UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
Anti-Vivisectionists Take Campaign to Downing Street
24-09-2011 00:39
PRESS RELEASEEU opens up on secret fishing deals
23-09-2011 11:28

Global Campaign Resumes Against LAN After Talks Break Down
23-09-2011 01:33
On Monday, NAVA launched into a campaign against passenger airline LAN due to their involvement in shipping primates for vivisection.West Midlands Vegan Festival - Sat 29 Oct 2011
21-09-2011 13:34
Featuring: 80 stalls, 20 talks/workshops, 5 cookery demos, all vegan bar, live entertainment all day, free food samples galore, press-up competition, Vegan Society Awards presentation, Best Vegan Cupcake Competition, after party till midnight and so much more...!!
All welcome, admission is just £1 (under 16's free).

Help to stop fish pedicures in Worcestershire
19-09-2011 16:01

World Week for the Abolition of Meat: 23-30 Sept 2011
18-09-2011 17:54

The aim is to promote again and again the idea that the production and consumption of animal flesh must be abolished.
The idea is to claim loud and clear that it is not only the duty of each individual to stop supporting the murderous exploitation required by the consumption of animal flesh and "by-products", but that it is also, therefore, the duty of societies as a whole to declare themselves
for the banning of farming, fishing and hunting.
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Urgent Appeal - Sab Van Stolen!! Donate Now!!
10-09-2011 06:59

Help Stop the US Army From Poisoning Monkeys!
06-09-2011 05:03
help stop the monkey chemical casualty training During the week of September 12, 2011UK Lab animals to be clubbed to death under EU directive
05-09-2011 17:14
05-09-2011 14:52
Please see the video links at the end of the post
for documentation
Seasons Clothing Remove Fur From Sale
05-09-2011 12:39
SEASONS CLOTHING REMOVE FUR FROM SALE!Slaughterhouse Jobs: Human and Animal Rights Issues
04-09-2011 18:11
Illegal immirgrants hired to the most dangerous occupation in the world.Terrified animals kick, peck workers. Workers killed or maimed by chain saws, knives, hooks. Ear dynsfunction from the constant shrieks of animals fighting for their lives.
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Seasons Clothing Selling Real Fur - Take Action
04-09-2011 15:28

Leading animal rights activist issued ‘Section 49’ notice
02-09-2011 22:01
One of the U.K.’s leading animal rights activists has been served a ‘Section 49’ notice in an attempt to force him to reveal the secret encryption code for his laptop computer.Conservation organisations merge in effort to build momentum on bluefin tuna
01-09-2011 18:52

The fox cub hunting and sabbing begins
30-08-2011 21:25
Fox hunters begin to train their young hounds to kill by hunting fox cubsNurofen and animal rights
26-08-2011 06:38
Tablets in many nurofen packets have been replaced with anti-psychotic drugs. A wholesaler error is the most likely root of the problem. But that hasn't stopped DM from blaming animal rights campaigners!The Black Fish is looking for crew members
25-08-2011 20:33

Fur Trader In Gateshead Metrocenter
23-08-2011 17:31
Northern activists have located a fur trader in the metrocenterthe company called Demure Leather , Upper green mall , Metrocentre , Gateshead , NE11 9YG. Telephone: 0191 460 9046
US Presidential Candidate Texas Governor Rick Perry: A Bilderberger Criminal
22-08-2011 17:56
As Cameron has his idly rich foxhunting supporters, Perry has his coterieof petroplutocrats, pharmaceutical vivisectors like Merck, malathion
manufacturers, cattle ranchers, feedlot owners and butchers.