UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
The London Zoo’s Moonbat Exhibit
05-09-2005 15:40
The London Zoo’s Moonbat Exhibit“Saved” Newchurch Guinea Pigs Victory March Sat 3rd September 2005
03-09-2005 23:41

Animal sanctuary in desperate need of help
02-09-2005 04:14
Thornberry animal sanctuary near Sheffield, UK will close down within one month if funds are not raised quickly.badgers due to be killed in wiltshire.
30-08-2005 13:36
badgers are due to be trapped and killed for the fifth year running in the devizes area by DEFRA in a scandlaous and technically illegal "scientific experiment" . volunteers required to survey and monitor setts.Thought Police ban AR activist from the UK
25-08-2005 12:54

Hunt Master charged with assaulting police officer
25-08-2005 07:32
Hunt master in court to face charge of assaulting police officer during March meetPantene Pro-V, testing with animals
24-08-2005 15:18
Open letter to Pantene Pro-VNewchurch National Demo will go ahead as planned
24-08-2005 10:29

newchurch guinea pig
23-08-2005 11:17
is this really a victory or a strategic retreat? watch the bones returned by agent provocateurs and AR take the blame.The Beginning and the End of Life
23-08-2005 01:12
Ten years post - war, Serbia continues her legacy of destruction.Victory for animal testing centre
19-08-2005 11:33
The extremist leaders of a high-profile animal rights movement were forced into bankruptcy by the testing centre the campaign was aimed at.Real Radio- Blood on their Hands!
15-08-2005 00:54
Real Radio are advertising for Covance who have been exposed numerous times for animal abuse. Below is an extract from an undercover investigation at their Harrogate labs:"When i saw the sick monkey, i could not believe his condition. This morning he was a very lively monkey... As I looked i saw him, he could only just about sit on his perch. He had his head between his knees and he was making short howling noises. As he looked up at me i saw his pitiful withdrawn face... As he slowly tried to turn towards the back of his cage, he fell of his perch onto the metal grid bottom. He had dried blood stains around his mouth."
Brum day of action against animal cruelty
11-08-2005 15:30

Inspiring film about the life & death of an activist
09-08-2005 22:33

Also below, details of a horror novel dedicated to Jill, written by her mother Nancy.
'Hen Heaven' Under Threat. Can You Help?
07-08-2005 16:58
'Hen Heaven' in Henfield, Sussex provides refuge for around 800 rescued (mostly 'battery') hens and some turkeys. But now it is threatened with closure because the owner is ill and can't cope with the workload.BBC bias on vivisection - join the protest
03-08-2005 13:08

The Beloved Director Of The Belgrade Zoo, Vukosav Bojovic
30-07-2005 18:45
The Orang-utan TradeUndercover cops attend Brum circus protest!!
30-07-2005 18:25
Zippos Circus are currently in the Hay Mills area of Brum. Due to their use of animals(horses, dogs & birds), a protest took place to encourage a public boycott. Undercover cops showed up and left protesters wondering WHY??Read the demo report below
New Jersey Activists Rearrested 7/29/2005
30-07-2005 02:05
Following Anti-Terrorist Task Force raid and arrests last weekend, New Jersey activists have been rearrested today [7/29/2005]. They need your support now!High Court rejects 2nd bloodsports challenge
29-07-2005 16:10