UK Animal Liberation Newswire Archive
Pics From HLS Nationwide Demo
11-11-2007 00:45

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F.I.T @ Huntingdon Life Sciences March Pt2
11-11-2007 00:35

Camde planning chief councillor Mike Greene "rules out Camden danger lab".
09-11-2007 04:53
Planning chief Mike Greene, for the first time ruled out the MRC?NIMR bid for Brill Place in Camden after angry locals and animal rights activists "pinned councillors to the wall" in Camden Town Hall.Face to face with Huntingdon Life Sciences
06-11-2007 22:05
This Saturday November 10th protest in Huntingdon against HLS.badgers die in pain at go;f club
04-11-2007 23:13
badgers die so people can play golf .demonstaration against Camden Danger Lab
02-11-2007 23:45
A mixture of groups have organised ademo at Camden Town Hall against a "danger lab" to be built in Camden!!5th November Camden Town Hall Judd St London WC1
Protest at Camden Town Hall re : Danger Lab [To be built] 5th November 6.30
01-11-2007 06:52
Protest against "The world's largest virus containment facility /animal testing lab"to be built in Camden - on Somers Town Council Estate.The protest is Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, Camden, London WC1.
Monday November 5th 6.30pm
MI5 leaked the news to the Evening Standard newspaper amid security concerns when the NIMR / MRC bid for the land and also when they bought land on Hampstead Road where work has already started......
Protest against "world's largest ever animal testing lab & virus containment lab
01-11-2007 06:34
The protest is against the sale of govt land to the NIMR / MRC - in order to build the world's largest ever animal testing lab & virus containment facility. The site is at Brill Place, Camden - London, on a council house estate & very close to Kings Cross / Channel Tunnel link. MI5 leaked the news amid security concerns.Protest at Camden Town Hall - Judd Street - {off of Euston Road}. Camden London WC1 - 5th November 6.30pm
Midsummer House – Caught with Their Trousers Down!
28-10-2007 22:13
Section 14, cancelled bookings and waiters pull their trousers down - an eventful demo!NETCU backtrack in brown nosing with vivisectors shock
28-10-2007 18:59
The shady police advisory body known as NETCU (National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit) have stopped promoting pro-vivisection groups and multinationals on their links page at'The Animals' film screening with Q & A with Victor Schonfeld
26-10-2007 14:18
Friday 9th NovemberScreen 2, 8pm midlands arts centre (mac)

On only its 3rd night on-air, Channel 4 screened The Animals Film, broadcasting it entirely uninterrupted by any commercial breaks. This remarkable, pioneering and definitive documentary about the exploitation of animals in modern society caused huge shockwaves and received worldwide critical acclaim: Pick-of-the-Week & Pick-of-the-Day in all UK national newspapers, and extensively covered in front-page news and feature stories across the world. 25 years after its release, this controversial classic is still shockingly relevant today in its analysis. With music by Talking Heads and Robert Wyatt.
Free Vegan Food Fair in Kings Heath, B`ham
26-10-2007 13:27

M. Yates Up To Their Old Tricks? Live Exports Info Needed!
25-10-2007 23:44

SHAC AR Prisoner Moved to new jail
25-10-2007 09:47
Greg Avery moved from Prison to Prision.Vegan day celebration, Bradford
24-10-2007 20:19
Come along to the Tree House on November 1st to celebrate world vegan day.Animal abuse as Art
24-10-2007 14:21
'This is one of those things you come across and just have to blink a couple times and ask, “is this real?”. In fact it is'Demonstration - Tesco Turtle Slaughter, Liverpool
24-10-2007 11:23

Midsummer House - Campaign Site
22-10-2007 22:43
New campaign site against Midsummer House in Cambridge