer and warm it in winter... please multipostSab Benefit: Active Minds/Jew-Dis/Shankland/Powered By Tofu/Fear The Wolfingtons
27-07-2011 22:56

The Riverside, 1 Mobray ST, Sheffield
Sea Shepherd Film Showing In Sheffield
27-07-2011 22:47

Upstairs in The Rutland Arms, Brown Street, Sheffield. S1 2BS
African Children Vaccinated At Gunpoint. Does Bill Gates Approve?
22-07-2011 12:59
Poster's note:"Vaccines" are developed by killing captive animals. The World Health Organization's 'smallpox vaccine' spread AIDS throughout Africa. (See London Times Science
Editor P Wright May 1987) Now Bill Gates' 'vaccines' are being administered at gunpoint
while Gates along with others who are billionaires through theft.... meet together to discuss
creaks -central reptile and exotic animals breeders keepers society show
22-07-2011 08:27
A large reptile show is lined up for sunday 24 july .at 10:30 am the show will take place at the GLADES at kidderminster,bromsgrove street . pivate breeders will sell captive bred snakes, lizards,amphibians, ect.9 current Animal Rights Stories: Canada, Colombia, China, US, Scotland Etc
22-07-2011 00:50
fox beaten to death, horse dragged behind truck, seal slaughter filmers threatenedwith arrest etc
Activist Legal App now available
19-07-2011 18:47

We hope this App helps Activists across all movements keep in action and out of police stations
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Freedom: Comrades Jailed
17-07-2011 17:41
Seven protestors have been jailed in the last couple of weeks in London and it is likely that more will follow soon.Obviously they deserve our support and also we must do everything possible to avoid others being imprisoned.
Hunt Sabs Benefit - Brighton Punx Picnic this weekend
14-07-2011 15:33

Fortress Drop HLS: It's Official - No More Loan
12-07-2011 03:09
Fortress have been in talks with SHAC volunteers over their stopping of their loan agreement to HLS, this has been a rather protracted affair lasting many months, with Fortress' attorneys being slow to give us the proof we needed. (Remember, Fortress had lied in the past to the campaign, see
Harlan Exposed: Emergency National Demo - Sat
11-07-2011 10:39
"One of the trainers went into a pen and held down a dog with his knee. He was kicking the dog while he held it down to try to subdue it. Then he started punching it and then he held it up by the throat and said to it: ‘So are you going to stop?’” - Ex-Harlan Employee, Russell TriggVivisection breeder Highgate Farm targeted again with arson
11-07-2011 08:40