UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
Anti-vivisection demo, Oxford, 23 Jul - the speakers
28-07-2005 19:20

Anti-vivisection demo, Oxford, 23 Jul - placards etc.
28-07-2005 19:13

Anti-vivisection demo, Oxford, 23 Jul - Pics and report
28-07-2005 18:30

Boycott animal circus & join this protest
27-07-2005 19:57

U$A: Activists held: Terrorist Task Force raid on IWW/Animal Rights home
25-07-2005 04:30
Please help if you can. US Anti-Terror squads detain Animal Rights/Trades Union/Socialist Activists in New Jersey Raid. More Raids feared.Gary Batchelor, 1958-2005
24-07-2005 00:36

Researchers Speak Out Against Animal Tests
23-07-2005 14:36
The scientific director of Europeans for Medical Progress today spoke strongly against the building of the proposed primate experimentation lab in Oxford. The lab's construction has so far been halted for just over a year by popular protest.The 'Big Issue' Supports Animal Cruelty!
20-07-2005 16:04

14-07-2005 17:52
SERBIA: BELGRADE ZOOFrom Merritt Clifton’s email
(regarding Belgrade Zoo story)
I would point out that the message
of a campaign about the zoo could either be,
"Don't visit the zoo because it is cruel to
Animals," or
"Come see what we need to fix at
the Zoo, and help us do it. The Animals are
counting on your help."
Freedom March & Rally - Brum coach transport
14-07-2005 17:29

Activists face thousands of Cancer Research supporters in Hereford
10-07-2005 15:48

06-07-2005 22:31
The Center For Consumer Freedom have several websites (,, etc..) and runs commercials to inform and protect us from "the growing fraternity of food cops, health care enforcers, militant activists, meddling bureaucrats, and violent radicals" but are in fact a fake front for corporate America and FOX news that want us to buy their products (oh and die from diabetes, cancer, heart disease and liver failure.)AR activist arrested outside Thomas Cook in Worcester
28-06-2005 21:31

Animal activist arrested for not giving over her name to filth during a Gateway to Hell demo outside Thomas Cook in Worcester.
Corruption in "Good Ol" North Carolina?
27-06-2005 17:14
Is there a “Good Ol Boy” Network in North Carolina?ICELAND- On its Whaling policy
25-06-2005 14:48
Reply received from Icelandic Embassy on its Whaling policy in response to a Greenpeace campaign.EXPOSED - Center for Consumer Freedom
24-06-2005 17:53
The Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) (formerly called the "Guest Choice Network") is a front group for the restaurant, alcohol and tobacco industriesRedditch Council fishing plans spark protest
24-06-2005 00:00

Vivisection industry suppliers DHL get a hammering at their Tewkesbury depot
21-06-2005 21:24
DHL's Tewksbury depot (Sequani labs local supplier) had a nasty surprise today when six activists armed with noise making equipment converged on their site once again on the Ashchurch business estate.